Chapter Eight: Friends: The Bored Game.

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I went to my best friend's house, and he was there, and he gave me five dollars:D

"I want to be the Peace Sign!" Cole called.

"I want the Thong!" Aiden called.

"That's not a thong," Miles rolled his eyes. "They're lips."

"Ew," Driver wrinkled up his nose. "Bor-ring."

"I'll be the happy face," said Garret.

"I'll be the flower," said Miles.

Shoot. There was only one left.

"I'll be..." I trailed off, wondering if I'd rather ask them to kill me. "The... heart."

Garret and Cole 'awwwwee'd.

Aiden then briefly explained the game.

"You spin the dial, and whatever color it lands on, that's the color card you choose," He said. "Then, if you answer the question, you move up a space on the board to Acquaintance. Then you move to Mutual Friends, then Friends, Best Friends, and finally BFFS. Any questions?"

I raised my hand.

Aiden looked around, "None? Ok, let's begin."

I huffed.

Cole instisted on going first.

He narrowed his eyes in concentration, and flicked the board. The arrow spun briefly, before finally slowing on blue.

Then, he picked up a blue card. "What is your favorite type of plant."

Garret groaned and Miles slapped his forehead.

"This is stupid!" Miles complained.

"There's just so many!" Cole exclaimed. "I love all plants! I like ferns and trees and bushes and flowers and grass and pines and-"

"My turn!" Garret interrupted. He did the same actions as Cole, picking a yellow card up.

"If you could make out with anyone sitting here, who would it be..." He trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought this was for kids."

Aiden shrugged, "I added some of my own cards in there to keep it interesting."

I snorted, and Garret appeared to be deep in thought.

"If I had to choose..." He trailed off, looking at everyone in turn. The look we shared was super awkward. "Cole."

"YAY!" Cole leapt up and pumped his fist in the air.

"WHAT?!" Aiden jumped to his feet and shouted. "THE ANSWER TO THAT ONE WAS ME! ITS NOT NEGOTIABLE!"

"Hey," Miles soothed, "Its ok."

Driver made an inhuman noise in the back of his throat and turned around, stomping to the corner of the room.

"Now look what you've done!" Miles accused, pointing at Garret, who laughed nervously.

"Hey, uh, I was just kidding!" Garret tried. "You can come back now?"

Reluctantly, Aiden turned back around, muttering to himself, "Yeah, you want me back. Who wouldn't want this. I'm the best, I'm the best."


"Looks like its Caroline's turn!" Cole said.

"I give up."

"You can't! We just started!" Garret protested.

I shrugged. "This game is too hard."

Driver frowned. "It's ages four and up."

I sighed dramatically. I already hate this game.

I flicked the arrow, which spun. It landed on yellow too.

I plucked a crisp yellow card, and looked uncaringly at its question.

Then my heart plummeted. This was definitely one of the Driver's cards.

"I don't like this one, I'm choosing another," I said, reaching for the stack. Cole slapped my hand away.


I threw my hands up in the air, "It's not even a question!"

"Read. It. Now."

I glared heavily. Fine.

"Right now," I read. "Play Marry Kiss Kill with the others."

They all looked at me expectantly.

I thought.

"Kiss Garret," I decided. "Marry Cole. Kill myself."

Cole's jaw dropped. "WHAT?"

"No offense."

"How is that not offensive?" Cole demanded.

"This game is a disaster!" Garret complained.

"I don't like it," said Miles.

"I want booze!" Driver said.

Finally, Cole snapped.

"FINE," He yelled, clenching his fists. "YOU GUYS JUST GO DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT THEN."

He stormed out, then paused at the door. "IF YOU NEED ME, I NEED TO LET OUT SOME SERIOUS TENSION WITH MY KNITTING."

And with that, he fled from the room, crying.

Now I felt kind of bad.

"Cole! Wait!" Garret cried, running after him.

Awwww. #Bromance.

"They are cute," I commented.

"Cole has a girlfriend," Miles said suddenly. Then looked awkward.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then was cut off by Driver/Aiden.

"Well, it's been a long day," He said, yawning and stretching his arms. "Time for bed."

Miles practically ran from the room, while Aiden walked out, shutting the door behind him and not so subtly locked the door.

Grateful to finally be alone, I swept the game off the bed with my arm, and flopped down.

Alone at last.

Question: Who's your favorite?


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