Chapter Eleven

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     Feeling slightly groggy, I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying in an uncomfortable bed in one of Dr Jones's patient rooms. I turned towards the window, realising I must have been out of it for most of the day as it was now dark outside. A small lamp in the corner was the only source of light. As I looked over towards the light I saw the sleeping figures of my father and brother, my father had kept his promise and stayed with me. I pulled myself up to sitting but it pulled on my stomach, making me groan. As soon as the noise left my lips both of them were up and by my side.

"Are you ok sweetie, do you want me to get the doctor?" My father asked.

"Do you want some water or something to eat?" Chris asked.

"I'm just tender dad, I don't need the doctor but I'd love a glass of water." I answered trying to smile at both of them. "How long was I out of it for?" I asked my father as Chris rushed out of the room.

"A week." My father simply answered.

"A week, I was out of it for a week!" I said in complete shock.

"Yes darling, there were some complications and you lost more blood than the doctor was expecting." He said brushing some hair off of my face.

"What do you mean by complications?" I asked, scared by the worried look on his face.

He stood there silent for a moment, just looking at me with watery eyes. I had only ever seen my father like this once in my life, when my mother passed away. Whatever it was he wasn't telling me, it was bad.

"Dad tell me, what kind of complications?" I asked again, getting more afraid of what the answer might be.

"I think it would be best for you to hear it from the doctor darling." He said avoiding making eye contact with me.

Chris hurried back in and held the glass up to my lips so I could sip the water slowly. I couldn't help but notice that both of them were looking at me with sadness in their eyes. It worried me knowing that there was something they weren't telling me. How bad could it possibly be, I couldn't think of anything worse than losing a child? I may have only known about the baby for a couple of hours but it was a life I had created. A life growing inside of me. Thinking of the child that I would never be able to hold in my arms made a tear run down my cheek. I couldn't help but feel empty as I placed my hand on my stomach. Sensing my sudden sadness, Chris wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair comfortingly. I buried my face into his chest and let the tears flow freely. I had been trying to hold myself together but my sadness consumed me.

"Just say the word Ray." Chris said fiercely.

"Chris he didn't know, I had only just found out myself, please don't take it out on him." I replied to the threatening tone in Chris's voice.

"I don't care, he still did this to you." He said holding me tighter.

"Chris I told you he didn't know, please believe me." I pleaded with him.

"Fine, for you I won't touch him." He replied through his teeth.

A sudden thought ran through my mind and I needed to know the answer immediately.

"Does Jai know now?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"No not yet, Charlie knows though, he thought it would be best if Jai heard it from you." My father answered.

I sat there in Chris's arms, dreading the moment that I would have to tell him. What would I say to him? 'I was pregnant with child but I'm not now.' What if he doubted the child was his, what if he thought I was lying? I was ripped from my thoughts as Dr Jones walked into the room. I moved myself out of Chris's arms, watching her as she walked towards me with a sympathetic smile on her face.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"How do you think I feel?" I snapped back, regretting it instantly.

"Raynie-Fay!" My father chastised.

"It's ok Calum." She said. "I'm going to need to examine her, so you might want to wait outside." She said looking at both my father and brother.

"No we'll stay, if it's ok with Ray." Chris said taking my hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

I was about to say that they didn't need to stay with me, when a loud howl filled the air. They looked at each other before looking down at me.

"We don't have to go." Chris said.

"Don't be silly you're needed. Go on go, I'll be fine I promise." I replied, putting a small fake smile on my face.

"Ok but we'll be straight back." He said before running out of the door.

"We won't be long." My father said kissing my forehead before following Chris out of the room.

As soon as they were out of sight I wanted them back by my side.

"If you could just scoot down the bed Ray and try to relax. I need to have a feel of your stomach." Dr Jones said to me smiling.

I did as I was told and tried not to cry as she felt around my empty womb. I winced a couple of times as I was very tender in places.

"Everything feels like it's healing very nicely but it's going to be another day or two before you're fully healed. For now I want you to stay here, where I can check you regularly. Although you're healing nicely, you're healing slowly, slower than I would expect." She said walking over to the sink and washing her hands.

"My father said that there were some complications." I said quietly, looking down at my hands.

She stayed quiet for a moment before walking to my bed and sitting on the edge.

"Yes it wasn't as simple as I was expecting." She said brushing her long black hair behind her ear. "With Jai's Alpha genes and your Beta genes the child was unusually strong. It fought through the process, causing you to bleed more than what would be expected. Once I finally managed to stop the bleeding I was able to perform a D&C, to remove the remaining tissue. When I did an ultrasound I noticed some abnormalities caused by the miscarriage and I fear you may not be able to have any more children." She said.

"You mean never?" I asked, my eyes growing wide at the news.

"I'm not 100% certain at the moment Ray but judging by the test I have done and the scan, I fear it is unlikely you will be able to conceive again." she stopped noticing the terrified look on my face. "Of course I could be wrong; everything may be fine once you have fully healed. I just feel that it would be for the best for me to warn you, saving you from the pain of finding out later."

I sat there quietly with tears streaming down my face. I knew that I wouldn't want to have any more children anytime soon but to know the choice was now possibly taken out of my hands, was heart-breaking.

"We can do some more tests in a couple of weeks if you'd like." She said trying to reassure me.

"Please just get out. I want to be alone." I snapped as I fought back the tears.

"Ok Ray, I'll be back in a little while to check on you again." She said quickly getting up.

"Just get out." I screamed.

As soon as she shut the door behind her I broke down, no longer able to stop myself. The little dream that I realised I wanted one day in the future, had now been torn away from me. My life was slowly turning into one big nightmare, a nightmare I feared I would never be able to escape.

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