Chapter Six

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     Having got myself washed and dressed I headed for the party, wearing a pair of fitted jeans and a cut up t-shirt. I had cut the sleeves off the black baggy top and the hem, bringing it up to just under my breasts. The remainder of the right sleeve hung off my shoulder as I had also cut up the neck line too. I was too hot to be covered up too much, even after my cool shower I could still feel my temperature rising. As I walked out of my room I was instantly greeted by the sound of music. I cautiously walked down the stairs and headed towards the party, passing partying pack members as I went. It appeared that the alcohol was in full flow as some people were already a little tipsy, which meant they had drunk a hell of a lot. Due to our higher than normal body temperature, we burnt through the alcohol rather quickly. Due to my current state it would probably take twice as much for me to start feeling the effects but I was willing to test that theory. I had been through enough the last couple of days, I just wanted to numb myself and forget everything for one night. As I entered the kitchen I spotted the alcohol and proceeded to pick up two bottles of tequila. Stepping outside I put the bottles down at the edge of the pool and rolled up my jeans, sitting down with my feet in the water I opened one of the bottles. I took a deep breath before downing the lot, followed by the second one. I sighed in disappointment when I felt nothing, my suspicions proving to be correct. I got up intending to grab another couple of bottles but as I walked towards the house, my head began to spin slightly. I felt a little wobbly on my feet and every inch of me tingled, it seemed the tequila was enough to get me tipsy. Smiling I walked inside, on slightly shaky legs and grabbed a bottle of vodka and necked back half of it. I laughed as I felt the effects of it instantly. Steadying myself I headed for the source of the music, swaying as I went, the louder the music got the more I danced. When I reached the middle of the crowd I slowly raised my arms above my head and moved my body along with the music. I had become one with the music, letting it soak into me. I closed my eyes and l let it take control. Soon the room was jam-packed with people, pressing their bodies together. I smiled as tingles shot through me as several bodies brushed against my own. Moaning quietly, I embraced the warming feeling that filled me and electrified the air. The atmosphere in the room started to feel thick and heavy, opening my eyes I witnessed everyone grinding up against each other; it would seem that the side effects of my heat had rubbed off on them. I knew I should have been concerned but I was passed caring at this point, besides they seemed to be having a good time. I gasped as someone grabbed my hips, pulling me back against their hard warm body. I instantly started wriggling my body sensually against them, giving into my inner wolf. She was feasting on the touch of this unknown male, if my senses weren't so clouded by alcohol I'd be able to scent him. Neither I nor my wolf cared who it was; we were just enjoying the small release it was giving us. He trailed the tip of his nose up the side of my neck in a way that felt ever so familiar.

"You'll be the death of me." he whispered in my ear, his lips on my skin making me moan.

My pleasure was short lived as his voice sunk into my head and something inside of me snapped. I stopped moving and tensed up immediately, he must have noticed as his grip tightened on me.

"Get your hands off me Jai." I spat through my teeth.

"Ray don't do this, please." He begged but his words meant nothing to me.

"Jai it's too late, it's already done." I said as I forced myself out of his arms.

I made my way through the sweaty crowd, the heavy atmosphere lifting as I went. The party had lost all appeal to me now, I just wanted to get out of there and go to bed away from everyone. Just as I walked into the hallway I found myself face to face with Carrie. Her over made up face made me cringe, the over powering stench of her cheap perfume wasn't much better either. She sneered at me as I tried to walk past.

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