Chapter Twenty Three

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     I shivered as I felt feather light touches down the column of my neck and across my collar bone. I couldn't help but let out a small moan as the sensation travelled to the curve of my breast. I bit my lip as I felt warm a breath on my skin followed by soft tender kisses. His big strong hand gripped my hip making my back arch, causing my breast to press into his other hand. He pressed himself into me, a growl of pleasure vibrated through his chest, making my whole body tremble. His hand slid from my hip up to my waist and under my thin vest top, there was nothing like the sensation of his skin on mine. I could feel his rock hard chest pressed against mine as he hitched up my thigh. I gasped as he began to grind himself against me, slowly at first but soon he began to get harder and faster. Making me moan again and again, getting louder every time his crotch pressed into my throbbing core. He kissed along my neck once more, nibbling lightly. As he bit slightly harder on my skin, I came undone, cuming over and over again.

"Cole." I moaned loudly as I opened my eyes.

I looked around my room but I was alone and my duvet was scrunched up on the floor. My vest was rolled up my stomach and my neck was burning and throbbing. I jumped up from my bed and ran to my bathroom. I quickly turned on the light and turned towards the mirror. I ran my fingers along my neck, noticing a red raised patch. The skin wasn't broken but you could clearly see teeth marks. My heart started to pound and I began to sweat, a sick churning sensation in my stomach told me it wasn't Cole. My skin burned uncomfortably and I rushed to the toilet, only just making it before I threw up. I didn't really have much in my stomach but I was dry heaving for about half an hour. Once I had finally calmed myself down, I pulled myself up to standing and staggered into my bedroom. It wasn't until I got close to my bed that a familiar scent hit my nostrils. The scent was driving me crazy, my body was trembling with anger. It was the one scent that I hated more than any other. The scent of pine. I ran over to my door and flung it open. I sniffed the air catching the slightest hint of pine heading towards the stairs. I ran down them two at a time, wanting nothing more than to get my hand on him and punch the hell out of his face. I didn't give a damn if he was going to be the Alpha or not, he had crossed the line.

"Jai I swear to god you've gone too far this time. I'm going to kill you, you mother fucking bastard!" I shouted as I entered the kitchen.

I soon stopped dead in my tracks when I saw he wasn't in there alone. He was sat at the island with Carrie on his lap and his mum and dad sat across from him with my father. I also noticed Chris and the guys, with Helena and the triplets, were all sat at the table. They stared at me with wide eyes, all except Jai who had a knowing smile on his face. I just wanted to march up to him and wipe that smug look off his face.

"Raynie-Fay what do you think you're doing!?" Charlie shouted, taking the threat to his son very seriously.

I was just about to open my mouth to reply when my father beat me to it.

"Raynie-Fay, Office now!" he ordered. "I'm so sorry about this Charlie, I'll get to the bottom of it." I heard him say as I huffed off out of the room.

I slammed open the door and stomped over to one of the leather chairs. I let out a frustrated sigh as I slumped down into one and crossed my arms over my chest. I knew this wasn't going to end well for me, my dad was bound to rip me a new one. Moments later, my dad marched into the office and slammed the door shut behind him.

"What the hell are you playing at?" He shouted, standing in front of his desk. "You can't go walking around threatening Alphas. For fuck sake Raynie-Fay have you got a bloody death wish or something?" he asked, shaking with anger as he ran his hands through his hair.

"The little prick deserves it!!" I screamed back.

"Raynie-Fay you're testing my patience right now, you better have a bloody good explanation or you're in deep shit. Do you understand!?" he said, trying to remain calm.

"The creep snuck into my bedroom and tried to bite my neck. I'm also pretty sure he was groping me in my sleep!" I replied, becoming more than a little frustrated with the situation.

"What?" he asked looking shocked. "Do you have any proof?"

I moved my hair from my neck to show my dad the mark that he had left on me. He didn't really say anything for a minute, he just stood there staring, rubbing his hands on his face.

"I'm sorry to say this Ray but there isn't really much there, there is only a tiny mark. Are you certain he tried to bite you?" he asked, sounding worried.

"Yes dad. When I first woke up I could see the teeth marks and everything, his scent was still lingering around my room. I swear dad, I am not making this up." I answered feeling a little deflated.

"I don't know what to say Raynie-Fay but he's been in the kitchen with Carrie and us for ages. I think perhaps you're still suffering from stress due to the miscarriage. Perhaps you should go lay down or something but before you do that; I had better straighten things up with Charlie. I want you to stay right here until I get back. Do I make myself clear? Do not leave this room." he said before strolling out, giving me one last glance before closing the door.

I put my head in my hands and cried, I couldn't believe he didn't believe me. I knew he did it, I just knew it. If he gets away with this who's to say he wouldn't do it again. What if he took it further? The thought alone made me cry harder. I heard the door open but I didn't lift my head. I knew it would be my dad, letting me know I was excused. I heard him walk slowly towards me but something sounded off. Wiping the tears from my face I looked up to find Jai looking down at me with that same smirk on his face.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I shouted, jumping up from the chair.

"Or you'll what, cum all over again like you did earlier?" He asked chuckling.

He took a step towards me and I took one back, this continued until my back hit the wall. He stalked towards me until he was pressed up against me. With my hands on his chest, I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. He gripped onto my hips roughly, making me cry out in pain so he covered my mouth, so no one would hear me.

"Don't act like you didn't like it. I know you did, I could smell it. You smelt so fucking good Ray, you're lucky I didn't take you the way I wanted to." he said, as he slid his hand to the apex of my thighs.

I tried to wriggle away from him but he just slammed my head against the wall, the pain caused tears to run down my cheeks.

"Don't cry Ray, I love you and I will always love you. Don't you realise you belong to me. Always have, always will. You'll never escape me Ray, everywhere you go, everything you do, I will be there watching you. No matter what that bastard Cole tells you, you are mine Ray. Don't you ever forget it!" he said staring me in the eyes.

He licked his lips and trailed his fingers down my neck, running across the spot where he bit me. He leant forward and ran his tongue along my skin, making me cry out into his hand. My skin burned uncomfortably and I could feel the bile rising up my throat. I tried once more to wriggle out of his grasp but I couldn't, the feeling of his body on mine was making my skin crawl. I just had to get him off of me. I just wanted to escape this nightmare. I wanted Cole to rescue me; he was supposed to be here to protect me. If he were here this wouldn't be happening, Jai wouldn't have the balls to pull this kind of shit. My eyes grew wide as I felt teeth graze my neck, like before he bit into me without breaking the skin. My blood ran cold as I tried not to scream, my inside twisted uncomfortably. It felt as though he was pouring acid on me, the pain was excruciating. I just couldn't understand why I didn't act like this earlier. Was it because I was dreaming of Cole, I don't know? All I knew was right now I was in hell. Pulling away, he slowly removed his hand from my mouth, smiling evilly, happy with what he had achieved.

"You're mine. If you dare tell Cole or anybody about this, the next time I get my hands on you, he won't want you when I've finished. No one will." He whispered, leaning in and licking a tear off of my cheek.

Laughing to himself he turned and walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets. As he closed the door I slid down the wall with my head in my hands, crying my eyes out. What the hell had I done to deserve all of this, why was this happening to me? Why couldn't Cole just mark me and take me away from all this? He should be here; he should be stopping this crap from happening. I knew he was out protecting others but who the hell is going to protect me.


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