Chapter 4

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On the way back I stop at the front desk. I go behind the desk and sit next to holly.
"Coming to help?" She asks
"Sure" I say
"Here, bring these to dr Ragusa in trauma 3" she says handing me a file.
"Okay" I say taking the files and heading to trauma three
"Dr. R" I say asking outside the curtain.
"Well hello there hailey" he says opening the curtain.
"Here ya go" I say handing him the files
"Thank you" he says
"Yep" I say
I walk back to the front desk.
"Where's toupher?" I ask holly
"He has the day off" she says
"Oh." I say
"Hailey!" I hear and see Drew walking over.
"Oh great." I mumbled
"What are you doing?" He asks
"Talking to holly" I say
"I told you to go in the break room. I don't need you causing a disturbance" he says
"I always help out drew, I've been coming here for at least a year!" I say
"Go hailey. You have school work to do" he says
"Someone's in a bad mood" I mumble walking past him and into the break room.
I sit in the break room and play on my phone for a bit. I start getting hungry and dig in my booksack for some money for the vending machine.
"Frick" I groan seeing as I didn't bring my wallet.
I go out to see if I can get some money from someone. I walk out the room and try to find drew. I can't find him so I decide to ask holly. When I get to the front desk this kid, who looks about my age, is talking with holly.
"We can't treat you unless a legal guardian is with you sir" she says to the boy who, might I add, is pretty dang cute.
"Please. My parents would kill me if they found out" he pleads
I noticed a blood covered towel around his left hand.
"How old are you?" Holly asks
"16" he says
"Bring a guardian and then we can treat you. I'm sorry" she says
He groans and turns around and walks out the door.
"What happened to him?" I ask
"He punched a wall and his hand is bruised and he might need stitches" she says looking at her paperwork
"Whyd he punch a wall?" I ask curiously
"I have no clue." She says
The curiosity gets the best of me and I walk out the hospital. I walk past the ambulances and paramedics pushing people into the hospital. I finally see the boy sitting on the bench a few yards from the entrance. I walk up over to him.
"What'd the wall do to you?" I ask sitting down
I hear a small laugh.
"The wall definitely won." He says looking down
"Well no duh, it's a wall" I say and he looks at me smiling
I was right, is he definitely pretty dang cute. He looked about 6ft, he's got brown hair, brown eyes, and the cutest smile that I've ever seen.
"What are you going at a hospital this late?" He asks
"My brother works here" I say
"That's cool" he says
"Why would your parents be mad. You're obviously in need of medical attention" I say
"My parents aren't really in the picture." He says
"So you don't live with them?" I ask
"No. They just don't care, they never have." He says
"Yeah I've got the same problem" I say
"You think your brother could help me out?" He asks
"Well my brother is in a crabby mood and he's probably gonna tell you the same thing holly did.. but I can" I say looking at his hand
"You can?" He asks looking at me confused
"I've been at this hospital almost every night for the last year. I know a few things" I say
"Sure why not" he says
"Cmon I gotta get you in the hospital without my brother or any of the doctors seeing me" I say
"I'll bring out the inner ninja in me" he says
"Let's go" I say and walk to the front. I look inside and see that hollys back is turned and everyone is distracted.
"Cmon" I say and we hurry and get inside the break room.
I close all the blinds and turn to him.
"Let's go in here" I say and bring him into where the doctors sleep during their breaks at night.
He sits on a bed and I pull up a chair. I take the towel off his hand.
"Geez dude" I say looking at his hand in the light
His hand is all scratched up, he's definitely has at least 2 cuts that need stitches and his pointer finger is most likely broken.
"That wall definitely did win" I say
"How bad?" He asks
"You definitely need stitches and I'm pretty sure your pointer finger is broken" I say
"Great" he groans "can you fix it"
"Yep" I say
"Thank god" he says relieved
"I have to go get some tools though" I say
"Okay, I'll be right here" he says and I smile at him
"By the way my names Dylan" he says as I'm about to leave
"My names hailey" I say looking towards him
I go and try to get the things I need. I search through a draw with the stitching stuff. I grab a needle and the thread, I also grab some disinfectant wipes and a finger splint. I hurry back to Dylan without getting caught. I place all the supplies on the bed.
"I can't get you any pain medicine" I say
"I don't need it. I'm a man" he says dramatically
"You'll be crying like a baby in a second" I say
I get him stitched up and his finger splinted.
"That freaking hurt" he says once I finish
"Told you" I said
"Thank you" he says
"I need to take those out in a week and also check on that finger" I say
"Sounds good" he says
"So where you going after this?" I ask
"I don't really know" he says
"Oh" I say
"Tell me something" he says
"Sure" I say
"Earlier you told me you have the same problems with your parents like I have. How are you getting through it?" He asks
"Well our problems aren't exactly the same." I say
"How so?" He asks
"My mom left and my dad became an alcoholic. He started being abusive, mentally and physically. I hid it for 5 years and then my brother found out. My dad went to jail and now I live with my brother" I say
"Oh wow. I'm so sorry" he says
We talk for about an hour and a half.
"You wanna get out of here?" He asks
"And go where?" I ask
"Anywhere. That's what I do lost of the time" he says
"Sure." I say going and packing up all my stuff
"Ready?" He asks
"Yep" I say and we hurry out the hospital wary to not get caught.

*two months later*

"Hailey I'm going to work." Drew says stocking his head in my room
"Alrighty." I say
"Rick should be home any minute but in the mean time don't-" he says before I cut him off
"Don't let Brianna roam outside by herself" I say finishing his sentence
He shakes his head and smiles. I hear the front door open.
"Bye" drew yells and I hear the door close.
"Hailey?" Brianna says coming into my room
"Yeah?" I ask looking up from my schoolwork
"Is dad coming home soon?" She asks
"Drew said rick should be home any minute" I say
Drew and Rick adopted Brianna about a month ago.
"Okay" she says and looks at me. "Are you okay?" She asks
"I'm fine. Why?" I ask looking back at my computer
"You pretend to be happy but I know you're not" she says
"Don't you have homework to do?" I ask trying to get her to leave
"Yeah" she groans and leaves my room.
I've been trying so hard to be happy and get better but I've just been getting worse. The pills and alcohol are the only things that can calm me. I haven't slept in two days and I can't remember the last time I slept more than 4 hours a night.
I hear a car pull into the driveway. I get out of my bed and look out my window. I see Rick getting out of his car.
"Ricks home" I say loudly so Brianna can hear me

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