Chapter 7

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"Hold on" I say and quickly put the box back in its original place
I go over to my door and open it.
"Do you wanna go to the park?" Brianna asks
"Umm" I say thinking
"Please!" Brianna begs
"Fine" I say giving into her
"Yay! Thank you!" She says
I grab my phone and text Dylan
"Going to the park with sis wanna go?"
I go downstairs and meet everyone in the truck.
"Did you lock the door?" Rick asks me
"Yeah" I say as I get a text back from Dylan
"Yeah. I'll be there in 5 minutes"
When we get to the park Brianna, drew, and Rick head for the baseball field to play some softball.
"Wanna play?" Drew asks
"I'm good" I say going over to one of the swings
Drew gives me a look like he's kind of disappointed but I brush it off. I rock a little bit back and forth while looking at my phone. I've been dating Dylan for two months now. I suddenly feel arms around me and I look up to see Dylan.
"You scared me!" I say smiling up at him as he sits in the swing next to me.
"How you feeling?" I ask
"Good I guess" he says "how about you?"
"Drew is trying to get me to go to therapy" I say
"Ew" he says
"Yep" I say as I get a text
"Speaking of the devil" I say unlocking my phone and looking at the text.
"What did he say?" Drew asks curiously
"Come see" I say rolling my eyes
"I'll be waiting right here." Dylan says
"Don't let a 5 year old take my spot now" I say smiling at him and he smiles back
I walk over to drew and Rick.
"Who is that kid you're talking too?" Drew asks
"A friend" I say
"A friend?" Rick asks raising one of his eyebrows
"I can't have friends?" I ask
"He's bad news hailey and I don't think I feel comfortable with y'all hanging out" drew says throwing the ball to Brianna
"How is he bad news?" I ask
"He came into the hospital last night. He almost drank himself to death. I don't want you hanging around people like that" drew says catching the ball
"Since when did you have a say in who I could be friends with?" I ask getting angry
"Since you moved in with me 2 and a half months ago" he says throwing it back
I roll my eyes and walk away.
"Hailey I'm serious" he says
"Okay" I say
I go back over to Dylan and tell him what happened.
"What the heck is wrong with him. He'd kill you if he found out we've been dating for two months" he says
"I wanna leave this park and go somewhere where my brother isn't spying on my every move." I say
"Wanna go to my place?" He asks
"Sure why not" I say
Dylan leaves so it wouldn't look suspicious.
"I'm heading to the library. I have homework to do" I say
"Why can't you do it at home?" Drew asks
"It's a research paper and I need to print something. I'll text you when I'm coming home" I say
"Hailey you better go straight to the library and straight back." He says
"I will" I lie
The library is in the same neighborhood as us so I guess that helped convince Drew. I walk down the side walk and meet up with dylan. He grabs my hand and we start walking.
"How much did you already have to drink today?" Dylan asks out of no where
"What are you talking about?" I ask
"Your breathe has a hint of alcohol, I'm not dumb" he says
"Only a couple sips, I just used it to wash down some headache medicine." I lie as we walk into his house
"You can't keep doing that hailey. You're going to hurt yourself" he says as we walk up to his room
"I'll be fine Dyl" I say
"No. I want you to stop. You can't keep just taking random pills and mixing it with alcohol. I almost lost you once because of my stupid mistake and I don't want to almost lose you again." He says standing in front of me
"Fine" I say and he kisses me
"We can get through this together" he says as we sit on his bed.
We cuddle up and watch a movie or two before we hear the front door open then slam close.
"Uh oh" he says getting up and looking out his window
"Is that your parents?" I ask standing up
"Yeah their car is in the driveway." He says
"Dylan" we hear his mom say as she opens the door
"Dyl- what is she doing here?" His mom asks clearly on some drug
"We were watching a movie" Dylan says
His mom walks towards me.
"What's this little whore doing here?" She asks staring at me
"Don't call her that mom" Dylan says defensively
"She's the reason you are turning out the way you are" his mom says getting closer to me
Dylan steps in front of me and he holds onto one of my hands.
"I was just leaving" I say grabbing my phone
"I don't want you back here, do you understand?" She says, her eyes are bloodshot
"Yes ma'am" I say going past her and downstairs. I leave the house and start walking home.
"Hailey!" I hear and turn around
Dylan is running towards me.
"I'm sorry about that" he says stopping infront of me and we start walking
"It's fine. I understand" I say
He walks me home.
"I guess I got to go" I say
"I'll text you" he says
"Okay" I say and he kisses me.
I walk inside and see Rick helping Brianna at the kitchen table.
"What are y'all up too?" I ask look over Brianna's shoulder
"Math homework" Brianna says obviously not happy with the idea
"Ew" I say
"Why can't I do school like hailey?" Brianna asks Rick
"Because" Rick says
"Because why?" Brianna asks
"Because I said so" Rick says as I go upstairs
Because you're not a f up like me I thought to myself.
I go into my room and go take a shower and change. I go sit on my bed and try to get some schoolwork done.
"I'm leaving hailey" drew says poking his head into my room
"Please watch Brianna when Rick leaves" he says and I remember that Rick is leaving for training
"I will" I say
Drew leaves and Rick comes up an hour or so later.
"I'm leaving" he says
"See ya" I say paying attention to my school work
"Watch Brianna please" he says
I don't understand why I have to watch her, she's 12 years old, I think she can watch herself.
"I will" I say

*later that night*

"Brianna it's 10, time for bed!" I yell from my room
"I know!" She yells back

*the next morning*

"Bri, let's go before we're late!" Drew yells coming inside the house
"You're bringing her to school?" I ask
"Yep, just like I do every morning" he says sarcastically
"Don't have to have the attitude" I say smiling
Drew and Brianna leave. I haven't slept in days. I go up to my room and call Dylan hoping he's up.
"Hey" Dylan says
"Whatcha doing?" I ask
"Nothing much. What about you" he asks
"Nothing." I say
"Come over" he says
"Drew is off work" I say sadly
"Wait for him to go to sleep, then I'll come over" he says
"Okay I'll text you" I say
"Sounds good. Love you" he says
"Love you too" I say and hang up
When drew comes home he goes and takes a shower. After about an hour I quietly go over to his room and slowly open his door. I see him passed out.
"Yes" I say to myself
I close his door and go over to my room. I text Dylan:
"Drews asleep"

Within a few seconds he texts me back saying:
"I'll be over in 5 minutes"

After about 5 minutes I get a text:
"I'm here"

I go downstairs and open the front door. I see Dylan standing there looking at his phone.
"Hey babe" he says kissing my cheek as he comes in
"Do y'all have anything to eat. I'm starving" he asks opening the refrigerator
"Dylan shush. Drew is upstairs" I say
"Oh frick I forgot" he says quietly closing the fridge
He grabs a bag of chips and we go upstairs.
We watch a movie and just hang out. I work on my school work while he starts another movie. In the middle of the movie I put my laptop up and sit next to him on my bed. He wraps his arm around me and I put my head on his chest.
"Hailey-" I hear and the door opens
Uh oh

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