Chapter Twenty Seven: Cookies!

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Song you should listen to: Lucky.

"Morning kids!" Mrs. Cassie sang, descending the staircase with Mrs. Kenzie on her heels.

"What'd we miss?" Mrs. Kenzie asked, walking over to us. As Garret opened his mouth, she cut in, "That's not important. What is important, is that I brought some cookie mix, and I want cookies."

Mrs. Cassie perked up. "Cookies?"

"Yes," Mrs. Kenzie said. "Aiden, you're the cook. Now choose your assistant wisely, because these better be good. They were two dollars."

"Yes m'aam," Aiden said. Then he turned to me. "Caroline? Ready to give the pasta another try?"

My face lit up. "You had me at 'cookies'."

And that's how, a couple minutes later, Aiden and I ended up at the kitchen counter, staring down at the various tools and instructions spread out before us, dumbfounded.

We stared a bit longer.

Then I turned to Aiden. "You're the chef."

He continued looking. "Yeah, the chef. Not the engineer."

"Come on," I scoffed. "It can't be that hard."

I reached for the instructions and scanned the page. "I give up."

This time he was the one who scoffed, and he pushed me aside, grabbing the instructions.

"Bring me a bowl and a measuring cup," He ordered.

I saluted, and began reaching under the sink and looking for bowls.

I found a measuring cup instead, and got the bowl from a cabinet.

I placed both on the counter, and Aiden emptied the mix into them.

I took out some eggs and cracked them, as Aiden poured in a cup of water.

We mixed, and then came the fun part vigorously, and my arms began aching from the effort.

Then, the fun part arrived.

"Yay!" I grinned, "I love shaping them!"

"It looks like there's enough batter for us to each make four big ones," he said, going to retrieve cookie cutters.

I held out a hand to stop him.

"I don't cut corners," I said. "Especially not with cookie cutters. Let's make the shapes ourselves!"

"Let's have a competition!" Aiden grinned, "Winner takes all."

"All of what?"

"Hmmmmm..." He thought. "Ok, if I win, I want a back massage."

"And if I win, I want to make a secret handshake," I decided.

Aiden instantly wrinkled his nose. "Ewww. I'm a man."

I snorted. "A man who has tiara pajamas."

"They were from my mom!" He protested.

"Mommy's little princess?" I teased.

He sniffed, his nose in the air, "Yes, actually."

I rolled my eyes, and then rolled up my sleeves. Time to get to work.

I prepared my counter space with flour, and rolled out my dough.

My tongue stuck out of the corner of my mouth as I worked hard on my first one, cutting and flattening and rolling and pinching.

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