Chapter 14

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"You wanna know something?!" I yell getting mad
"Please enlighten me'" he says
"Do you wanna know why I act like a child?" I ask
"Tell" he says
"Because I am one! I'm not an adult! Sure, I had to grow up very fast when I was living at home but I'm not an adult. I'm a kid! I want to be able to act like one and not have to fricking go to a hospital mostly everyday!" I yell
"You go to the hospital because I can't trust you! You tried killing yourself the other week Hailey! How am I supposed to trust you?!" He yells
"drew! Can y'all stop yelling please?! Brianna is scared to death" Rick says walking in
"Everytime I try and talk to you Hailey it always ends in us yelling. You get so worked up and explode so I can't even talk to you" drew says
"Maybe because I don't know what's going on with me. My thoughts are all over the place. My depression is worse along with everything else. Don't you think I wish I could be normal?! Don't you think I wish I could be happy all the time?" I say as a tear rolls down my face
"Then talk to me. I can get you help" he says
"It's embarrassing drew. I can't control my own emotions how pathetic is that?" I say sitting on the ground against my bed
"It's not pathetic Hailey. you just need help that's all" he says coming over to me
"I-I just want to be happy without having to force myself" I say crying and drew engulfs me in a hug
"I want to be normal" I cry
"You will be" he says calming me down
"No I won't be."  I say wiping tears from my cheek
"Yes you will. We'll all help you. You can't keep sneaking out and you can't keep breaking the rules... and you need to stop seeing that boy" he says
"What?" I say
"You heard me" he says standing up
"I'm not going to stop seeing him drew. We've been together for months" I say
"He's bad news. I need you to focus on getting better not boys" he says
I roll my eyes
"Whatever" I say

I will never stop seeing Dylan. Dylan keeps me sane.

"Will you please just tell me what all happened in that house four months ago" he says

I start getting flashbacks.

"No. Drew." I say snapping out of my thoughts before the flashbacks could get bad
"Please Hailey. I'm begging you" He says desperately
"You wouldn't look at me the same. It's for the best. I'll tell you soon, but not today" I say standing up
"Hailey.... please" he says grabbing my hand
"I-I I'm not ready" i say looking down at him
He gives me a disappointed look.
"I'm sorry" I say as he stands up
"It's okay Hailey. Just please talk to me whenever you need to. I'm always here." He says
"I will. I promise" I say
"And if you don't want to talk to me talk to rick or tc. Or anybody. You can't just keep hiding these feelings. It's gonna hurt you in the long run babe" he says hugging me
"I will" I say

He steps back and starts heading out the door but then he stops and turns around.
"Give me the pills"  he says
I'm taken aback by this statement
"You already took them" I say
"You have more" he says
"No I don't." I lie
"Yes you do. I can tell Hailey" he says
"How?" I question him
"You haven't been going through withdraw. You would be as sick as a dog right now" he says
"I promise I don't have any more" I say hopefully sounding truthful
"You promise?" He says and sticks out his pinky
"I pinky promise" I say as we pinky promise
"Good. I love you" He says kissing my forehead
"I love you too" I say

He walks out of my room and I sigh in relief.
I walk to my closet and pull out the shoebox. I grab the remaining pill bottle and open it. I pour out its contents.
"Only three left?!" I say in disbelief
I can't function without these. I can't. I need to find some more.
I pop two of the three in my mouth and dry swallow them. I can't live my life without these. Have I became an addict? Yes. Do I want to get off them? Yes. Do I think I physically and mentally can? No.

I need more and I need them now.

I grab my phone from my bed and call Hudson.

Hudson is one of my old friends from school. I know he can get me the medicine.

"Hey lil one. Long time no talk" he says
I hear commotion in the background.
"You still selling?" I question
"Depends on what you want?" He asks
"Lil bit of Xanax and oxy" I say
"Ahhh. You still got that oxy addiction?" He says
"I can stop at any point" I say
"No you can't. But yeah I got a bottle or two of both" he says
"How much?" I ask
"Since youre a regular I'll do $50 each." He says
"Where you at?" I ask
"The hangout out, where else?" He says
"Can I come pick them up today?" I ask
"You got a ride?" He asks
"Um. Nah but I can figure it out" I say grabbing my wallet and opening it
"I'll come get you." He says
"Thanks hud" I say pulling out the cash I have
"You at your brothers?" He asks
"Yeah. You remember the address?" I ask
"Sure do. I'll head right over" he says
"See you soon" I say
"Aight" He says and hangs up

I count the cash I have. Only $40. My cash is stashed at the other house.

"Drew!" I yell walking out of my room
"Yeah?" He asks from downstairs
"Hudson is coming to pick me up" I say walking down the stairs
"Where are y'all going?" He asks putting a plate in the dishwasher
"To his house" I lie
"His parents home?" Rick questions
"Of course" I lie again
"Alright. Just be home by 11" he says
"11:30" I say
"10" he fires back
"Fine 11. Geez" I say going back upstairs
I walk past my room and into Drew and ricks. I quickly go to Drew's nightstand and take his wallet. I open it and grab $60.
"I'll pay you back. But probably not" I say to myself.
I put the money in my back pocket and leave the room. As I leave the room Brianna walks in the hallway.
"Why were you in dads room?" She questions
"I was returning a phone charger" I say smoothly
"Okay" she says and goes into her room

I put my shoes on and grab my phone and wallet as I hear knocking at the front door. I go downstairs to see Hudson talking with drew.
Drew likes Hudson, he always has. Hudson and I met in elementary school and have been good friends since, he's like another brother to me. Drew just doesn't know about the drugs, but that's alright, he doesn't need to know.
"Ready?" I ask Hudson
"Yep" He says
"Bye y'all." I say walking out the door
"Bye kid" rick says
"Bye Hailey" drew says
I walk out the door and get into Hudson's truck.

*at the hangout*

About 15 minutes later we pull up to an abandoned warehouse, known as "the hangout"
I get out and follow Hudson inside.
"Hailey's here" he says as we walk in
"Hey kid" I hear and see about three guys and two girls.
They're all Hudson's friends.
"Didn't know you were still on pills" jake says
"Never gotten off" I wink at him
Hudson reaches in a duffle bag and pulls out two pill bottles.
"Oxys and xan" He says
I grab the $100 from my wallet and hand them over. He counts it and then hands me over the bottles. 

I spend the rest of the day just hanging out. Dylan ends up coming over.

"Um. Isn't your curfew 11?" Hudson asks
"Yeah. Why?" I ask lifting my head from Dylan's chest
"It's 11:30" he says
"Oh frick" I say picking up my phone

I have 5 missed calls from drew and 3 missed calls from Rick. Along with texts from drew:
"Where are you? Curfew is in 5"
"Hailey. It's past 11"
"Where are you?"
"Answer the phone"
"Are you okay. You're worrying me"

Rick also texted me:
"Where are you. Your brother is worried sick. Call us please"

"I'm in so much trouble" I say getting up
"Cmon. Let me bring you home" Dylan says getting up

*at home*

"Love you. Text me when you can" Dylan says as I get out the car
"Love you too" I say closing the door

I walk up to the front door and take a deep breath and open the door.
When I open the door and walk into the house I see someone who I never would thought I would ever see again.
My body freezes and I just stand there.

"Hailey you had us worried sick!" Drew says and I can tell he's angry

I can't look away from the Lady sitting on the couch.

"Hello Hailey" she says

At this moment I want to run out the house and never come back.

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