Chapter Four: Kidnapped by the Ice Cream Truck

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There's this guy in my best friend's class who likes to tell her about his problems, and he told her that he was up until four in the morning sharpening his axes. Apparently he makes them himself?

My mind vaguely registered arguing.

My first thought was, Ice cream?

Wait- aw man. I've been kidnapped.

Now I'll never get to Charles's party.

"She should be out for another three hours," A voice said. Sounded like Ice Cream Boy.

"Good," The Kidnapper's voice said. "We need all that time."

"Guys, what are we doing?" An unfamiliar guy questioned. "People will come looking for her!"

"It's fine," A slightly familiar man said. "We will work it out."

I slowly regained control of my body, give each part a slight twitch to test things out. This was all Kai's fault.

"Are you sure she's ok? She keeps twitching."

"I assume so."

I decided that at the right moment I would lash out.

But then I couldn't wait anymore and just decided to jump up and scream.

I suddenly lept to my feet.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as loud as possible.

The guy driving swerved the car and the man beside him fell off of his seat.

While they were distracted, I lunged for the back door and opened it.

But, before I could jump, an arm hooked around my waist and pulled me back in.

"SHUT THE DOOR!" Ice Cream Boy shouted from on the ground.

The guy holding me slammed the back doors shut and threw me in the ground.

"HEY!" I shouted, landing roughly.

"Cole, what the heck?!" The guy driving yelled at Ice Cream Boy.

"I put a handful of it in her ice cream along with a pinch of sugar!" Ice cream boy/ Cole defended.

"YOU CANT DRUG ME!" I shouted, jumping on the red-haired guy closest to me and knocking him to the ground.

"Pull over!" He shouted. The unfamiliar guy under me had red hair and a tan face.

The guy in black who kidnapped me, grabbed me and pulled me off of him. I struggled, and ended up sinking my teeth into his arm as hard as I could.

"Ow!" He yelled, and pushed me away. He looked down at the huge mark on his arm and then back at me accusingly.

"You bit me," Kidnapper said.

"That's right," I snarled, "Any more clever observations you wanna make?"

His face grew enraged. "Do you know who I am?!"

"Yeah!" I shot back, "You're that guy who can't even introduce himself correctly!"

The unfamiliar red-haired man snorted, but before I could come at him again, Ice Cream Boy, or Cole, had snuck up behind me and grabbed my arms and swiftly tied them up with ducktape.

"Maybe I mixed the drugs and sugar up," Cole smiled apologetically.

Maybe I should be smart about this, I thought to myself. I knew I could break the duck tape. And then I could use the necklace in my pocket to strangle one of them. I just had to wait until a rest stop.

The kidnapper raised an eyebrow, and for the first time I noticed that his hood was down, his black hair fully exposed. "Why are you suddenly so calm?"

"I don't like it," Cole frowned. "It's creeping me out."

I gathered that theses weren't conventional kidnappers. Maybe if I formed a relationship of sorts with them, they would feel bad for me and let me go. Or maybe if I choked them into unconsciousness I could get away. Either worked for me.

"Is she still alive?" The driver asked, peeking into the review mirror. In further inspection, with a jolt I realized that I recognized the guy driving.

"It's you!" I cried. What are the odds?

The sexy guy from the shoe store gave me a smile. "You know what my outfit is made of? Boyfriend material."

Lord. These kidnappers were just sad. Everyone has heard that one before. Plus, his shirt looked like it had been caught in a tornado.

"That one?" I asked, scrunching up my nose. "It looks kind of cheap and clingy."

He frowned.

After that it was quiet for a couple seconds.

"Why'd you kidnap me?" I broke the silence.

The guy driving snorted. "I don't think of it as kidnapping... it's more like a spontaneous vacation."

...My earlier prediction was correct. They were not conventional kidnappers. But, that could be a good thing. Maybe I could use this to my advantage.

"So, what's your name?" The stranger asked.

I thought. "Can you ask an easier question?"

"Moving on," the driver spoke, "Now that we've all settled down, let's establish some ground rules. No talking, laughing, sneezing, coughing, standing, sitting, smiling, giggling, drinking, frowning, crying, whining, blinking, moving, laying, or breathing. Understood?

I thought. "Can I make sarcastic remarks?"


I threw my hands up in the air from exasperation. "Then what's the point of even living!"

Everyone, minus the driver, turned to look at me.

After that no one tried to talk to me again.

Now that I'd overcome my initial shock, my mind was spinning with ideas and plans to escape. I'd read somewhere that allowing yourself to be kidnapped is like allowing yourself to be killed. And I could not let them take me too far away.

I spent the remainder of my time recalling what I'd once seen on WikiHow. Which was actually a decent amount, considering I tended to have short term memory loss.

For about another twenty minutes, I memorized all I could about the way the were taking me. The trees, restaurants, etc.

Then, finally I had a stroke of luck.

"Um... Garret?" The driver asked.

"What now?" The guy who kidnapped me asked, playing on his phone.

"We are almost out of gas."

Garret the Kidnapped cursed, and a few minutes later, we pulled into a rest stop.

This was my chance.

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