2. The Only Difference between Martyrdom and Suicide, is Press Coverage.

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-Super Izzy strikes again!-

Alec had been grateful he'd driven his own car to the event. He couldn't fathom having to ride back home with his family. He continuously beat himself up over his actions. He should have been focused, how could he forget? He wasn't completely out, he still could qualify for other events, namely pummel horse and rings. He was still angry, trampoline was his main skill, and he hadn't done how he wanted.

He drove back to the hotel in silence, parked his car, and isolated himself in his bedroom. He ignored his sister when she called out for him to go to dinner, turned off his phone, and took a freezing cold shower. With a towel wrapped around his waist, he sat on the edge of the bed, and allowed himself to cry. He decided he needed his alone time and ensured to lock his door, and secured the door guard that kept his room locked from his sisters'. Slipping into some pajama bottoms, he lay in bed, and finally found some sleep.

It was an awful hour in the morning when Alec woke up to a body thrown over him. He opened his eyes to see a mess of black hair and dark brown eyes peering down at him.

"Good morning big brother" she said and rolled over to lie beside him.

"How did you get in here?" He inquired before grabbing a pillow and smacking her with it.

"With a lot of effort you butt! Had to go down to the office, told them I lost my key so they'd give me one to your room thinking it was mine, and then very meticulously had to get that stupid chain to come off. Why would you do that? It was a pain getting in here"

"Gee. It's almost as if I locked my room so no one would come in here" he spoke out sarcastically. "Whats going on Isabelle?"

"I wanted to talk. Mom said you needed some time. So, I gave you some. Now it's over, and I'm here. Besides. I needed to show you something"

"I don't want to see it" he muttered out pulling the blanket over his head.

"The internet is mad at you" she said out playfully pulling at the covers. Unknowingly throwing salt into the wound.

"Well tell them to join the club" He was currently President, CEO, and first member of the We-hate-Alec- fanclub.

"You need to see it big brother! You need to fix this!"

"I can't Izzy. It's not like I can tell them to give me another chance. I messed up and lost my shot." He spoke out in frustration, tears threatening to come. "Don't you think I would have asked for a redo if I could?"

"Are you talking about your routine?"

"What else could I be talking about?" he shot out sitting up in the bed to look at her.

"Oh. No one cares about that. TRUST ME"


"Here. Take a look" she promptly hit play on her phone and shoved it in his face.

Alec watched the video in silence. His horrible performance had been shared to youtube, but that wasn't the main cause for attention. They highlighted his fall. Over and over again, and even in slow motion. He threw the phone back against the bed.

"I don't want to see this! Everyone is just going to ridicule me for failing"

"Wow" she said "You seriously still don't see it do you?"

"See what?"

She hit the video once more and stopped on the title. "Super Spotter rescues USA Alec L."

"No one cares about your fall, they care about what happened after you fell you dummy"

"What?" He grabbed for the phone again and watched more intently. This time he noticed it. When he fell over the edge the spotter had reached out for him and grabbed him. That's why he never hit the floor. He'd fallen into the boys embrace and that had saved him from an injury.

"So, he saved me. So what? Why is the internet upset with me?"

"Keep watching" Alec did as instructed until he finished the video. He still didn't understand.

"He saved you. He took a hit to the face for you! He could have gotten injured but he rescued you. And all you did was pat him on the shoulder and walked away."

"Sorry? What was I supposed to do? Bow down and worship him?"

"According to the internet yes! Or kissed him"

"WHAT!" Alec's face burned bright red as he looked at his sister. "Kiss him? WHY!"

"That's what the internet wants. You are being shipped with our valiant savior and they are upset all you did was pat him on the shoulder"

"Well excuse me for being occupied with the fact my dream had just been stripped away." He added dramatically.

He stopped to think. He was in the middle of losing his dream, and the internet was worried about him not being grateful to some random boy. Shipping? How could they dream of shipping him? Had the world discovered his secret?

"We need to fix this big brother. We need to find the boy, and we need to fix this"

"Fix what? What am I supposed to do?"

"Well. What the internet wants is more R-Rated. I mean, there is already fanfiction."

"Fanfiction??? It's been what, 13 hours?"

"Internet works fast" she stated, knowing she may have been one of those writers.

"I can't do anything. Sorry."

"child, quit playing. Let's go say thank you to your prince charming"

Alec sat in shock. Too much information was being thrown at him at once. How had his life become such a mess in a matter of hours??

"So, do I have your blessing to find your cute spotter boy?" she asked innocently

"How would you even start?"

"Don't worry about that big brother. Operation Spotter is already underway."

"Then why would you even need my blessing??"

"Technicality" she muttered. Going through her phone, and the list of comments already flooding her profile, all identifying her target. Magnus Bane, spotter extraordinaire, wouldn't know what hit him.

ALSO! If you guys don't mind. I'm in the top 3 for MalecLovely's newest contest and could really use the votes!:D Please drop by her newest story post and give me and my Hamilton inspired Malec oneshot a vote! <3 ! :D Also Malec ONE SHOTS is currently in a contest for fanfiction for the MoonlightAwards! And Through My eyes for poetry also under MoonlightAwards It would help a lot if you voted +1 by my stories!

★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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