Chapter 3

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I call hailey like 5 times. I even get rick to try and we get no answer. I start getting worried. I know hailey is suffering right now, I know she's mentally falling apart and I can't help but think the worst. I call all the guys that are at the night shift. Hailey considers everybody who works at the night shift to be family and they think the same. Of course I get no luck. I finally call tc knowing that she most probably would've gone to him.
"Hey" tc says sounding like he just woke up
"Have you seen hailey?!" I ask frantically
"Yeah dude. She's here calm down" he says
"I can't calm down t, she's missed ten days of school this month and she won't answer my calls!" I say
"Here I'll go get her for you." He says
"Thank you" I say relieved
"Um dude" tc says after a few seconds
"Yeah?" I ask
"She's not here, her books are here but she's not" he says
"As you fricking kidding me?!" I say out of frustration
"And the brat took my beers!" He says
"She did what?" I ask hoping I didn't hear him correctly
"She took my beer" he says slowly
"What the heck is going on with her lately?" I say
"Have you started looking for her?" Tc asks
"No but I'm about to" I say
"I'll get dressed and help you. She's gonna get it for taking my beers" he says jokingly
"Okay thanks." I say hanging up the phone and rushing out the door

*hailey pov*

Everybody won't stop calling me. The pills are kicking in and I feel so relaxed, so worry free. I throw the last empty beer I had left in the corner and grab my bag and my phone. I climb down and start walking.
"Hailey Paige!" I hear and turn around
I see my brother and tc running to me.
"Hi y'all" I say
They look angry.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Drew asks looking angry and relieved
"Woods" I say
"I should've known that" he says
Tc grabs my chin and looks into my eyes.
"Dude she's buzzed" he says
"No im not" I say swatting his hand away
"Why haven't you been going to school?!" Drew says raising his voice
"Haven't felt like it" I say
"Inside. Now!" Drew yells
I go inside and to my room.
"Hailey sit!" Drew says obviously angry
"I'm sitting" I say
"You can't keep skipping school!" He says trying to remain calm
"I'll stop skipping school if you let me do online school" I say crossing my arms
"Well you're not doing online school so you can forget it" he says
"Then I'll continue to skip" I say
"Ever since Ive taken you in you've become a pain. What's going on?!" He asks
"My head feels like it's going to explode. I don't sleep anymore. I haven't had a full nights sleep in weeks. All I can do is have panic attacks, flashbacks, mental breakdowns, and worry about dad coming for me" I say trying not to cry.
"It'll get better hails" he says sitting next to me
"No it won't. It's just getting worse and worse. School makes it even harder. Everyone is always talking and yelling. I can't do it anymore!" I cry
"Please don't cry baby" he says pulling me into a hug "I'll let you do online school"
"Really?" I say
"Really" he says wiping the tears from my face
"I love you!" I yell and hug him
"Of course you do" he says
"Don't get cocky" I say

* the next night*

Rick has to go to work tonight so I decided to take the bus and go to the hospital.
I grab my grey jansport booksack and head to the bus stop.
"Hey there hailey" the bus driver says as I walk inside
"Well hello there mike, looking good today" I say to the middle aged man
"Well I did cut my hair" he says admiring himself in the mirror
I laugh and find a seat. There's only two other people on the bus.
"See you later mikey." I saw stepping off the bus
"See you soon hailey" he says and shuts the door.
I start the 5 minute walk from the bus stop to the hospital. In the last month I've walked this path countless of times.
The sliding doors open as I walk inside.
"Hey hailey" holly says sitting at the front desk
"Hey hol, been busy?" I ask
"Same old same old" she says looking through a file
"Do you know where drew is by chance?" I ask
"He's out with Jordan on a rescue" she says
"What happened?" I ask
"Car accident" she says
"Yo hailey" I hear and turn around to see Kenny
"Hey ken" I say
"Coming to help out?" He asks
"Maybe" I say and head to the break room.
I go inside and put my bag down. I grab my laptop and sit at one of the small round tables along the wall. I try and complete some school work. Everything is going good until I hear a metal tray crash onto the ground.

*loud crash*

"Stop it dad!" I plead
I look up into the guy who is pinning me too the wall. His breath reeks of alcohol and his eyes are full of darkness.
"Why should I?!" He says in my face causing my nose to sting from the alcohol smell
"Because you shouldn't hurt your daughter!" I cry
He laughs.
"I will never call you my daughter" he says evilly.
He grabs me and smashes me onto the wall. My head bouncing off the wall.
"I will never call you my daughter." Repeats in my head until I lose consciousness.

*flashback over*

"Hailey. Hailey. Yo hailey!" I hear and my vision comes back
I see tc standing in front of me.
"Hey t" I say
"You okay?" He asks
"Yeah, I was just daydreaming" I say closing my laptop.
"Stop daydreaming and start working" he says opening my laptop back up
"But-" I try and say
"Nope. If you're gonna sneak out you're gonna do your school work" he says
"Uncle T" I groan
"Sorry kid." He says leaving the room.
Out of everyone here, I'm the closest to tc. He's my "uncle" but he's more like a best friend. I can talk to him about anything whereas drew freaks out about anything.
I look at the math problem on my laptop and sigh. My mind is going crazy and I feel like I'm gonna have another flashback at any point. I grab my booksack and dig in it till I hear the familiar rattling sound. I grab the orange bottle and open it. I take 3 white, oval shaped pills and put them in my mouth followed by water.
I look up and see drew coming in the hospital pushing a stretcher. I get up and go to see what's going on.
"Hailey what are you doing here?!" He says with a touch of anger in his voice.
"I got bored" I say following him into one of the trauma rooms.
He pulls me to the side while Jordan works on the girl.
"You know I hate when you go off on your own! You're only 16 for crying out loud!" He says with a bit more anger
What's his deal?
I don't say anything and look at the girl on the stretcher. She looks about 12, maybe 13, brown hair, brown eyes.
"Brianna this is hailey, hailey Brianna." Drew says putting back on his happy voice
"Hi" I say
"Hi" she says
"Hailey go work on your school work" drew says paying attention to the girl.
"But-" I try to say
"Go hailey" he says obviously mad
I roll my eyes and go back towards the break room.

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