Chapter Nine

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     Three months had passed and everything had almost gone back to normal. For the first two weeks Jai continued to plead with me to be with him, telling me over and over again that he loved me and he could never love anyone else. This soon changed when Carrie went for her first scan. Unluckily for me I was sat in the kitchen, making myself some lunch, when she came out of the pack doctor's office to show him the scan picture. As soon as he laid his eyes on it I was forgotten, just like I knew I would be. It was the way it was supposed to be, he was dedicated to her and their child. Later that day he had her moved into the pack house and they started playing happy families. I tried to pretend that I was fine with it all but it still pained me to see them together, I just didn't really understand why? Something deep inside me longed for him, it called out to him. It wasn't in a sexual way, all those sorts of feelings had ended months ago but this was different. It was something that I just couldn't explain, almost as though part of me belonged to him and each day this feeing grew deep down inside me. I spent most of my days now in the gym; I always had at least one of the guys by my side. It wasn't quite the same now, that the group was somewhat split up. Luckily after a month Chris and Jai started talking again and started to train together once more. The twins and Alec usually hung out with me while they trained and then went with them when they finished. Alec though spent more time with me than the guys. Since everyone found out about what had happened between me and Jai, Alec rarely spoke to him.

We were running side by side on the treadmills, laughing and joking around. We had been at it for about an hour. Alec was still running at full speed but strangely I was starting to struggle. Not wanting to stop yet, I pushed myself harder, hoping that it would past and that Alec wouldn't notice. It would seem though, despite my hardest efforts, he had noticed me breathing slightly harder. Slowing down his treadmill until it came to a stop; he stepped off and walked to the front of mine.

"Ray are you ok?" he asked, concern filling his eyes.

"Yes." I replied panting slightly.

"No you're not." He said, leaning over and slowing my treadmill down to a stop.

"Hey, I said I was ok." I said slapping his arm as I stepped off.

"I don't care what you say Ray, you're not ok. It takes you longer than that normally to get all puffed out. Now come and sit down before you pass out on me. I would love for you to fall at my feet but not like this." he laughed, holding onto my arm and leading me over to one of the benches.

"I can make my own way over there thanks." I said shoving his hands off me.

I took one step forward and nearly stumbled but Alec grabbed me before I could hit the floor.

"Easy Ray, I've got you." He said pulling me back up. "Umm Ray, are you sure you're ok, you smell a little strange?" he asked sniffing the air.

"What do you mean, I smell funny?" I asked frowning at him.

"I don't know, you just do. I can't quite place it either, the only way I can describe it is that you smell funny." He answered shrugging his shoulders.

Shaking my head at him, I pushed myself off of him and headed for the bench. Sitting down I grabbed the bottle of water that I had left there earlier. I took a swig of it but as soon as I swallowed it my stomach started to churn. So much so, that I found myself running over to the bin and throwing up. It wasn't even as though I had a lot in my stomach but I just couldn't stop myself. Within seconds Alec was stood behind me, holding my hair back and rubbing my back. It was at times like these that I was glad I had friends like Alec. When I was finally finished I pressed my back against the wall and slid myself down to sitting.

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