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Chapter 30

Throwing yet another pair of clothing on the floor, I realised I should probably get rid of half my closet. I already knew that I was never going to use multiple items inside of it, the proof is on all the clothing pieces I had thrown on the floor due to its ugliness, but I also knew that I sucked at getting rid of things because what if I'll need this in a year? There's the slightest little possibility that it'll happen but the chances are still there, so usually, I was really bad at throwing things out.

I took a deep breath, trying to remember the time Justin said he would be home again. He had been working all day, leaving me by myself here to try and find something to do. Most of my day had been spent at the TV if I'm going to be completely honest but I was finally doing something productive, well almost, I was just re-organizing my closet.

It was at least something. I'm going to get bored of Netflix if I don't do anything else in between. In reality, all I had was a craving for Justin's attention but I didn't want to interrupt him at work and especially not with his upcoming projects being so special to him. He's been talking about the album for the last few weeks and I don't want to slow the process down or distract him from finishing it.

So, I stayed away whenever he said he was going to work. It was for the better and I also knew that his team and producers were really appreciative of that decision of mine. Apparently, his past girlfriends have been against him working so hard instead of spending more time with them. I get their point because it is quite lonely here at home by myself, but I believed in him and his music and I want to hear the results as much as anyone else done. He was really great at what he's doing so why would anyone want to try and stop that?

I had been searching for a job to apply to online earlier, while I binge watched all five seasons of Orange is the New Black, but I had found nothing. I was unemployed which would have stressed me out for a year ago but considering I lived in a million dollar house with a millionaire to boyfriend, I'm literally the definition of chill

Yet, I did need to come up with something to do during the days, damn man.

Checking through the pile of clothes again, I decided that I was too tired to take it all up now (regretting my choice of throwing it all on the floor) so instead of cleaning it up, I decided to leave it for another time. Twenty minutes of sorting clothes were enough, who had the energy to spend another twenty to put it back? I barely did any changes anyway.

Justin was probably going to ask me about that clothing pile later but by then, I would have made up my mind whether to keep or get rid of the stuff (who was I kidding? I want a big closet, nobody's throwing anything out - but for the sake of it, especially to make my soul feel great, I'll just pretend a little while longer). It was an easy decision to make, the clothes are ugly but hey, who knows, I might change my style one day? I have to be prepared for all occasions.

Okay, what to do next...

...Oh, I should definitely check out the bathroom collection. We probably have a bunch of stuff in there that needs to get rid of... Or, at least, pretend like it needs to get thrown out.

I bought so much skincare these days that there's no chance of me using it all. If you entered the main bathroom, the one in the bedroom that I spent the most time in, you could probably think you've entered a Sephora. There's skin care, everywhere. And it's funny, it's all mine. If people would walk in here, which no one would really do that often since it's our private bathroom in our bedroom (we have guests bathrooms that I would recommend instead), everyone would think that the stuff belongs to me because it says women's use on all of them. 

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