chapter 9

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*dylan pov*

I'm stressing out just a bit. Hailey isn't answering my texts or calls. After 10 minutes I get a call from her.
"Why haven't you been answering me?" I say
"Dylan" I hear her say through her sobs
"Babe? What's wrong?" I ask getting up from bed
"I did something stupid. Real stupid and I'm so sorry" she cries
"What did you do?" I ask and get no answer
"Hailey? Babe?!" I yell
I quickly put my shoes on and run to her house. I get there within three minutes. I go inside and to her room.
"Babe?" I ask seeing she's not in her room
I notice her bathroom door is closed.
"Hailey?" I ask knocking on the door
It's silent.
"Babe?!" I say getting really worried
"I'm coming in"
I open the door and hailey is laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood.
"Babe?!" I yell
I go over to her and try to shake her awake. I notice all the pills and empty pill bottles surrounding here along with the alcohol bottles.
"Please wake up!" I say putting her in my lap.
"Hailey?! Whats wrong with my sister?" Brianna asks in the doorway
"It's okay. She's going to be okay. I think she fell." I say grabbing my phone and calling the police. "Go wait outside for the ambulance"
Brianna runs out.
"What did you do hailey? What did you do?!" I say trying to wipe up some of the blood off her head
Within 5 minutes an ambulance pulls up and the paramedics rush in. They put her on a gurney and rush her to the ambulance.
"Come on Brianna" I say and we rush into the ambulance with her

*at hospital*

The back doors swing open and Brianna and I get out the ambulance and follow the paramedics into the hospital.
"Brianna?" I hear and see drew coming over
Brianna runs over to him.
"What are you doing here?" Drew asks
"Hailey got hurt" she says
"What?!" Drew yelled running over to hailey.
"What happened bri?!" He yells
"I don't know!" She says
"Come on Brianna let's go get something to eat" a nurse says taking Brianna away
"Low heart rate. Heart stopped once on the way here. Possible overdose and busted head." One of the paramedics say
Drew and some other doctors rush her away.
I run my fingers through my sweaty hair.
"What happened?!" Jordan asks worriedly
"I got a call from her. All she said was that she was sorry and that she loved me. I heard a loud thump and she wouldn't answer me so I went over to check on her. When I found her she was laying on her bathroom floor, blood surrounding her, there was pills and alcohol bottles surrounding her." I say trying to not cry
"Does drew know you're here?" She asks
"No" I say
"Jordan we need you" I hear and see Jordan run in the direction hailey went.
I follow Jordan.
"We need to get her to surgery stat. Her stomach has to be pumped" a doctor says urgently
"Let's go" she says
I follow everyone to the surgery room.
"Dylan you need to go wait in the waiting room" Jordan says
"Dylan?!" I hear an angry voice yell
I turn around and see a stressed out drew coming my way.
"This is all your fault!" Drew says pushing me up against the wall
"No it wasn't" I defend
"You came in here months ago with about the same problem! I told you to stay away!" He yells
"Drew chill out. You either go in there and be by your sisters side or you go help other patients!" Jordan says sternly
"I want you gone. Don't ever come near hailey ever again!" Drew says rushing into the operating room.
"I swear I didn't do this to her Jordan. I would never let her hurt herself if I knew she was!" I say
"I believe you. Go wait in the waiting room. I'll update you as soon as I can." She says
I go into the waiting room. It's full of  people. I sit down and try not to freak out. All around me I hear people talking, babies crying, a couple in a fight which seems to be about the son breaking his leg. People are bleeding and one is even throwing up.

*hours later*

It's been 3 hours. I can't sit here much longer. I finally see Jordan, I get up and go to her.
"How's hailey?!" I ask
"She's fine now. We sucked all the pills and alcohol from her stomach and she ended up having a cracked skull so we fixed that." She says
"Can I see her? Please?" I ask
"Yeah" Jordan says

*hailey pov*

It's dark. Really dark and quiet. I start hearing a faint beeping sound. It starts getting louder and louder. I open my eyes.
"Babe!" I hear
My eyes adjust to the light and I see Dylan standing next to me holding my hand.
"Hi." I smile.
"How are you feeling?" He asks
"Good besides this splitting headache" I say looking around
"You did crack your skull" he says
"I did?" I ask surprised
"Yeah" he says
I remember what happened. I remember what I almost did.
"I don't want to be mad at you but I am. Why didn't you just call me. I would've came over" Dylan says causing a tear to fall down my cheek
"I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't even remember taking the pills. It just happened" I say looking away to embarrassed to make eye contact.
"Hey. Look at me" he says softly and he turns my face towards him
"No more of us dying. Obviously we're meant here for a reason if we both survived. We rely on each other not the pills and alcohol anymore" he says and more tears fall down my face
He wipes them away and kisses me.
"Cmon Dylan. You can come back tomorrow" Jessica says entering the room
"I'll be back tomorrow. Call me if you need anything" he says emphasizing the word anything
I nod.

I hear the door open and see drew walk in holding a clipboard. He comes to the foot of my bed.
"Why?" He asks
"I don't know" I say softly looking down
"Why?!" He asks louder
"I don't know drew" I say
"Why?!" He yells "how could you even try to do that to yourself?! Look at these reports Hailey! The amount of pills and alcohol you consumed almost killed you! You would've died!"
"I'm sorry" I whisper and look up at him
"You're sorry?!" He yells getting angry
"I didn't mean it" I say as tears form in my eyes
"This report shows otherwise!" He yells and throws the clipboard at the wall
He walks over to me.
"You tried to kill yourself, you tried to end your life. You didn't even think of your family. Imagine what you would've done to brianna. You were being selfish" he yells
I would love to blow up on him but I bite my tongue.
"I can't believe you would do something like this. I can't believe it" he says shaking his head and leaving the room

When the door closes tears fall down my face. He doesn't understand me. He doesn't get what I'm going through or how I'm feeling. I hate the fact that I let him down.

*Three days later*

I was released from the hospital yesterday. Drew is making me go with him to work Rick isn't home. Drew and I have barely spoken since the incident. He hates me.

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