Chapter 12

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I grab the booksack and head upstairs.
"You going to talk to her?" Rick asks
"Yeah. I'm sick of the way she's been acting." I say going up the stairs
When u get to her room I knock, no answer.
"Hailey" I say opening the door
I see her laying in bed, she's starting at me with a solemn look.
"What" she asks sitting up
"Tell me the truth. Are you still taking pills or drinking?" I ask
"No" she says then she looks down to the bag and her eyes widen
"Then what the hell is all of this?!" I say raising my voice while dumping the contents of the bag onto her lap
Her eyes widen.

*Hailey pov*

"Why are you going through my stuff?!" I yell
"It fell off the table and I was making sure your laptop wasn't in it!" Drew says
He's mad. Like really mad.
"What I do with my life is my business drew. Not yours." I say putting the pills and bottles back into the bag.

How was I so stupid to leave my bag out in public. God I'm so dumb!

"How many times have you been told to stop taking pills and drinking?!" Drew says angrily
"Once or twice" I say
"More like 50 or 60 times" he says
"Same thing" I say rolling my eyes and standing up
"Hailey, I'm not joking! This is serious" he says
"I'm listening" I say grabbing the booksack
All of a sudden it's snatched  of my hands.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" I yell
"Taking your booksack" drew says
"It's not yours. Give me it back" I say grabbing it
"Let it go Hailey!" Drew says pulling the bag from my hands
"It's not even yours!" I yell
"It is now" he says
"What the hell!" I say frustrated
"You really thought I was going to let you keep it?! Just last month you almost killed yourself!" He yells
I want to argue back but I don't want to say anything I'd regret. We haven't even hardly spoken to each other since last month.
"Just take the fricking bag and leave" I say
"You're going to start going to therapy. I'm sick of the way youve been acting" drew yells walking out the door
"Whatever" I say

Surprisingly drew leaves. I'm shocked he didn't yell at me more

*Next day*

"Hailey let's go!" Drew yells from downstairs as I finish putting my shoes on
I walk downstairs and get into the car.

Of course he had to schedule an appointment. He thinks I'll get better if I talk to a stranger who knows nothing of what I went through or who I even am. Why would I tell a stranger about my problems?!

"Hailey Alister" a lady says
I stand up and follow the lady into an office.
"You can sit on the couch" she says
I sit on the couch and she sits on he sofa chair in front of me.
She look through a folder of papers.
"So your brother told me you've been having some problems lately" she says looking up at me
"Not really" I say
"He told me that you've been willfully disobedient" she says
"Nope" I say

I don't even talk about my problems to my own brother, so why would I talk to this lady?

"Why do you think you really on the pills and alcohol so much?" She asks
"I dont," I say
"So why do you take them?" She asks
"Because I want to" I say
"I see here that you've been diagnosed with a bunch of things: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, ptsd" she says looking at a paper
"Yeah but I'm all better" I lie
She giving me a look that shows she doesn't believe me.
"So do you think any of this has to deal with your parents?" She asks
"Yeah" I say
"How?" She asks
"Because " I say
I can tell she's getting frustrated at my short  answers
"What did they do to you?" She asks
"Stuff" I say getting fed up with this
"You're going to have to talk to me. It might help you not feel so ad" she says
"I'm not trying to be rude but, this isn't going to help. I'm not going to tell you about how my parents abused me, how I live life suffering through pain, and I'm not telling you how my brother and I don't get along anymore so it's probably better if you stopped trying" I say
"It can help you to talk to someone" she says
"It won't trust me" I say just wanting to leave
"Why?" She asks pushing up her glasses
"Because talking isn't going to help my depression just vanish. It's not going to cure my anxiety nor will it help me sleep at night. This is pointless" I say
"Tell me about your parents and what happened that got the avyse started" she says
"I don't want to think about it. I think about it so much as it is. Why would you want me to continue thinking about it" I say
"It might help" she says
She must love that saying. It's got to be her life motto.
"I'm not talking about them" I say
"Did you do something that you remember or did something happen?" She asks and I've had enough
"How could you even ask if I did something that started the abuse. It wasn't my fault." I say standing up
"Where are you going?" She asks
"I'm leaving." I say walking out the door

"Hailey?" Drew asks looking at his watch
I pay no attention to him and go outside and wait by his truck
He finally comes out 10 minutes later
When he unlocks the truck I get in.

""I try and get you help and you just leave" he says sounding disappointedas he starts the truck and starts driving
I just look out the window"
"You have nothing to say for yourself" he asks and I don't say anything
"Unbelievable" he says to himself

*Later that day*

Drew doesn't have work tonight so that means he'll be home. Yay. Note the sarcasm.
I'm laying in bed. I just want to sleep but I can't.


I just got home from school. I put my booksack on the ground by the door and go into the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge.
"Look who's finally home" I hear my dad say coming down the stairs
I don't look at him hoping he won't hurt me today.
"So where have you been?" He asks coming up to me
"A-at school " I s. ay
"Yeah right. I bet you were out sneaking around. Probably doing drugs or drinking" he says
"I was at school dad" I say getting nervous
"You were probably sleeping around with some guy" he says with a look of disgust
"I-I wasn't. I was at school!" I say nervous ly
"What a little slut." He says in my face
"B-but" I say and am slapped across the face
"What did I ever do wrong for you to turn into a pathetic little slut" he yells

That night was another night filled with beatings. He always just accuses me of things I never did just so he had some reason to beat me

*Flashback over*

When I come back too there's tears running down my face. I get up and go into my bathroom. I look in the mirror.
"Why can't you just be normal? Why can't you just have one good night? Why are you so freaking screwed up?!" I say to myself with tears brewing in my eyes

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