Chapter Twelve

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     Chris and my dad kept to their word and returned as soon as they could but I wasn't really in the mood for company anymore. I just wanted to be left alone, to come to terms with my future. They tried many times to talk to me but I just simply ignored them or pretended to be asleep. Alec and the twins even popped in to see me but I just laid in my bed in silence. Two days went by in a blur and I was almost set to be released back to my own room. I was now just waiting for Dr Jones to check me over one more time so that I could go. I was more than sick of the white room that I was stuck in, the only break from it being when I needed to use the bathroom but even then it was more of the same. After hours of silence, everybody had finally left me alone, promising to return when it was time for me to leave. Even though I wanted to be by myself it didn't really do me any good. It just gave me more time to think about how truly crap my life was turning out. Deciding I needed to stretch my legs, I climbed out of the bed and slowly walked out into the corridor. I could faintly hear voices coming from Dr Jones examination room but I paid no attention to them. As I walked past I couldn't help but notice the door was slightly open. I glanced inside to see Carrie laid on the same examination table that I had been on over a week ago. I was frozen to the spot as I watched her roll up her top to reveal her rounded stomach. I placed my hand on my own, reliving my loss as I watched Dr Jones setting up the ultrasound machine. I watched with blurry eyes as she put the gel on her tummy and started the scan. Seconds later the black and white 2D image of her child was on the screen. Seeing its little heart beating and its little arms and legs moving, made a tear run down my cheek. She smiled brightly as she looked at her little miracle on the screen. I was about to walk away when the door of the office opened and Jai walked in.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard him say.

He walked over to Carrie and kissed her lovingly on the cheek. Sitting down beside her, he smiled as he looked over at the screen.

"No Jai you're just in time, I was just about to tell Carrie the sex of the baby. Would you like to know as well?" Dr Jones asked.

"Yes Alice I'd love to." He said smiling proudly.

"Well then if you look at the screen, you'll clearly see that you're expecting a healthy little boy." She replied, although her voice sounded slightly strained.

"Oh Jai, you have your male Heir." Carrie smiled grabbing hold of Jai's hand tightly.

"I love you so much Carrie, you've made me the happiest man in world." He said kissing her passionately.

That was it; I had seen enough of the life I was supposed to live playing out in front of me. I shut the door and quickly ran back to my room, slamming the door behind me. I collapsed onto the bed and buried my face into the pillow, my body shaking from crying so hard. It was killing me that I would never experience that ever. I heard the door open behind me but I was really not in the mood for company.

"Alice just leave me alone please!" I snapped.

I listened out for her retreating footsteps but they never came.

"I said leave me the fuck alone Alice!" I shouted sitting up and turning towards her, my eyes growing wide as I looked at the person in front of me.

"There's no need for that Ray." Jai said, his arms folded across his chest.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't ready to face him; I wasn't ready to face anyone.

"Do you mind telling me what that was all about and why the hell you are here? Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid because I marked Carrie." he asked sounding slightly annoyed.

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