Chapter Thirty Two

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     I had not long got into bed, after a nice long hot shower, when I heard someone scream out in pain. My first thought was Helena, it was pretty clear earlier that she was not herself. I jumped out of bed and raced out of my room. Unfortunately, I didn't get too far before running straight into someone. We both squealed as we landed in a heap on the floor. Pulling myself up to sitting I saw I was tangled up with Helena, she groaned as she rubbed her arm.

"Oh Helena, are you ok? I was just on my way to check on you." I said getting up from the floor and offering her my hand to help her up.

"Yeah, I'm good. I was just about to check on you. I heard you scream and raced to find you." She replied.

"That wasn't me, I thought that was you?" I said more than a little confused.

"Well if it wasn't you and it most definitely wasn't me, then who was it?" she asked as a louder, even more pain filled scream filled the air.

We both looked at each other knowingly; there was only one person it could be. We ran towards the door and quickly opened it. Carrie was laid on the bed, with beads of sweat running down her face as she clutched her stomach. As I looked a little closer, I noticed the sheets she was laid on were wet. Her waters had broken. I ran over to her to see how she was getting on, not really knowing what I was doing but my protective instincts took over.

"Stay the fuck away from me Raynie-Fay! You are not getting your hands on my son." She shouted, before screaming out once more.

My eyes grew wide as I saw her stomach contracting over and over again. This baby was coming way too quickly.

"How long have you been having contractions?" I asked her.

"Fuck off!!!!" she growled.

"Helena get the pack doctor." I said turning towards her.

She looked slightly panicked as she looked at the scene in front of her. She nodded and ran out of the room.

"I told you to fuck off Ray." Carrie screamed at me.

"I'm not going anywhere; I'm here to help you." I growled in my Luna voice.

She instantly backed down and concentrated on her breathing.

"She's not here." Helena said as she ran back into the room.

"Shit." I said under my breath. "Umm, go grab some towels and some hot water." I continued, not really knowing what else to say.

Helena nodded and hurried back out of the door.

"I wish Jai was here." Carrie cried as she was hit with another contraction.

My eyes grew wide, Jai. His wolf would have sensed the imminent arrival of his child. He'd probably be going crazy in that cell. I needed to warn the guards, nothing gets in the way of a wolf and its cubs. I went to look out the window when my attention was brought back to Carrie. She screamed louder than she had so far.

"He's coming, he's coming." She cried.

I raced over to her as quickly as I could and as I checked her it was clear she was right, he was coming.

"Oh my God, is that a head." Helena said as she ran into the room.

She knelt down beside me and placed some supplies down between us. It was obvious she had rammed sacked the medical office, that I was more than thankful for.

"I need you to go warn your father." I whispered. "Jai is going to be going crazy; they'll going to need more men at the cells."

"Sure thing Ray." She replied before leaving again.

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