Lunch Dates & Mistakes

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"So..." Dad drawls as he enters the living room, plopping down beside me.

I furrow my eyebrows at him slightly and look over from my phone. "What?"

"Whatcha doin'?" He asks suggestively.

"Texting Lauren." I have to bite my bottom lip to keep a smile from spreading across my face. "Why?"

"Oh, you mean my future daughter-in-law?" Alejandro winks, making my face flush red.

"Dad, stop!" I complain, the corner of my lip twitching upwards. "We're not even dating yet."

"Still?" He seems deflated. "Last week on Christmas, you guys seemed so couple-like."

"I know." I admit, sighing. Truthfully, I long to call Lauren mine. To be able to say, yeah, Lauren is my girlfriend, and know that it's true and she is saying the same thing to someone else. But we haven't talked about it—the question—and I definitely hard to avoid it much longer as it's on everyone's tongue.

"Why don't you ask her?" Alejandro suggests, shrugging.

"I don't know." I share the half-lie, running a hand through my hair. "I'll have to plan it out. It has to be perfect, you know? It's Lauren."

"Take your time, mija." Dad slouches back, pulling his phone out. "It's not like she's going anywhere."

"Yeah." I exhale a breath of relief.

If I'm going to be honest, the reason why I haven't asked Lauren the big question is that I'm afraid maybe she will remember the twisted things her parents graffitied into her head. She'll think it's wrong and we'll be back to how we started—strangers.

But I'm sure that won't happen.

My phone dings and I smile down at the message that assures me even further.

Right now: My Girl: oh my god, Camz! Sometimes, I worry. But it's normally just how I deal with my overwhelming affection.

Alejandro gets up and grabs a mug from inside the kitchen and returns beside me, handing me the mug. Inside is warm tea. "Kiddo," he sighs.

"Yeah?" I say, confused, looking up from typing mid-text.

"I know you've been so happy lately with Lauren and such and maybe a few things have slipped your mind but... Sarah contacted me yesterday saying Sofi was upset with you and maybe you guys should talk." Alejandro explains slowly, watching my features closely.

"Oh, no..." I exhale, running my fingers through my hair. "I totally spaced with everything with Lauren and her family and then mom... I feel awful."

"Apparently, it's been affecting her school. You should really text her." Dad tells me, patting my arm.

"Yeah, definitely." I quickly shoot my little sister a message, feeling guilt building up in my heart.

My phone: Sofiiiiiii! I'm so so so so so so sorry. Please reply whenever you can. We can talk about whatever you want for however long you want.

Almost immediately, my phone buzzes in my hand. I look down so quickly, probably causing whiplash, but it's just Lauren.

Right now: My Girl: aww, haha. Hey, want to go get pizza for lunch? Since it's our last day off of school and all.

"Dad," I look to my father, who tend his head to give me his attention. "Is it cool if I go out with Lauren for pizza?"

"Just be back by dinner." He says, smiling before he looks back down at his phone.

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