Chapter 18

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"Where the f is the ambulance!" I yell as Hailey starts going in and out of consciousness
As I say that I hear the ambulance pull up.
I carry Hailey downstairs and outside as it pulls into the driveway. Tc once again hops out along with Jordan.
"What the hell happened?!" He yells
"She's overdosing on Xanax and oxys! We need to get her stomach pumped now!" I yell
"Get her in!" Jordan yells as I hop in


Hailey, once again, almost died. I almost lost her, again.
I'm sitting in the room with her. I haven't left her side. She hasn't woken up since we knocked her out to pump her stomach. Everybody on the night shift is worried. She's like their little sister.
"Drew?" I hear wearily
I'm snapped out of my thoughts and look up to see Hailey. When we make eye contact she starts bawling.
"No. Please don't" I beg and sit next to her
I wrap her into a hug as she cries into my chest
"He he called me. He told me to do it" she cries "I don't even remember what I did"
"Who called you?" I ask as tears fall down my face
"D-dad" she sobs
My body tenses up.
"I won't let that happen again. I promise. You need sleep" I say
"The nightmares" she says
"It's all going to be okay" I say
"I'm sick, aren't I?" She asks so innocently
"We're gonna fix you" I say
It's going to be along road. She's going to start going through withdrawals probably tomorrow and it's not going to be fun.
When Hailey finally goes back to sleep I call someone who can hopefully make her feel better.

*hailey pov*

What did I do? I want to die but then I don't. I don't know what to do anymore.

When I open my eyes I see someone holding my hand. When I look at his face there's tears falling.
"Dyl?" I say as my vision clears
He's crying.
"We promised each other. You could've called me" he cries holding my hand
"I'm so so sorry. I dont know what overcame me. I'm so sorry" I cry as he wraps me into a hug
"I'm never letting you out of my sight. You mean so much to me and we just need to get you help. No more drugs, no more alcohol, and no more keeping things to yourself" he says
I feel safe when I'm with him.

*the next day*

They let me out of the hospital this afternoon. Drew's signing me up for therapy and I have to go to drug abuse session things. Drew said I'm going to have a difficult time the next week.

*that night*

I am jolted awake by a painful stabbing pain my stomach. The first thing that comes to my mind is
"I need pills"
I get up out of bed and go into my bathroom. I open the cabinets and reach up to grab the pill bottles. They're gone. What? I become frantic.

*drew pov*

I took off work for the next couple of days to help Hailey out. Every hour I check in on her.
"Hailey?" I say opening her door and not seeing her in her bed
I hear commotion coming from the bathroom. I peak inside and she's going frantic
"The pills. Where are the pills. I need them!" She cries not making eye contact with me
"Hailey, calm down babe. Let's get back in bed" I say grabbing her hand
She snatched it away.
"No. I need them. I can't function without them." She says desperately
She's not the same kid I once knew right now.
"Cmon kid" I say picking her up
"Stop. No. Let me go. I need the pills Drew" she begs
"No you don't. You'll be okay" I say as I put her into bed

It's going to be a long road, especially since she's withdrawing from Xanax and oxy.

Xanax withdrawal symptoms include:
•Muscle pain
•Numb fingers
•Sensitivity to light and sound
•blurred vision
•Loss of appetite
•Heart palpitations
•Panic attacks

Oxycodone withdrawals include:
•inability to concentrate
•thoughts of suicide

And since she's going through both at the same time is probably going to last a week, with the worst being within the first day to fourth.

"Drew" she says grabbing my hand
"Yes baby" I say
"Please give me the pills. Just one. That's it. One. Please" she begs
"I can't do that" I say covering her up

"Starting to go through withdrawals?" Rick asks
"It's already bad and they just started" I say getting into bed
"We just got to stay strong for her" he says

"Drew. Drew. Drew" I hear and am awoken by rick
"Hm?" I say still half asleep
"Hailey's not in bed" He says and I jolt awake
I run into her room and she's not in bed. I go into the bathroom and immediately sigh in relief.
I see Hailey laying on the bathroom floor curled up into a ball. She's shivering.
"I'm so hot" she says chattering
I pick her up. She's sweating.
"It's all going to be okay" I say putting her back into bed.
I cover her up but she immediately throws the blanket off.
"I-I don't feel so good" She says and immediately throws up everywhere, including on me.
"Great" I mumble as Hailey rolls over
She doesn't even realize that her bed is now covered in puke
After I clean the mess up I go back to bed.

Hailey has been asleep for two hours. She's suffering right now.

"How long am I going to grandma and grandpas for?" Brianna asks as Rick puts in Brianna's suitcase in the car
"Just until Hailey gets better." Rick says
"How long is that?" She asks
"A week babe." I say
"And we're gonna have a blast kid" ricks dad says

We say our goodbyes to Brianna and ricks parents. We sent Brianna away so she won't see Hailey like this. It's going to be bad and I just need to focus on getting her better.
When we walk into the house I hear a frantic scream. Rick and I look at each other and run to her room. When I walk in Hailey is sitting against the wall hitting at something.
"Hailey stop. It's okay!" I say getting eye level with her
She then punches me in the face. My head goes back and I grab my nose. I feel the blood starting to drip from my nose.
"Leave me alone dad! Leave me alone, please!" She yells putting her head in between her knees
"It's okay Hailey. It's drew. I'm not dad. He can't hurt you" I say trying to calm her down
"Not dad?" She says and looks up at me
Her eyes grow wide.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" she says realizing what she did
"It's okay kid. Cmon, let's get back in bed" I say helping her up
I put her back in bed.
She's got dark circles under her eyes. She looks so fragile, so weak.

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