chapter 10

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"Go work on your school work" drew says as we walk through the front entrance

I go into the break room and put my booksack down on a chair. I shuffle around in my bag till I find what I'm looking for.
"Ahah!" I say holding up the orange cylinder bottle
I open the cap and 4 pills fall into my hand. I go to the refrigerator and grab a water and swallow the pills. I'm pretty sure the pills are for anxiety and depression. I found them in my closet and they help me feel a little better so who cares.

I work on schoolwork for a few hours before I start getting restless. I need to get up and do something before I go even crazier.
I get up from my computer screen and the mess of papers on the table and walk out into the hospital. I start hearing yelling 
I go out into the hospital. Its choatic. People are running all over the place, stretchers coming in one after the next, patients walking in bloody and confused begging for help. My body freezes. The yelling and the amount of things going on at once crowd my mind.

"Excuse me?!" I hear and see a lady who looks in fear and shock
"Y-yes?" I ask
"Can you help me?" She asks
"Um s-sure" I say looking behind her at the commotion coming from the front desk
I need another pill.
The lady shows me her hand that's wrapped in a blood soaked towel.
I unwrap the towel and see that she has a huge gash going across her hand. She definitely needs stitches.
"You're gonna need stitches" I say wrapping her hand in some clean gauze
"Can you do it?" She asks
"I'm not a doctor" I say
"Miss can you help. I can't find my son, have you seen him?" A lady runs over asking frantically
"What does he look like?" I ask directing my attention towards her
"Can you please help my wife?" A man frantically asks
His wifes head is wrapped up obviously bleeding.
"Can I see a doctor?" Another person asks

Everybody keeps yelling and asking questions. Why did I walk out of the break room
"I-I uh" I stutter trying not to just breakdown "uh" I say
My breathing is getting faster. Tears form in my eyes
"Are you going to help us or not?" A man yells
"Have you seen my son?!" The lady asks frantically

It's getting harder to breathe. I look back and forth to each person asking questions. They're asking them to fast, I cant answer.

"Woah woah woah" I hear "this is not a doctor. Now I need y'all all to go up to the front desk and wait patiently were trying to help the best way and fastest we can"

I look over and see tc (he came home yesterday). Tc points them all to the front desk and they rush over there.
I'm still a mess. I can't breathe.
"You okay?" Tc asks noticing that I'm obviously not
I can't stop focusing on all the panic and yelling going on.
"Hailey" tc says moving my face so I'm looking at him.
"What's wrong?" He asks looking into my eyes.
My breathing is getting faster and heavier. I can't say anything.
Tc pulls me into the break room.
"You're okay" he says hugging me
Suddenly I start crying.
"You're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you." He whispers
I calm down a bit before he gets called back out.
"I'll be back. Just try and get some sleep" he says kissing the top of my head
I nod and he leaves. When the door closes behind him I grab the orange bottle and throw 3 pills into my mouth.
"Why can't you be nomal? Why? Why do you have to cry about everything? Why are you so broken?!" I yell to myself and fall against the wall
I cry into my hands. When the pills kick in and I finally stop crying I just sit along the wall starting off into space. Thinking about everything screwed up in my life.

My parents did this to me. I can't function anymore without the help of pills or alcohol. I can't live a normal day with having a flashback and a panic attack. I can't even sleep at night. I haven't slept in days. I literally can't function. I let everyone down and make everyone worry. What good am I doing. I need help.

"Hailey" I hear and am snapped out of my thoughts
I look up to see drew
"I'm leaving for training. Tc will bring you home. I'll be back in a months top" he says
"Okay" i say
He looks disappointed as he turns and walks out the room. As he's about to open the door he turns and looks at me starting off. I see him shake his head and leave. Great I let him down again.

*Tc POV*

Im finally finished with my shift. I go change out of my scrubs once I'm done I go into the break room to get Hailey.
Drew, Rick, and I have all talked and we think it might help Hailey if she stayed with me while drew is gone. Drew doesn't want to leave Rick dealing with her while trying to maintain Brianna.

"Ready kid?" I say walking in snapping Hailey out of her thoughts
Hailey's sitting along the wall.
"Uh yeah. Lemme just grab my things in the back" she says going to wear the beds are.
I go to the counter and pour me a cup of coffee. As I take a sip I notice a pill bottle sitting on the counter, the name of who it's for is ripped off. I grab it knowing it's probably Hailey's and that she's probably not supposed to be taking it.

*In truck*

"Ready to live with the coolest uncle in the world?" I ask looking at Hailey and then back at the road
"Of course" she says looking out the window
"Are you still taking any medicine?" I ask trying to see if she really isn't supposed to be taking that medicine I found
"Nope" she says
I watch her out the corner of my eye as she grabs her bag and starts digging through it. After a couple of minutes I see a look of fear/worry come across her face.
,"Leave something?" I ask
"No" she says gazing out the window

When we pull up to my house we get out and I unlock the door. Hailey heads straight for her room she has here. I go up to my room and into my bathroom. I grab the pill bottle from my bag and read it. It's xanax. First off drew didn't want her on this because it can make her depression and mental stability worse than it already is and secondly, it can be addictive.
I think I'll wait for drew to come home before I tell him about this.

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