Chapter 17

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*hailey pov*

It's now midnight. I feel horrible. I haven't taken any of my pills today and I can't function, I need to go home soon. I feel so much worse mentally than I have ever felt. I don't want to keep thinking about my parents. I don't want to keep relieving everything that has happened in my life. I don't want to be here anymore.


"You ready to go?" Drew asks coming into my room as I'm putting on my last shoe
"Yeah" I say trying to seem happy but he doesn't believe it
I blew up on him earlier, I didn't mean to but what I said was what I really felt. Now he knows I'm screwed up, now he's going to be watching me.
We end up silent the whole ride home. I have to stay in bed for a couple of days, because of the concussion, so this is going to be great.


When we get home I go right up to my room. I go straight to my bathroom and into my closet. I grab the jansport book sack that's hiding under everything and open it. I dig around and feel nothing.
"What?" I say and continue looking
"No. No. No" I cry to myself
My pill bottles are missing! It then hits me, I hid the two new bottles under my sink. I throw my book sack down and open my bathroom cabinet. I reach up to the roof of it and grab the two bottles that are taped to the top. I open the oxy bottle and pop three of them in my mouth. I put them both back into the hiding spot.
Wait. Where's the other bottle I kept in that book sack? It had two pills left in it. I know I left it in there.
I start freaking out. What if they found it? Oh god.
"Hailey" I hear and go out into the room.
I see rick and Drew looking at me. Drew is holding a bottle. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
"Hi" I say trying to play it off
"What is this?" Drew asks holding up the bottle
I walk over to him and look at it. Sure enough, it's my bottle.
"I don't know drew, you're the doctor, shouldn't you know?" I ask trying to lie my way out
"This was found in your room Hailey so don't give us any bs" he says
"Wait. Y'all went through my room?" I ask
"You're tox screens came back so high Hailey! You were mixing oxy and Xanax, that's incredibly dangerous" he says
"I'm sorry" I say
"You Said this a million times. How can I believe you?" He asks
He doesn't seem mad, he just seems disappointed and I hate that feeling.
"I promise I'll stop drew. I promise" I say
"Hailey. You've told me this a million times. Do you have a drug problem and please be real with me" He says
"No Drew I don't. I'm fine. I only take them every now and then." I say

I somehow convince drew and rick to leave and that I'm fine. I think they think they got all the drugs out of my room.

*two days later*

I just snuck back in from being at Dylan's all day. I feel terrible. It's like 3:30 in the morning and my thoughts are all over the place.
I'm sitting on the roof when my phone rings.
"Hello" I say without looking at the caller ID
"Hello Hailey" a deep voice says

The voice sounds so familiar but I can't put a face to it.

"Who is this?" I ask
"How could you forget me?" The voice says again

It hits me.

"How-how did you get my number?" I ask
"I have my ways. I heard what happened between you and your mother. How could you do that to her? But of course you had to lie again and send her off just like you sent me off. You're actually pathetic" he says
"Please leave me alone" I beg
"Just so you know, I have friends out there Hailey. I have people watching you at all times, even people watching you now. You're going to get what's coming to you. I'm going to kill you. I will succeed, so you can keep hiding but it's not going to work" he says
"Leave. Me. Alone" I demand
"Just do me a favor and kill yourself. You actually have to take more pills this time if you want to die unlike the last time you tried" He says evilly and hangs up

I start breathing heavily. I feel like I can't breath, I'm shaking. So many flashbacks are coming back.

"You stupid slut. You're worthless! You won't ever amount to anything! Just leave this house and never come back! You sent your mother away! You are a stupid, pathetic bitch!" Repeats in my head
"No. No. No." I say running my fingers through my hair.

I can't live like this anymore. I can't do it.

I get up and go into my room and into the bathroom. I grab the two pill bottles. I'm shaking so bad. I look at myself in the mirror with a disgusted look.
"You will never amount to anything. Never. Just kill yourself so your brother doesn't have to keep watching you. Kill yourself. You would do everyone a favor if you were dead. You're just making everyone suffer" I say to myself
I then keep repeating what dad has said to me.
"You stupid, pathetic slut. You'll never amount to anything. Worthless." I repeat as I try and get the bottles to open but I'm shaking so hard. I cry out in frustration.

*drew pov*

I can't sleep. All I can do is worry about Hailey. She's so mentally drained is sad to see.
Something in me is telling me to check on Hailey. I'm getting a bad feeling. I get up and walk into the hallway.
"Hailey?" I knock on her door
I get no response.
I open the door and she's not in there. I then hear commotion coming from the bathroom.
"Hailey. You okay?" I ask
"Frick!" Hailey yells
"Hailey?" I say knocking
"Leave me alone!" She yells
I can tell something's up.
"Hailey. Open the door" I say getting nervous
"Leave me alone. Please. I have to do this." She says
I get worried.
"Open the door right now!" I yell
"Go away!" She yells once again
"What's going on?" Rick asks coming in
"She's doing something in their. Somethings not right" I say worriedly
"Break it down" rick says
I slam into the door and it opens. When it opens Hailey drops the bottle she had in her hand and pills fly everywhere.
"No. No. No!" She yells not even realizing we're here
She falls to the ground and picks a few up and puts them in her mouth before I get to her.
"Hailey stop! What are you doing!" I yell and grab her
"Stop. No. Leave me alone!" She yells as I grab her and pick her up from the ground
"Let me go!" She yells
"Stop Hailey! Stop!" I yell as she's fighting to grab more pills
"I didn't take enough. I didn't take enough!" She yells kicking and trying to get out of my grasp
Rick takes her from my arms as I grab the pill bottle from the ground and empty the rest into the sink. They all go down the drain.
"No! No! No!" Hailey yells
"It's okay Hailey. You're okay!" Rick says trying to calm her down.
I look on the counter. There's an almost empty pill bottle sitting on the counter.
"No!" She yells getting out of ricks grip and running to me
I block her from getting into the bathroom.
"Stop it. Stop it. Let me go! Let me go!" She yells hitting my chest
"Calm down Hailey!" I say grabbing her wrists looking into her eyes
She starts breathing heavily and her punches become slower.
"I want to die. I want to die." She mumbles falling to the ground.
"Call 911." I mouth to rick and he runs downstairs
She starts having trouble breathing- a sign of overdose. She's shivering.
"Just let me go. Let me go" she begs
"I will never" I say rocking her in my lap. "I will never"

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