Lesson Twenty-Four: Choose Your Friends Wisely

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Chapter Twenty-Four

That letter really freaked me out. I didn't know what to do with it because what they said was just so fucking stupid. I mean, who would even think to write that? The handwriting changed throughout the letter so I couldn't even recognise who wrote it.

They also said that I know who they are but it had been a week, I was setting off for school in like, fifteen minutes and I didn't have a fucking clue who did it!

Also, what was with the 'I'm not good enough for who I was hanging around with'? How is that relevant in any way, shape or form? Was someone jealous of me? Was it a girl? But then they said they wanted to 'fuck my brains out' and so that ruled that theory out... or at least I think it does.

I had slept with a few lads but none of them were tapped enough to write that shit! Cole would tell me to my face, James doesn't even know me hardly and the rest... well I'd be surprised if they could spell, never mind know what a pen was.

"BAILEY!" I jumped in surprise, my arm knocking my bowl of cereal, milk spilling all over the settee.

I turned to glare at Henry. "Thanks for that."

He glared back at me. "I've been shouting your name for about ten minutes." He told me. "Are you ready?"

I gestured to the bowl of cereal, that still had over half in it. Then I looked in the actual bowl and saw how soggy it all was. Ew. Soggy cornflakes were the worst. "I'm still eating." I tepidly took a spoonful and ate a little bit.

I shuddered mentally and gave up. "Okay, give me five minutes." I binned the contents and threw the bowl in the sink before grabbing my black trainers and putting them on. Taking a look in the mirror, I made sure my hair was looking okay. I had left it down today straightened and I had my make-up looking half-decent.

"Where is your bag?" He asked, stood by the door with his car keys in hand.

"Couldn't find it. I have my pen." I showed him and walked past him towards the car.

"Fuck sake Bailey, you need to be more organised." He sighed whilst following behind me.

It was just before 8:30am and I was exhausted. Trying to figure out this letter and who had written it was really pissing me off. Half the problem was trying to figure out who had written it. Who had I pissed off enough to write a letter? I had actually had my first civil conversation with Cole and I was getting on with everyone at school...

It honestly didn't make any sense! Besides all of that, nobody from school bar Cole knew where I lived... or that's what I hoped. I mean, they knew I knew Cole beforehand so maybe they put two and two together?

Goddammit! All I was doing was making half-hearted second guesses! I needed to be more clinical so that when I beat the shit out of them, I wouldn't get kicked out of the damn school for no reason.

Not only that, but if it was someone from school, it would mean that they'd be watching me. Were they taking pictures? Did someone have a bedroom wall covered in my face without me knowing? You know, kinda like Holly...

My eyes widened. Could it be Nathan? Fuck! It could be anyone!

I slammed the car door shut and ignored Henry's frustrated look by staring out the window, watching Cole's grandma put her bins out.

"What has been wrong with you lately?" He snapped.

I turned to him indignantly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

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