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Chapter 10

"Did you sleep well?" Justin's voice murmured in my ear, a raspy sense that made the goosebumps rise on both my arms unintentionally. It wasn't until recently that I began noticing that the air around us was becoming more intense, making the air in my lungs more intense. Short and sharp breaths were all I could focus on whilst my vision became blurrier for each second that passed. Justin was the only thing that stayed clear in my eyes.

It may only have been in my imagination but I did notice Justin's breathing to be slower too. Was it because of the air or because he stayed calm in my presence? Was I breathing this slow due to the air or Justin himself? Maybe I was unaware of the power his body signals gave away.

In a way, I was petrified.

"I did," I said and wondered what time it was. How long had it been since the last time I had my phone? Hours? Days? It felt like ages ago but I knew that was probably only because I was unused to not having the time with me.

Justin seemed to be struggling with the same thing because he kept looking around himself, seeing if he could find something that would possibly tell us how long we had been here now. All I knew was that it was way too long and we didn't have much time left. I think we both could feel our bodies slowly giving up.

I saw him staring at the hole in the ceiling and I already knew what he was thinking. I wanted to tell him no, immediately. There was no point. He was going to ask me about it sooner or later anyway. My answer was still no. I didn't want to put our lives at risk.

"How's your foot doing?" Without being able to stop myself, I found my right-hand sweep over his ankles. It was a slow move but he didn't seem to mind. It made me smile.

Justin shrugged, "I think it's a little bit better."

"That's good."

I didn't know what else to tell him. I couldn't help him any further. I knew he would be okay and that it probably (well, at least I hope) wasn't that serious. But I know that injuries suck and I was feeling for him. It can't be easy to be injured whilst stuck in an elevator, it probably only increases your frustration.

My frustration for our situation has died down slightly. I don't feel as concerned anymore. I already know that it's unnecessary for me to be scared, it's only going to waste more energy and I need as much energy as possible. I don't know what exactly we're waiting for anymore, it seems to me that it's impossible for us to get help now. They would have already gotten us out of here.

Justin's gaze kept staring at the ceiling, knowing that a way out could be waiting for us on the other side. But I also knew that the chances of us getting out of here were minimum. The risk of me fucking something up was too big for me to ignore. If anything, I did not want to be the cause of our death. I could already imagine all of the rumours and headlines that would be after a disaster like that.

Girl killing Justin Bieber in an elevator.

Hell, people would think I set us up to get stuck here. My name would be thrown under a bus and I would get the blame for all of this. I wouldn't be able to defend myself. Yeah, I am not letting that happen. If we do die, we die together in this elevator and that's period. It did give me some disturbing thoughts but I couldn't keep them to myself, so I took a deep breath to begin a hard discussion.

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