Chapter Nineteen: Finally!

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I sped away quickly, my legs moving like wheels, and I shot down the room and up the stairs, crashing into Adeline, but Cole caught her just in time.

Me, however, collapsed onto the wooden flooring.

"AHOOSHSK," I said, rolling down the hall with my momentum.

I finally slowed to a stop.

Aiden was right behind me, skidding against the slippery floor.

"What happened?" Garret asked, looking between us with raised eyebrows.

I smiled devilishly at Aiden. "I think we rekindled our romance."

He smiled back. "The expression 'Kiss and Make up' should be changed to 'Kiss and Make Out'. That one always works."

Adeline clasped her hands together with delight. "Awwww! That's so cute!"

"And so beautiful," Cole sniffed, tearing up. Adeline wordlessly held out a tissue, and he took it, blowing his nose.

Miles looked between us suspiciously and unhappily.

"You know what this calls for?" Cate smiled evilly.

"Free ice cream?" Aiden hoped.

"Even better," She grinned. "Movie night!"

And that's how, ten minutes later, we all ended up sprawled out on the couch.

"Let's make a man cave!" Garret suggested, gathering the pillows up in his hands.

"Or a woman's cave," Cate interjected.

Garret frowned. "Isn't that just a kitchen?"

Our jaws dropped.

Garret then scratched the neck of his neck awkwardly.

"Let's vote on a movie," Miles changed the subject.

"Sex and Other Dirty Actions," Aiden chose for his movie.

"Pranked: The Prequel," Garret presented his choice.

"Or," Cole pulled out his movie. "The Love and Happiness of Sally Moore."

Cate considered. "So basically, we are choosing your personalities in movie form?"

"I choose Cole," Adeline winked, and Cole grinned.

"Or," Miles interrupted, "We can watch my movie."

Aiden wrinkles his nose. "And what's that?"

As it turns out, Miles's pick was Kill or Be Killed. And everyone chose that one.

As he popped the movie in, we all took a spot.

Cole and Adeline snuggled into one of the two love seats, while Aiden and Garret sat in the other.

I sat on the couch with Cate in the middle and Miles on the other side of her.

Then, Mile's pushed play, and the movie started.

The opening scene was an old guy and a young, hot eye candy.

"Son," Old guy said. "Listen to me. I had a dream."

I snorted. "Who is this guy, Martin Luther?"

"Shhhshshsushshshaisjbzhhhhh!" Cole shushed me.

I huffed, crossing my arms, and returned my attention to the movie.

"The dream was very vague," The old man continued. "It was short, but not too short, and unspecific, but specific at the same time."

"Oh, shut up!" I complained.

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