Chapter Twenty one

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    After Cole had left, I locked my door and curled up on my bed in tears. Several times Helena and the boys had tried to get me out but I just couldn't. I couldn't deal with the fact that he had left me. I knew he said he'd be back but what if he wasn't? What if something happened to him? What if, heaven forbid, he found someone else? Someone who could allow themselves to love him fully. Someone who could truly trust him. Even these thoughts themselves had me crying harder, my body shaking harder and harder with every passing minute. Before I knew it I felt myself slowly drifting asleep, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I woke up to darkness, judging by the quietness of the house, I guessed it was the early hours of the morning. Rolling over and looking at my alarm clock only confirmed my suspicion. I groaned as I saw it was three o'clock. I considered going back to sleep but there was no chance, not after how long I had slept already. Instead, I found myself dragging myself out of bed and making my way to my bathroom. I turned on my shower, letting the room fill with steam. Once the water was hot enough, I stepped inside and let the water wash my worries away. I took my time washing myself but no matter how many times I scrubbed myself, I could still smell him. His cinnamon scent torturing me, reminding me over and over again that he had gone. A small part of me felt slightly comforted by it, overall though, it was the cruellest form of torture. After finally giving up, I shut off the shower and wrapped a huge fluffy towel around myself. Stepping out onto the cool wooden flooring, I walked lifelessly to the mirror, dreading what awaited me. I was right to dread my reflection, as I looked like the bloody creature from a horror film. My skin was pale and dull, covered in red blotchy patches. My eyes were bloodshot and my hair, which was now dripping wet, was tangled. I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed my face with cold water, hoping it might make me look a little less like death warmed up. Venturing back into my bedroom, I slipped on a blue pair of Chris's old shorts, which I had pinched years ago and a black vest top. The shorts being as old as they were, now were slightly snug on me but they were still more than comfy. I looked over at the mirror as I tried to brush the knots from my hair, grimacing every time the brush got stuck. After what must have been close to ten minutes, I twisted my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. Shivering from the coldness of the wooden floor boards, I grabbed a pair of Alec's old football socks, another item clothing I had pinch from the guys. Not that they cared, I was always wearing their stuff and 'forgetting' to give them back. I sat on my bed and pulled on the long socks to just over my knees. It wasn't the most attractive look in the world but I was comfortable. Besides, I wasn't planning on stepping out of my room. I walked over to my desk and turned on my laptop. Since I had missed so much school, my dad decided it would be in my best interest to sign up to online courses. So far though I had been avoiding it like the plague but with Cole gone and nothing better to do, I decided to get started on it. Oh how joyfully fun my life had become, not!

Several hours later, I had finished up all the work that had been sent to me, so far. I had listened to everyone move around and getting themselves ready for the day. Once again pretty much everybody had tried to get me to come out. I just told them I was busy and hey, it's not like I was lying. Even my dad had come up and knocked on the door, once he realised he wasn't going to get anywhere with me he left. Not before telling me that Charlie and he were taking Chris and Jai for some intense training. So now it was just me in the house all by myself, just the way I wanted it.

As my stomach rumbled loudly, I decided it was about time I finally had something to eat. I was beyond starving but I hadn't wanted to risk bumping into anyone. I cautiously stepped out of my room and headed down the stairs. As I reached the bottom step I stood there for a moment, just to see if I could hear any movement around the house. Thankfully, I was greeted by silence. I ran to the kitchen and ripped open the fridge door, grabbing pretty much everything I could see. With my arms full, I walked over to the kitchen island and put it all down. I turned on the hob and grabbed myself a couple of frying pans. Putting them down on the heat, I chucked in some bacon and sausages in one of the pans. After whisking some eggs I poured the mixture into the other. I grabbed some bread, I chucked it into the toaster while I peeled a banana and took a massive bite. Moaning as the taste burst on my tongue. I couldn't believe I had waited this long to eat, if anyone walked in right now they'd think I was cooking for an army. Chucking the banana peel in the bin, I flipped my omelette and grabbed the carton of apple juice off the side.

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