Chapter Twenty Nine: The Escape

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When I returned to my original room that night, after Mrs. Cassie and Mrs. Kenzie had left, I should've expected it.

Why wouldn't it be there?

A small white note was looking up at me from on my bed.

'Time's up.'

And that's when I decided.

I gathered my knife and my cat, and slid the window open.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I could just cut the screen out with my knife.

I did just that, trying to be as quiet as humanly possible, and I eventually created a huge circle.

Then, I punched it out, the screen silently landing on the grass, and I placed Inky in my arm.

I swung a leg over the ledge, and then the other, and I perched there, deciding how loud this would be and how much time I'd have before they noticed I was gone.

At least until morning.

I threw the knife down so that it didn't puncture me during the fall, and without allowing myself another moment of hesitation, I followed, hoisting myself off the ledge.

I was weightless, until my legs slammed into the dirt, knocking me off balance, and making me fall.

Inky jumped off me as I fell, and twisted my ankle.

"Banana shenagins!" I cursed lowly, pain flaring up in my left ankle.

I stood slowly, before hobbling forward, trying my best to ignore the pain.

Inky gave me a concerned glance, and in a moment of frustration, I kicked the side of the house in anger. Except I did it with my twisted ankle.

"OW!" I yelled, clutching my ankle. What a bad idea!

Then I froze. What that loud? Better not stick around and find out.

I hobbled away faster, limping crazily, while my cat followed close behind. I picked up my knife and headed for the forest in his backyard.

After a couple minutes of limping, I exclaimed to the trees, "No one said this was going to be so boring."

"Boring?" A deep voice asked.

I spun around to see a large man with his arms crossed standing behind me, leaning against a tree. A large scar ran across his face.

I lay a startled hand over my chest. "I spoke too soon."

He pushed away from the tree, walking towards me, while I matched his steps backwards.

"I thought I told you not to come back here again," He grumbled.

Suddenly, I recognized him. "Hey! You're the guy from the park. Long time no see, huh?"

He wrinkled his nose. "Just get out."

I shuffled my fingers. "Well, here's the thing. I can't exactly go back there, because these people have been holding me hostage and this one guy kind of has a crush on me, but I don't really want to commit."

He raised an eyebrow. "Guy trouble?"

I nodded.

Then he did something surprising.

He sat down on the ground crisscrossed, and motioned for me to come join him.

I obliged, sitting across from the guy.

"I've seen a couple of these in my day," He told me. "Mates, I'm guessing?"

"Yep," I said.

A look of understanding crossed his face. "I see. And you're running away because you're scared."

"Actually I'm running away because he kidnapped me," I said, "But close enough."

"Have you told him how you feel?" He asked.

"Oh I've said a thing or two about it," I nodded.

"Well," He said. "The best thing to do is stop and reflect. Will running really solve the problem? Because you can't run forever. Sooner or later the problem will catch up to you, and then what? The problem will kidnap you all over again? Maybe you just need to stop and think."

"Ok," I said. Then I thought. "Done."

"Ok!" He smiled, standing up. "Nice talking to you, and if you ever need me again, my name's Jeff."

And with that, he disappeared into the trees, leaving me with my thoughts.

'Was I really going to run?' I asked myself.

'Pretty much.' Myself told me.

'Ok.' I replied, standing up. Whatever I want.

When I stood, I was happy to find that my ankle was feeling much better. So I continued along, passing trees and leaves, and ferns, and grass, and dirt, and bushes, and sticks, and twigs, and MAN I WAS BORED.

Why is this so darned boring?

I almost wished I would be found, just so I have HAVE something to think about.

"Hello," A voice said.

"Aw man! Spoke too soon," I cursed again.

But when I turned around, no one was there.


Oh well.

I continued on, my arms swinging by my sides, and the cat trailing along beside me.

Then a rustle sounded.

Not again!

"Who's there?" I demanded, looking around.

A soft voice drifted across the wind. "Your worse nightmare..."

Oh boy.

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