Chapter 16

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*drew pov*

When rick and I finally got the door to break I see mom on top of Hailey. Hailey is struggling but I can tell she's giving up.
I run over to Hailey as rick gets mom off of her.
"She ruined my life. She doesn't deserve to live!" Mom yells
"Hailey, im here, it's okay" I say to Hailey as she closed her eyes
"Hailey! Wake up" I say
Her eyes slightly open. She's having trouble.
I pat her cheeks.
"Cmon kid. You're okay" I say as I call 911
I give them my address and then hang up. She's definitely has a concussion.

"Cmon girl breathe." I say as she's still wheezing for breath.
Rick ends up pulling a maneuver on mom and makes her pass out.

"My-my head." Hailey says weakly
"Help is on the way. Stay still baby" I say using my medical training to help her the best I can
"I want to sleep. Let me sleep d" she says "let me sleep"
Her eyes close.
"No Hailey. Wake up!" I say
I open her eyes. No response.
"No no no" I say as I start cpr
"What's wrong with Hailey?" Breanna says
"Breanna go back to your room" rick says
"What's going on?" She says as tears fill her eyes
"Cmon baby lets go wait downstairs for the ambulance. Hailey had an accident" rick says
"Cmon Hailey. God damn it come on!" I yell
Suddenly Hailey starts gasping and coughing for air.
"Breathe. Breathe" I say
She looks at me and tears flood her eyes.
"No don't cry. It's okay. You're going to be okay." I say
She tries to sit up.
"No. Stay still babe. You can't move" I say keeping her down
I hear the ambulance pull up and within a few seconds tc rushes in
"What happened?!" He yells coming to my aid
"She attacked her. I know she has a concussion. I don't know what else" I say looking at the blood on her face
We get hailey onto a stretcher
"T?" She says
"Yes baby?" Tc says grabbing her hand as we bring her downstairs
"Why are you here?" She asks
"I heard y'alls call come through and took it." He says
"My head hurts so bad" she says
"I know. We're gonna fix it" He says
"Drew. Drew?" She says frantically
"I'm here. I'm here" I say as I get into the ambulance with her.
"Moms gonna hurt me. I caused all of this. It's all my fault. All my fault" she says struggling for breath
"Hey. Stop it, right now. You did nothing." I say as tc gets in
Hailey starts coughing. I grab the oxygen mask and put it on her
"Just don't talk and focus on getting your breath back" I say


Hailey ended up having a black eye, busted lip, a broken rib, and a serious concussion. We're staying overnight just for observation.
"Hey drew can I talk to you for a second?" Tc asks coming into the room
"Yeah" I say looking at Hailey sleeping then head out the room with him
"So I took a look at her tox screens." He says and I can tell something's up
"And?" I say
"Here" He says and I take the clipboard from him

I look in disbelief.

"She was on drugs at the time of the incident?!" I say stunned
"High amounts" he says
"How can this be. I took her pills away" I say
"You took away the ones you found. She could have more. This oxy mixing with the Xanax isn't good. And she also has painkillers in her too." He says
"I knew she was still on them T. She never went through withdrawals. She would feel as if she's dying" I say
"We need to get her to stop. We all know that she probably has a drug and alcohol problem. We just haven't wanted to accept it. But now we definitely know the drug problem is real. She's going to wind up killing her self Drew." He says
I run my hand over my face. I'm so angry.
What do I have to do to keep her off these drugs. Who's giving them to her?
"I'm getting tired of this" I say taking the clipboard into the room.
When I walk in Hailey is awake. She looks confused. I can't be mad at her yet.
"Hey little one" I say setting the clipboard on the table and walking over to her
"My head is killing me" she says
"That's normal kid" I say
She goes silent and her eyes full with tears.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed
"I almost died. Didn't I?" She says

What do I say?

"No you didn't. You were fine" I say
"I almost died drew. Don't lie to me" she says with a hint of anger
"But you're fine now kid. You're going to be okay" I say
"I don't want to be okay" she whispers to where I can barely hear her and she rolls over so she's not facing me
"What did you say?" I say stunned
"Nothing" She says
"Hailey. Look at me" I say and she doesn't budge
"Hailey. Look at me. Now" I say sternly
She hesitantly looks over at me.
"Don't you even say that you wish you weren't okay. Don't ever say that. Do you understand" I say
"But I wish i wasn't. I wanted to die. Why couldn't you of just let me go? Huh? Why couldn't you of let me finally be happy? You ruin everything" she says harshly and turns back over

I sit there stunned. I don't know what to say. My eyes are filling up with tears. I get up and walk out the room. I lean against the wall next to her door as a tear falls. Why would she say that? Why does she want to die?

"Dad!" Brianna says running to me "is Hailey awake?"
"Drew? What's wrong? Is Hailey okay?" Rick asks noticing that I'm clearly upset
I just give him a look that says "we need to talk"
"Can I go in?" Brianna asks excitedly
"Why don't you go and get an ice cream" rick says handing Brianna a ten dollar bill
"Then can I see Hailey?" She asks curiously
"Yes" rick says
Brianna walks off.
"What's going on?" Rick asks
"She- she hates me" I say fighting back the tears
"What?" Rick asks confused
"She told me that she wished that I would've just let her die. She said how she wanted to die. She told me that I ruin everything. I don't know what to do rick. She's back on the pills" I say
"She's back on the pills?! How do you know?" He asks shocked
"She never got off them. Her tox screens show that she was on pills when she was brought in" I say
"We just need to give her time babe. She's sick. She needs our help and this experience didn't make anything better. She just needs us" rick says
"What if I can't help her rick? What if I can't save her. I almost lost her twice now. Twice! She's only been with us for four months" I say as my emotions get the best of me and the tears fall
"It's all going to be okay. Things are just going to be different for a bit. We'll go back to being normal soon. She's fragile and needs our help" rick says hugging me

Rick ends up calming me down.

"Can I see Hailey now?" Brianna asks coming to us with her ice cream in hand
"Let me go see if she's awake" I say

I open the door and walk in.

"Hailey. Brianna really wants to see you. Just talk with her for a few minutes and then we'll let you rest" I say
"Okay" She says not looking at me

Hailey puts on a whole new attitude when Brianna walks in the room. She's happy and is acting like nothings wrong. Does this mean she's just been pretending to be happy all these months so we wouldn't know?

"Bye kid" rick says to Hailey as he's walking out the door.
"Bye rick" Hailey says
I follow them out.
"When you get home can you look through her room and take any pills or bottle you see?" I ask
"Okay. You staying here tonight?" He asks
"I have the night shift tonight, so I'm just gonna stay" I say
"Alright see you tomorrow" He says kissing me
"Love you. By Bri, love you" I say as they're walking away
"Love you too" She says

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