Chapter Twenty Eight

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    Cole's arms were suddenly around me and I was being lifted off the floor. Normally I would want nothing more than to feel Cole's arms around me but right now they were too tight. I struggled to get free from his grasp but he only gripped my tighter.

"Get off of me Cole, let me go right now!" I growled fiercely.

"Ray calm down!" he growled back at me while he ran with me in his arms.

Knowing that he wasn't going to listen, I started to kick and slap him; I needed him to let me go now. Behind me I could hear Helena screaming and shouting too.

"What the fuck Helena." I heard Alec whine as the sound of a loud slap filled the air.

"Alec, put me the fuck down now!" she growled, her voice even gave me the shivers.

As we reached the lawn Alec dropped her down on the floor, making her scream again.

"Alec what the hell?!" Cole shouted with me still in his arms.

"What, she slapped me?" Alec replied matter of factly.

"I don't care Alec, you're going to have to put up with more than that in the next few hours!" Cole replied as he placed me on the ground.

As soon as I felt the floor beneath me I scrambled away from him, I couldn't go too far as my joints were still killing me. Even in the open space of the back garden everything was too closed in, there just wasn't enough room. I tried to move once more but as my hand touched to grass I heard another loud crack, my arm had snapped. I fell back onto the ground and screamed out in agony, the pain was getting so bad I was starting to feel sick. My stomach was twisting and churning and cramping like never before. Even the pain of my miscarriage was nothing compared to this. I could hear Cole's voice faintly but the pain was making my ears ring.

"Raynie-Fay. Raynie-Fay can you hear me?" I just about heard someone say.

I moved my head slightly and found Dr Jones knelt down beside me, concern clear in her eyes. She reached out her hand towards my forehead but before she got too close I growled loudly and snapped my jaw at her. She jumped back and turned towards Cole.

"When did you fully mate with her?" she asked him.

"Last night. This is happening way too quickly Doc, this shouldn't happen for a day or two what the hell is going on. I just don't understand, why are they both shifting now?" he asked fear present in his voice.

"Things work out slightly different for wolves of your position. I also think her wolf is trying to heal her." He answered.

"What do you mean by heal her?" he asked, his body freezing to the spot.

"Hasn't she told you?" she asked looking over at me confused.

"Does it fucking look like I know what you're talking about?!" he growled down at her.

He looked over at me with anger and disappointment in his eyes.

"Ray what is going on?" he asked.

"!" I growled as I stared back at him.

My breathing became heavier and I began to pant. My back arched up off the floor and then my whole body began to convulse. Loud growls escaped my lips; my wolf was right at the surface fighting to break out. I could feel her fighting me for control and with my body and mind being so weak she was winning. Suddenly my body went deadly still. I could hear everything going on around me and see everything but I wasn't seeing it from my eyes, my body was no longer my own.

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