Chapter 19

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"Hailey?" I say knocking on her door
I peek my head in and see that she's not in bed. I hear noises coming from the bathroom and see her throwing her guts up. I quickly go over to her and hold her hair back.
"Get away" she says with anger
"What?" I say confused as she stands up
"Leave me alone" she says walking Out and going to her bed
She's experiencing the irritability symptom.
"This is all your fault drew" she says pulling the blanket to cover her

I sigh and walk out the room. It hasn't even been 12 hours of this and it's already so stressful.

*10 pm*

I walk into Hailey's room. She's mumbling in her sleep. Sweat is pouring off her face as she shivers. I decide to sleep in here while she's going through everything so I can help when she needs it.
I sit on the sofa chair she has in her room and end up falling asleep.

*hailey pov*

I wake up and feel like dying. When I open my eyes I see someone staring at me. I go to scream but I can't.
"Told You id find you" dad says grinning evilly
"Leave me alone" I say
"I will never. Not until you're dead" he says "there's only one way to get rid of me"
Something overcomes me as I quietly get out of bed and walk to my window. I see drew passed out on the chair and quietly open the window. I step out onto the roof.
I can't control myself. I can't stop myself! What's going on?!

*drew pov*

I hear a noise that wakes me up. I look at Hailey's bed and see she's not there.
"Hailey?" I say and notice the window is open.
It wasn't open before. I get up and walk over to it.
"Hailey!" I yell as I see her walking to the edge.
She jumps as I startle her. She looks over to me and her checks are wet with tears. She's sobbing
"Get back here" I say climbing onto the roof
"I can't do it Drew! Stay back!" She yells
"Yes you can Hailey. We can get through this together" I say trying to calm her down
"No. He won't leave me alone. He keeps getting in!" She yells and I know she's referring to dad
"He can't hurt you Hailey. I'm here to protect you" I say
"He won't stop until he gets what he wants!" She cries as she gets as close to the edge as possible
"You're not thinking straight Hailey. Come back inside baby" I say calmly
"I can't do this Drew. My head feels like it's about to explode, my body hurts, everything hurts! I need the pills, Drew, I need them bad. Just one" she says looking to the ground
"I'll get you the pills, Hailey, just come back inside" I plead
"How do I know you will?" She says looking back at me
"I promise I will baby. I promise. You just have to come inside first" I say trying to sound convincing
She looks from me to the ground and back.
"I don't think I can do it anymore." She says
She's given up.
I hear commotion coming from the left of me. I look that way and see rick climbing onto the roof. We make eye contact and I immediately know the plan. I walk to the right of Hailey, but at a far enough distance to where she won't freak out.
"Hey Hailey, look at me" I say getting her attention
He hair is blowing in the wind as she looks over at me.
"It's not you who's talking. You're going trough something. The withdrawals are making you do this. We're getting you help. You're going to be happy soon" I say

I can't believe I'm trying to coax my baby sister to not try and commit suicide again. I know that this isn't her acting this time. I know it's the lack of being on pills. It hurts me so bad to see her like this. I just want to fix her.

"I don't want to pretend to be happy anymore drew, I want to be really happy. I don't think it's possible. They hurt me so bad. Dad hurt me. He tried to do bad bad things. He tried to hurt me in ways you shouldn't hurt anyone. It wasn't just beatings. He tried things. He's so so so evil." She cries
"Whatever he did, I'm sorry. He can't ever do it again" I say wondering what he did and hoping it wasn't what I think it is
"I can't live like this" she says as her feet are partly off the roof.
Rick has finally gotten a few feet from her without her noticing. We make eye contact and I nod.
He swiftly grabs her and pulls her back. They both fall down. I rush to haileys side and pull her into my lap. I'm in tears.
I look at her as she blinks real fast and takes a deep breath. She looks around.
"Wh-what happened?" She says utterly confused
"You're okay babe that's all that matters" I say as my eyes fill with tears
"I-I don't remember anything. How'd I get out here?" She says looking around
"Its all okay. We need to get you back in bed." I say helping her stand up
I get her back in bed.
When she gets in bed I step out into the hallway. My emotions overcome me as I slide down the wall and tears fall from my face. I am suddenly engulfed in a hug.
"We're going to get her help" rick says comforting me
"What did he do to her? How did he break her?" I say wiping the tears from my cheeks
"Let's ask her about that later. We just need to keep an eye on her. She can't help anything. She probably won't remember anything that is happening" he says
"Drew?" I hear a weak voice say
I stand up and walk into Hailey's room.
"Yeah kid?" I ask
"It's so hot" she says weakly "so hot"
"I'll go turn the air down" I say and walk into the hallway
I turn the air down and go back into her room. She's passed out.

*next morning*

"Bro. Bro" I hear and it startled me awake
"Hailey?" I say exhausted
I got no sleep last night; Between Hailey getting sick, getting hot or cold, having hallucinations, nightmares, and just crying for pills.
"She's passed out" tc says "I just got off shift. Go sleep. I'll watch her"
"No man, I can't make you do that. It's hard" I say
"I got it. Just go get sleep. You need it" He says
"But what if she needs me?" I say
"Dude. I got her" tc says
I reluctantly get up and go lay next to rick. I immediately fall asleep.

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