Chapter 5

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I go into the hallway and walk downstairs just as Rick walks in.
"Hey hailey" he says putting his keys in the little wooden tray
"Hey" I say grabbing a water from the kitchen
"Hey dad" Brianna says going to give him a hug
"Hey bri" he says hugging her back
Rick starts asking her about her day and all this other Mumbo jumbo.
I go upstairs and sit on my bed. I grab my phone. When it turns on I see Dylan and I as the background; we've been dating for a little over a month now. Drew has no idea and he's probably freak out. I open my phone and see that Dylan hasn't texted me back; which is weird, he usually texts me back right away. I try calling him and he doesn't answer.
"Strange" I say to myself as his voicemail picks up.
I hang up the phone and put it on my bed. Maybe he got into another fight with his parents? Dylan's parents could literally care less about him, they both spend their free time at bars or taking a trip somewhere. Every time I go over to his house they are either gone or they come in late at night drunk as can be.
An hour passes and I start to get nervous. It's only 8pm so it's not like he's asleep. I put my shoes on, I need to check up on him. I grab my phone and go over to the window. I open it up and step onto the roof. I climb down the tree that's against the roof and I walk to Dylan's house. Dylan only lives like 5 minutes from me. When I get to his house I open his back gate and go into his back yard. I climb up the ladder and onto his roof. His window is open just slightly. I open it up and step inside.
"Dyl?" I whisper
He's not here. Where could he be?i leave his house and walk to the bus stop. Maybe I'll just go see drew and hopefully be distracted.

*at hospital*

I walk inside the sliding doors and see toupher standing at the front desk looking through some files.
"Hey toupher" I say standing next to him
"What are you doing here?" He asks
"I needed a distraction" I say fiddling with a rubber band that I found sitting on the counter
"A distraction from what?" He asks looking up from his paperwork
"Everything" I say
He gives me a sympathetic look.
"Toph, we need you in trauma three" Jordan says
"I'll talk with you later, okay" he says
"Okay" I say
I go behind the desk and sit next to Mary, one of the desk workers.
"Hollys not working tonight?" I ask
"Nope" she says
"Hailey?!" I hear and groan
I look up to see an angry looking drew.
"Hey drew, fancy seeing you here" I say
"What are you doing here?" He asks obviously not happy with me
"I needed a distraction" I say as his phone rings
"Hello" he says "she's here."
He must be talking to Rick.
"There is no excuse for you sneaking out hailey, Rick and I have told you countless times that you can not sneak out but yet you continue to do so" he says hanging up his phone and shoving it back into his pocket
I get up front the desk and walk to the break room.
"Hailey" he says as I open the door
"What?" I ask
"You're just going to ignore me?" He says
"You don't know what I'm going through. I haven't slept in days, I can't remember the last time I slept a full night. I have at least 2 flashbacks a day now it seems. I'm going insane and sometimes I need a break. Sorry for not following your stupid rules" I say walking into the room and letting the door close on drew
"We're going to talk about this later hailey!" He says behind the door
"Can't wait" I say sarcastically and I watch as he turns around and goes back to work.
I can't stop worrying about Dylan. It's midnight and I'm still stressing out. I leave the break room and go sit at the desk with Mary. Patients come and go for about an hour until I hear another ambulance pull up. I see two paramedics rushing a stretcher.
Tc and Jordan run over to them
"Male, looks about 17, found unconscious in the park. We're thinking alcohol poisoning." The male paramedic says
I look as they rush the kid into a trauma room. I get a glimpse of the kids face. My eyes widen and my heart drops.
"Dylan?" I say to myself.
I stand up and rush over to him. I go over to the boy. It's Dylan! I watch as tc grabs a blood sample and brings it off to the lab. Dylan is hooked up to so many wires.
"Is he going to be okay?" I blurt out
"We don't know yet" Jordan says
"What's wrong with him?" I ask feeling my eyes fill with water
"Definitely alcohol poisoning. We need to pump his stomach right away." Tc says coming back with the lab work
All of a sudden the monitor starts beeping rapidly and Dylan starts seizing. Tc and Jordan flip him over to his side and throw up goes all over the floor.
"We need to get this out right now" tc says
"Is he going to be alright?!" I say as a tear falls down my face
Jordan pulls me aside.
"Do you know this kid?!" She asks
"He's my boyfriend" I say wiping away the tears "don't tell anyone, just help him"
Jordan and tc get his stomach pumped.
"He should be waking up soon" Jordan whispers in my ear. I stand next to Dylan and grab his hand
"By the way, how long have y'all been going out?" She asks
"A month" I say
"I'm guessing drew doesn't know" she says
"No. He's gonna freak if I tell him" I say
Just as I finish saying that I feel a squeeze. I look down at him and his eyes flutter open.

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