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Three months later

I sat on a log at the edge of the lake, my feet dangling into the water. Helena sat beside me quietly. Ever since the fire she hadn't quite been herself, to be honest none of us had but it definitely hit her the hardest. I think as my Beta, she felt she had failed me. Of course she hadn't. How was anyone to know that Carrie would go into labour? I still dreamt about that night, her beautiful baby in my arms. His stunning green and blue eyes still clear in my mind. Still to this day I wished I could have done more to save them. I have spoken to Cole about it, when I get to see him. He just tells me there was nothing I could have done and that he's in a better place now. We held a little service for the child and all those that were lost that night.

Chris blamed himself for what happened; I had lost count of the times he had apologised to Cole and me. We kept telling him it's not his fault but he won't listen. Celeste was constantly trying to comfort him but he kept pushing her away. The strain on their relationship was clear for everyone to see. I just hoped that they could sort themselves out once the rebuild was complete.

The morning after the fire, Cole and Chris requested that the entire pack moved to the area of the old pack house, to help with the rebuild. Cole even sent messages out to the remainder of his men and their families to come as well. Between the two of them, they decided to create a little community. Building a new pack house and several properties around it for all the families. Cole decided to build a second sort of pack house and properties further into the woods, for us and his men and families. Although from what I can gather so far, our pack house will be more of a meeting area. Leaving it to be shared between Helena and Alec and ourselves. With Oliver gone, Alec has really stepped up and Cole and he have grown much closer.

Most days were spent with the males working on the buildings, while the females look after the children and help out in any way they could. Cole and Alec had ordered Helena and me to take some time out. Alec approached me in the morning voicing his concern for Helena. There was definitely something not quite right with her, I had my suspicious but I was happy to wait until she's ready to speak. I knew she would when she's ready.

"Ray do you fancy something to eat?" I heard her ask from beside me in a meek little voice.

"Not really, I've not been feeling so great this morning but go ahead if you're hungry." I replied honestly.

I hadn't been feeling right for the last couple of weeks; I'd been bringing up most of my meals. I hadn't said anything to anyone as I didn't want to worry them. I just thought with everything that has been happening, my body is just telling me to take a break.

"Are you sure you're ok Ray, we can go find the doctor if you want. She's usually having lunch around about now but I should imagine she'll be free in an hour or so." Helena rushed out, sounding a little more like her old self.

"No that's ok, I just think I'm over tired. Anyway, how do you know so much about Dr Jones's schedule?" I asked, feeling my hunch might be right.

"Oh...umm....no reason, just noticed." She replied looking everywhere but at me.

"Not buying it." I replied smirking.

"Ok, I've had a few appointments with her recently." She said looking down at her hands, her whole body suddenly looking deflated.

Seeing her like this filled me with concern, maybe I was wrong.

"Is everything ok, are you ok?" I asked turning to face her.

"I'm fine it's just..." she said, stopping herself before she finished.

"It's just what?" I asked.

She stayed quiet for a moment before turning towards me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant." She cried, throwing herself at me.

My hunch was correct but I just couldn't understand why she seemed so sad.

"That's great news Helena, why are you crying?" I asked pulling away from her slightly.

"I just didn't want to upset you." She said crying harder.

"You silly plonker." I said ,wiping away the tears from her eyes. "You haven't upset me at all, I'm happy for you. Have you told Alec yet, how far along are you?" I asked getting a little excited for her.

"I'm about three months and no I haven't told him yet. Ray, there's one more thing." She said calming down a little, knowing that I wasn't upset by her news.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm having twins." She replied with a small smile on her face.

"Oh my god, congratulations." I smiled hugging her tightly.

"I can't leave you two alone for two minutes, can I?" I heard Alec laugh from behind us.

Without thinking, I jumped up from the log and rushed over to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Okie dokie, is everything ok Ray?" he asked standing completely still, looking at me confused.

"I think you need to have a little chat with your mate." I replied turning to Helena and winking.

As Alec headed over to Helena I decided to give them some privacy. I walked through the trees slowly making my way to our new pack house. As I walked my mind began to wonder, thinking over the last couple of weeks when I was hit by a sudden wave of nausea. Before I could stop myself, I hunched over and brought up the contents of my stomach. Which surprised me as I hadn't eaten anything today. I straighten myself back up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Yes!" I heard Alec shout in the distance.

I couldn't help but laugh, I was so happy for them. It was about time we had some good news around here. As I continued on my way a thought crossed my mind but I instantly dismissed it. As I walked into the opening around the house, a warm tingling sensation filled my stomach. I froze to the spot and wondered if there could be a possibility. I slowly placed my hand on my stomach and prayed that it was true.

"Hey Strawberries, are you ok?" I heard Cole say, breaking me from my thoughts.

I slowly looked up, smiling at him as he walked towards me. As he reached me I hugged him tightly.

"Mmmm. What have you been doing, you smell really good? I've noticed it before but it seems a little stronger today?" he asked, making me smile even more. "What's got you smiling like that?"

"Our pack is growing." I replied.

"What are you talking about Ray, you've lost me." he replied, making me chuckle.

"Helena is expecting twins." I said excitedly.

"Wow. that's great news. Where is she?" he asked looking just as excited as I was.

"She's just told Alec." I said starting to feel a little nervous. "There's something else though Cole, I think there might be another pup on the way." I said waiting for his response.

He just stood there looking completely confused. I grabbed hold of his hand and placed it on my stomach. As the realisation of my words hit him a smile appeared on his lips.

"You're pregnant?" he asked.

"I think so, I need to check with the doctor but I think I am." I said grinning.

I yelped as he lifted me off the ground and span me around. I'd finally found my happily ever after.


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