Chapter Twenty: Fun Day

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"Good morning!" Someone sang in my ear.

Instinctively, my arm shot out and punched them.

"Ouch!" A voice protested.

I brought my hands up out of the covers and rubbed my eyes, rolling from my side onto my back.

"Wha-?" I asked groggily, sitting up and opening my eyes to see Aiden rubbing his nose gingerly.

"That was mean," He said, trying to make his eyes look at his nose.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

His face then took on a serious look, making me instantly nervous.

"I've come to kill you," He told me, his hands casually stuffed in his pockets.

My face turned from one of confusion to one of horror.

Then he cracked a smile and said, "Just kidding. Adeline made breakfast."

I scowled, not finding that funny in the least.

Aiden caught my expression and cocked his head. "Too soon?"

I simply shook my head. "Aren't you supposed to be the cook?"

He watched as I pulled back the covers and hopped out of bed. "Technically. But even I get lazy sometimes."

"And I'm still waiting for my pasta," I added, walking over to the door. We headed down to the kitchen.

"Morning, Caroline!" Garret grinned at me from the kitchen counter.

"Woah! You're up early," I commented, surprised.

"When there's food involved, I'm there," He told me, staring at Adeline in anticipation.

She let out a whimsical laugh from behind the island.

Adeline was furiously whisking eggs in a bowl, sporting a pink apron. Some bacon was sizzling on the stove, and a waffle iron was beeping.

How did she do all this?

Miles watched me from his spot at the end of the counter. Does he ever quit?

"Good morning," She said, smiling at me as I sat down. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Unfertilized," I muttered under my breath at the look Miles was giving me. It was too creepy.

"What?" She asked.

"Fried," I answered, giving her a small smile.

"Want to hear the agenda for today?" Garret asked, beaming as a steaming plate of eggs, bacon, and waffles was set down in front of him. "If you weren't dating Cole right now, I'd marry you," He told Adeline.

Cole let out a growl under his breath, low enough to barely be audible.

But I heard it.

My head whipped around to look at him, surprised. What the heck?

When he saw I was staring, Cole gave me a sheepish look, and I suspiciously turned back to watching Adeline cook. Another reason to get out of here. They were weird.

'More than weird,' My mind told me.

'Look, I don't need you yapping in my head all the time,' I told it sternly. Then I noticed something: I was weird too.

Ah well, we all got our things.

"Good morning beautiful people!" Aiden announced, walking into the kitchen. "What are we doing today?"

"That's what I was saying," Garret responded, shoveling waffles into his mouth. "I have work."

I frowned. "I thought that you worked with kids? It's summer!"

"And now I have a summer job," He told me smugly. "I am a man of many talents, as you will soon learn. I just got a job at the National Park. I'm selling postcards. And I want you all to come support me on my first day!"

"Garret," Miles began sternly. "Is that really a good idea?"

A weird look transferred between Garret and Miles then, like Miles was desperately trying to tell him something.

"I want to go!" I declared. "I'm sick of being in this house. No offense."

"It's not that bad," Aiden said. "You just aren't used to such luxurious accommodations."

I gave him a dry look. "The bathroom sink is broken."

"Anyways," Cole but in. "I think we should go. We can play a giant game of Hide and Seek!"

"If we play that, then we will probably have to play Find Caroline Before She Escapes too," Aiden said.

"It's true," I nodded. Probably wasn't helping my case much.

"But it'll be fuuuun," Garret insisted. "Aiden can watch her. It's my first day."

He looked around at each of us in turn, pleading. Aiden can watch me? I despise this.

"Fine," said Miles.

"Yay!" said Adeline.

"Eh," said Cate.

"Cool!" said Cole.

"Ok," said Me.

"My grandmother is dead," said Aiden.

"Then it's settled," Garret grinned. "To the park we go!"

We all cheered and smiled, while Aiden sniffled softly.

"Can we take two cars this time?" I asked, following the herd going out to the car. "Aiden was making me uncomfortable last time."

"I wasn't!" He protested, following reluctantly after us. "You were the one touching my arm with yours!"

"QUIT IT!" Garret suddenly shouted. We both paused. "You guys better get along today, or else."

Or else?

I merely shrugged, as did Aiden. And we all walked over to the cars.

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