Chapter Twenty Four

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     I sat alone on the sofa in the living room, my arms wrapped around my legs with a fleece blanket draped over my shoulders. My head was resting on my knees as I tried to block out the events of this morning. After my dad had returned and told me I was free to leave, I raced to my room and straight into the shower. I didn't care that I still had my pyjamas on, I just had to get his scent off of me. I had to wash his hands off of my body. I took my clothes off and threw them straight in the bin, never wanting to wear them ever again. It wasn't until I had scrubbed myself clean about thirty times, that I finally shut off the water. That was only once I noticed the blood staining the water where I had scrubbed myself so hard. Even then I could still feel him on me; I couldn't shift his scent from my nostrils. It scared me to think what could have happened if he had actually taken things that one step further. What if he had raped me in my sleep? Not that what he had done was any better. Even now, as my body still trembled, I felt dirty and used. I couldn't escape the sinking feeling in my stomach telling me that nothing was going to be ok. Luckily, everyone was too preoccupied to notice my absence; they were all out back enjoying the good weather. I could hear them talking happily, I could hear him laughing and joking and it made me sick. How could he act like everything's peachy, pretending that he'd done nothing? How could he fool them? I knew Chris had lost a little respect for him but even he was eating out of the palm of his hand. It hurt me that they were all willing to believe that I was losing it, that I was just some hormonally unbalanced little girl. Although part of me was glad I didn't have to face them, as I knew I was bound to tell them everything and Jai's threat would become a reality. What scared me most about it was that I had no idea what he was capable of. Would he go as far as killing me or would he just torture me until I broke? The thought sent chills down my spine. I turned towards my phone as it went off beside me; I paled as I saw Cole's number flash on the screen. I wanted to answer but I was too afraid, of what I wasn't completely sure, I just knew I couldn't talk to him. I grabbed the phone and turned it off, throwing it onto the other sofa. Curling myself up even more, I prayed that this was all a really bad dream. That I would soon wake up with Cole by my side but I knew I wasn't that lucky. As the tears started to fall down my cheeks, I could slowly feel myself giving into exhaustion.

"Ray? Ray wake up!" I heard someone say as they shook me gently awake.

Lifting my head from my knees I saw Helena, looking more than a little confused and concerned.

"You'd better turn your phone on, Cole is going crazy with worry. He's been ringing me nonstop, asking why you won't answer his calls. You've got him really panicked."

"Sorry." Was all I could say as I looked down at my hands.

"What the hell is going on Ray?" she asked as she crouched down in front of me.

I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't, Jai's threat was still swirling around my head.

"I can't tell you." I whispered, too scared to look up and face her.

"Ray I'm your Beta you can trust me, you can tell me anything I swear. No matter what, I've got your back." she said brushing some hair behind my ear.

Just as she was about to move her hand she froze.

"Umm Ray what's that on your neck?" she asked, sounding shocked and confused.

I flinched away from her and pulled my hair back to cover it.

"Nothing." I answered quickly.

She sat there quietly for a moment just watching me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't wa....wait that's what had you so pissed off earlier isn't it? Oh my god it was Jai wasn't it? What did he do to you? Cole is going to flip when he sees that." She rushed out.

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