chapter 11

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"Hailey, wanna go get something for dinner before heading to the hospital?!" I yell from downstairs
No answer.
"Hailey?!" I yell alittle louder
No answer
"Cmon now Hailey" I say walking upstairs and into her room
"Hai-" I say before noticing that she's not in here
I check her bathroom and she's no where in sight.
I hurry downstairs and grab my phone calling her.

*Hailey pov*

"Where did they go?!" I say to myself frantically
I close the door and empty the contents of my booksack onto the bed 
"It's got to be here!" I say shuffling through the items scattered on the bed
"No, no, no. This can't be happening" I say running my hands down my face in frustration

I got to find those pills. If anyone finds them and traces them back to me drew will literally kill me. I grab my phone and call Dylan.
"Hey babe" Dylan says cheerfully
"I need help" I say
"With?" He asks
"I've been taking medicine to ease my nerves and-" I say before getting cut off
"You've been taking pills?" He says
"Dyl just listen" I say
"I asked you to stop doing that babe" he says sounding not so cheerful anymore
"We all do things that aren't good for us" I say
"But the pills can kill you" he says
"And you could become an alcoholic" I say
"You can't just be taking pills without knowing how many you should take a day" he says
"I only take the recommended amount" I like
"Fine. What's the problem?" He asks
"I lost them" I say
"What?" He asks
"I misplaced them" I say
"How?" He asks
"I don't know. I had them at the hospital. On the way to Tc's tc asked me about if I take medicine still. It was weird. I checked my booksack and they are gone" I say
"You probably just left them at the hospital. Are you going over there tonight?" He asks
"I think, but someone could find them before that considering it's only 9 in the morning and Tc's shift doesn't start till 6" I say
"Want me to run you over there?" He asks
"Please" I beg
"I'll be at the park in 10 minutes" he says
"Thank you babe" I say and hang up

I put my phone in my back pocket and grab my wallet. I go into the hallway and peak into Tc's room. He's sound asleep.
"Going out T, I'll be back later" I whisper and quietly close the door back

I go down to the park and sit on a bench and wait for Dylan. I look up about 5 minutes later and see him pull in. I walk over to his car and get in. I'm greeted by a peck on the lips.

*At hospital*

The sliding doors open and Dylan and I go towards the break room.
"What are you doing here hailey?" I hear and look over to the lady sitting at the front desk
"I think I left something here" I say to Alice, one of the day shift works
"Ahhh okay" she says getting back to her paperwork
We go into the break room and we search high and low for that little orange bottle that could easily ruin my life.
"It's not here" Dylan says
"Someone must've found it" I say running my hand through my hair
"Did you just misplace it in your room?" He asks
"I had it here and now it's gone" I say frustrated
"Maybe tc found it" he says
"He'll tell drew" I say
"Let's wait for him to go to work and then we'll find it" he says


Tc called me a few minutes ago. Dylan and I are just hanging out at his house. My phone rings again:
"Hello" I say
"Where the hell are you and why haven't you been answering my calls?" Tc asks
"I'm sorry T, Im at the library, my phone was on silent" I lie
"Are you going to meet me at the hospital?" He asks
"Do I have too?" I ask
"Either you come over here or you stay with Rick" he says
"I'll text you and tell you what I end up deciding on later" I say
"Okay. Well I'll see you later or I'll see you tomorrow" he says
"Okay. Bye T. Love you" I say
"Love you too hails" he says and I hang up

"T is off to work so I guess we should go check to see if he found it" I say
"Yeah. Let's go" Dylan says getting up from bed

*T's house*

When we get to the house we head straight for T's room. We search everywhere for that bottle.
"Babe" I hear and turn to see Dylan holding up the bottle
A smile grows on my face and I run and grab it.
"I'm so relied on" I say putting the bottle in my school booksack
"What all do you have in there?" Dylan asks looking over my shoulder
"Some anxiety, depression, panic attack medicine, and medicine they gave me to stop the ptsd." I say
"You better not be taking all of those" he says
"I'm not babe" I say

*Three weeks later*

Drew got back home from training acouple of days ago. We still haven't really talked. It sucks because we used to be so close and now I just feel like a disappointment. My days consist of doing school work, trying to sleep but failing, and feeling like I'm being watched 24/7. My anxiety and depression aren't getting any better but I've gotten the hang of convincing others otherwise.

*Drew POV*

"Finished your homework bri?" I ask
"Yeah" Brianna says sitting on the couch watching TV.
"No you didn't child" Rick says sitting next to me at the dining table.
"But-" she tries to say
"Come do your homework Missy" I say getting up and putting mine and Rick's plate into the sink.
"I don't know how to do this math though" bri says sitting down with a binder opened up in front of her
"Let me see" I say reaching across the table grabbing her binder while accidentally knocking Hailey's booksack to the ground
It falls with a crash
"How many times are we gonna have to tell that child to pick up her stuff" I say
"She's 16. Kids her age never do what anyone asks and we know that" rick says
"True" I say standing up to pick it up
"Was her laptop in there?" Rick asks worriedly
"God, I hope not" I say putting the bag back on the table
I unzip the bag and am shocked but not surprised.
"No laptop" I say
"Good." Rick says finishing helping Brianna with her math.
"Why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed" I say to brianna when she closed her binder
"But dad" she whines
"Brianna" I say sternly
She groans and goes upstairs
Rick looks at me confused.
"She didn't have a laptop in that bag but she did have other things " I say
"Like?" Rick asks
I take out two and a half filled water bottles and I tip the bag over and 5 pill bottles spill out
"Jesus" Rick says
I open the half filled water bottle and smell it. It burns the hair in my nose.
"Yep. Definitely not water" I say and Rick smells it
"Definitely not" he says
"I don't know what to do anymore" I say
"It's time to put her in therapy. It's only been like 6 months since everything happened and she's only getting worse" he Says
I put everything back into her bag. I'm so angry at her. She almost killed herself last month from doing this and now she's doing it again. This is unexceptable an I won't allow it anymore. She needs to grow up.

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