Chapter Twenty Nine

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    I opened my eyes and found myself cuddled up to Cole in the clearing by the lake. Judging by the darkening sky, it was clear that we had been out here for quite a while. I turned towards Cole to find him looking back at me.

"Did you sleep well Strawberries?" he asked as he brushed some knotted hair from my face.

"Umm yeah," I replied, wondering if he had changed his mind now that he had slept on it.

"Don't." he said quickly.

"What?" I asked, feeling slightly confused.

"Don't you dare start doubting me again. I'm not going anywhere I swear, there is no one else who could ever compare to you. As for the whole heir thing it's ok, don't worry about it. As long as I have you I don't need anything else, all that matters to me is you and your happiness. The next in line will just have to be Celeste's first child, as she will be mated to an Alpha. Besides, things may be different now, the doctor did say that she thought your wolf was healing you. If that's true perhaps someday in the future we may be lucky enough to be blessed with a child of our own and if not then so be it. Either way though, none of that matters unless I have you." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

Hearing him say all of that made my heart swell. Knowing that not being able to have a child wasn't a problem for him brought a tear to me eye.

"I love you Cole." I said kissing him passionately.

"I love you too Ray, forever and always. Now come on, lets head back to the house. I'm sure they will start to worry if we don't make an appearance soon." He replied as he got up and pulled me up with him.

He kissed me one more time before we headed back to the pack house hand in hand.

After a comfortably silent stroll, we found ourselves back at the boundary of the pack house. From where we stood we could see a couple of Cole's personal guards relaxing with a drink, laughing and mucking around. Further away, in an area of the property that I tried to stay clear of, were a few men standing guard at the door of the prisoner cells. Compared to the guys on the patio, these two were very serious and tough looking. Judging by their stance and build, it was very clear that these were two of Cole's top men. Cole squeezed my hand bringing my attention back to him.

"Stay right here, just behind these bushes, while I go grab you some clothes quick." He said as he let go of my hand.

"That's ok Cole, no need to worry; the guys have several hiding places around here with spare clothes." I replied as I started heading toward the nearest hiding spot.

"I don't think so; I'm not having my mate wearing some other guy's clothes. I'll grab you something of mine. Besides seeing you in my clothes turns me on like crazy." He said smirking, as he stalked towards me.

I squeaked and laughed as he grabbed me roughly and nuzzled my neck.

"Haven't you had enough of that already today?" I said giggling as he pinched my arse.

"Not even close, I could never have enough of you. You have no idea how close I am right now, to pressing you up against that tree and taking you again. Strawberries, the mere thought of that tight little body pressed against me is enough to get me hard for hours." He said, proving he was telling the truth as the evidence was digging into my abdomen.

"We can't, unless you want to give all your men a free show. It's not like we're exactly quiet are we?" I said trying to fight the urge to feel him buried deep inside me.

The thought alone had me moaning quietly. His famous cocky smirk graced his lips once more, as he lifted me off the ground slightly so his hard manhood was pressing into my throbbing core.

Life On The Rocks (Reposted - Feedback Wanted)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora