Chapter Seven

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     I was in the gym with Alec and the twins. This was what it was like the last week and a half, just the four of us. Chris and Jai were still engulfed in training and would be for some time now. Of course, I missed my brother's presence but at the same time, it gave me some space without him trying to protect me. Things were definitely more relaxed, even the guys were more relaxed around me. The flirty banter had definitely increased, not that it really meant anything. I was after all still betrothed to Jai, much to my discomfort. He had seemed to have done a complete disappearing act. Chris would come around when they had finished for the day or we'd see him around the breakfast table but Jai, he was nowhere to be found. As both of them had now dropped out of school, we never saw him. Part of me was glad for it, it allowed me to come to terms with things and get over the whole heat incident. Although part of me still longed for him, unfortunately. Carrie still seemed to be walking around all high and mighty but even she didn't have Jai's scent lingering on her, meaning she hadn't seen him either. Although there was something different about her, I just couldn't place it.

I was on the treadmill while the guys did weights; it seemed to be our usual routine at the moment. We'd been at it for at least two hours now, it wasn't the most exciting thing in the world but we made it enjoyable. I noticed their eyes lingering on me from time to time as I ran, knowing exactly what they were looking at. It was clear now that I wasn't just one of the guys, it was almost as though they had all finally realised I was a girl. Alec's eyes lingered on me more than the twins, yet I could sometimes sense guilt from him.

"You know Alec I can see you staring at my tits." I said, catching him by surprise.

"I was not." He replied quickly, looking like a toddler caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

"Don't lie Alec, you're not good at it." I said smirking.

"Whatever Ray, why would I want to look at you?" he asked smiling slightly.

I turned off the treadmill and stepped off, walking towards the guys my hips swaying seductively. I bit my bottom lip and twirled my hair around my finger. Stopping directly in front of Alec I slowly looked him up and down, making him gulp loudly. I could hear the twins snickering beside us but Alec seemed unaware of them.

"You stare because I'm a smoking hot biatch." I said smiling before quickly slapping him around the face.

I bit my lips trying not to laugh as an evil smile started to form on Alec's face.

"You'd better run Ray before I spank that hot little arse of yours." He said slowly rising to his feet.

I quickly turned and ran as fast as I could, laughing as I went. I could hear the twins laughing their heads off as I attempted to escape him, of course it was hopeless him being a male and all. Within seconds I was being scooped up off the ground and tossed over his shoulder, giving me a close up view of his firm backside. I had to admit it wasn't a bad sight. He proceeded to spank my arse like he had threatened to, making me yelp and laugh all at the same time.

"Ok, ok. Put me down." I said through my laughter.

"Let me think about it. Ummm no." he replied spanking me even harder.

"Ouch." I screamed.

"You know you like it, you kinky little thing." He said laughing harder.

I looked over at the guys, who were rolling around on the floor in stitches. I would have asked them for some help but it was obvious that was pointless.

"Oh come on Alec you've made your point, now put me down." I begged being upside down was starting to make me dizzy and lightheaded.

"Nah I'm quite enjoying this, perhaps I should take you somewhere private and I can spank you some more." He said laughing.

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