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Chapter 35

I stared at the clock, blinking each time it made a move. It was a way to distract myself in order to try and forget about the fact that I had given in. I knew that I probably shouldn't be here and especially not when I haven't told Justin, sneaking around was not the way to go right now but for some reason, my urges had been unable to stop.

"Here you go," An all too familiar voice interrupted my thoughts and I broke the stare from the watch, seeing two cups of coffees being places in front of me. I smiled sarcastically. 

"I'm not meeting with you because I miss you," I mumbled, seeing Benjamin's smirk grow as quickly as I came in touch with him inside the small coffee shop he had agreed to meet me at. It was a low-profile coffee shop that I knew not a lot of people recognised, which was great since I didn't want to be seen with him in public, "It's only because I need to know what you want."

"I want you-"

"You can't have me," I interrupted him, the tone of my voice changing from tolerating to annoyed, I had an urge to stand up and walk away but I knew that would be dumb. I had to stay, to fix this so Justin and I could leave peacefully by ourselves, "Next."

He shrugged, giving me a teasing look that I immediately wanted to slap off his face, "Then, I want money."

"I can't give you that," I sighed, knowing I had literally nothing on my bank account now that I didn't even have a job. I recall how Justin told me that it was the solution to all this, giving him money, and I also remember how he said he was fine with it. I didn't want to do that, especially not let Justin handle my mess. This was supposed to be for me to fix. 

"Well, your boyfriend can," He laughed as if he had read my mind and I once again had the urge to slap him. His annoying facial expression told me that he was being serious and wouldn't leave without an offer but what he didn't know was that I wouldn't leave without fighting either. 

"I don't care," I shrugged and instantly shut down his suggestion, knowing my worth and how he had no right to try and boss me around as if he had some stupid power over me, "I'm not using his money to get rid of you."

"Rid of me?"

"Yes, rid of you," I repeated, my teeth biting my inner cheek to make sure I kept myself from being too rude. I was on the edge of yelling, my mind repeatedly telling myself to not cause too much of a scene considering the little coffee house didn't have too many guests here, "Usually you get rid of things you don't want. I don't want you."

"That's a little harsh, baby," He laughed and I tried to keep out the fact that he was a manipulative asshole, the word baby having some sort of effect on me that I instantly shook off. Why was I allowing him to do that to me? I wasn't the slightest interested in him yet my body reacted to when he teased me. "Ellie always thought different of me."

I felt the coffee get stuck in my throat as I heard the name of someone I'd pushed out of my mind a long time ago. The memories instantly hit me and I tried to regain control over my voice in order to ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, "I'm sorry?"

"She loved screaming my name whenever you couldn't hear," He was smirking which lead me to believe that he was bluffing. Ellie might not have been a big fan of me and Justin but she was my best friend before all of this happened, she would've never slept with my ex-fiancée, "You never noticed, every Wednesday night, during my late working nights? Nobody works to nine at my job."

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