Chapter Eighteen

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     I stepped out of the car feeling slightly self-conscious; somehow Helena had talked me into letting her pick my outfit. So I now found myself wearing skin tight, black, shiny leggings, a denim corset and knee high boots. I felt completely out of my comfort zone but Helena assured me that I looked drop dead gorgeous. She had curled my hair and done my makeup, giving me Smokey eyes and red glossy lips. She climbed out of the car behind me, wearing a pair of dark tight jeans and a white corset.

"I'll call when we're ready to leave. Thanks Jeeves." She giggled as she shut the door.

"Your chauffeur's name is Jeeves?" I asked amused by the name.

"Nope but it bugs him when I call him that. Oh and he's not really my chauffeur, he's one of Cole's guards. He's supposed to watch over me and the triplets." She answered, grabbing hold of my arm and dragging me to the front entrance.

She waved at the doormen and pulled me onto the dance floor. Like the last time I had been at the club, it was heaving with people grinding up against each other. It made my body buzz and I wanted nothing more than to jump in and join them. It seemed that Helena had the same idea. We weaved through the crowd until we found ourselves smack bang in the middle. We started dancing, swaying our hips and singing along with the music. I could sense all the people looking at me, undressing me with their eyes. Feeling wanted felt good and I was relishing it.

"It's good isn't it?" Helena asked taking a step closer to me.

"Like nothing I've known before." I replied.

"That's why Cole created it." she whispered in my ear.

"Wait, this is Cole's club?" I asked shocked.

She just looked at me and nodded, giggling as she started to grind into me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable but enjoying the extra eyes that were lingering on us.

"I've spotted the guys and Alec. I thought I'd tease him a little for leaving me home alone." She replied laughing.

"Oh so now you tell me the real reason for you dragging me out here, thanks a bloody lot." I said trying to dance alone but she wouldn't let me.

"Not at all Luna, I think that is right for an Alpha to get to know their Beta." She said smiling.

"Why do you keep saying that, how exactly are you my Beta?" I asked, still confused by the whole Beta thing.

"Well traditionally, the mate of the head Alpha's Beta becomes Beta to the head Luna." She answered, smiling as though it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Yes but Alec is not Cole's beta, so that doesn't make sense." I countered.

"Not yet he's not but he will be. Daddy has been waiting for me to find my mate, so he can step down and be with my mother more often." She said giggling before stepping incredibly close to me.

I was so focused by the information I had just received, that I didn't even notice what she was doing until I felt her tongue slide up my neck. I froze feeling beyond shocked but didn't have time to process it because the next thing I knew, Alec was dragging Helena away. She looked over at me and winked as she giggled to herself. I couldn't help but laugh, she had him right where she wanted him. If only I had the same effect on men. Deciding not to dwell on the down falls of my life, I headed to the bar for a much needed drink but the sight that I was confronted with sent my wolf berserk. Sat at the bar in front of me was Cole, surrounded by three beautiful brunettes; they were all laughing and smiling at each other. I watched as one of them put her hand on his chest while he leant over and kissed the girl next to her on the cheek. Having seen enough my wolf took over. I walked with purpose to the bar, my eyes not once leaving Cole. Mere seconds before I reached them he turn and looked at me, an emotionless expression on his face. It made me almost rethink what I was planning on doing but only for a second. It was time that I took over my own life and did what I wanted to do. Sensing that the females around him were wolves, I let out a low growl as I glared at them.

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