Chapter Twenty Two: The Truth Comes Out

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As we drove down the road, I was forced to quickly switch seats with Aiden at a red light.

"Guys, this is dangerous," Adeline complained.

"So?" Aiden scoffed, taking the wheel as the light turned green. "That's why it's fun."

"Alright guys," I said, cutting in. "No more of this 'Keep Caroline In The Dark Because It's Fun' stuff. It's time to spill."

"Fine, you've got us," Aiden sighed. "We are all superheroes."

I instantly brightened. "Really?!"


"Drat," I huffed, crossing my arms. "Then what are you? Werewolves?"

"Yep," Miles said.

Wow. I guess I really was Caroline Forbes.

Sweet! So when will KLAUS get here?!

"So why do you zone out?" I asked. "Secret werewolf mind powers?"

He nodded. "Pretty much. Werewolves have wolves inside of them, as weird as it sounds, and they take over when we shift into our werewolf form. We talk to them in our minds."

Wait a second. Gasp!

"Wait!" I cried. "I have conversations with my mind all the time! Does this mean I'm a werewolf too?!"

"No," Cate said. "You're just weird."

My face fell. "Drat. I've heard that one before."

This was so weird. But I totally believed it, because there was no way it was a joke.

Aiden wasn't that funny.

"Now that we are coming clean about that, maybe we should-"

"No," Miles cut Cole off. "She knows everything."

"What?" I questioned. "What else is there? And why did you abduct me?"

"You'll find out later," Miles said dismissively.

I hate dismissive people.

"Are you all... werewolves?" I asked, realizing how weird it sounded.

"Yep," Cate called from the backseat. "But we are normal ones. The bigger werewolves are Miles and Aiden, because their dad is in charge of the 'pack'."

"Wow." I said. "I bet you get all the girls with that status."

"No," Cate scoffed.

"It got me," Adeline said, smiling at Cole.

"That doesn't say much," Cate told her.

"So my new job is a bust," Garret sighed. "Now I'll just have to write a hit song or something. It's too bad that I have flat hair."

I was still reeling from the werewolf information. How did I not know of this?

"This is Crazy," I muttered.

Garret frowned. "That my hair is flat?"

"No," I said. "That I was kidnapped by werewolves. It sounds like some sort of young adult romance book."

"Believe it," Miles said from behind me. "It's who we are."

"Yeah, and it still doesn't explain why you kidnapped me," I argued.

"We're still on that?" Aiden asked. "That happened days ago! It's old news!"

"Shut up," Cate said. "She needs answers."

"And she'll get them," Miles decided. "In a couple days."

Please. I won't even be here by then. Want to know why?

Because I have a full-proof escape plan.

I turned to glare. At him, but was cut off by ringing.

"AHHH!" I cried, startled. "RINGING SOUND!"

"It's the phone," Cole said.

"AHHHHHHH!" Aiden cried. "ITS MY MOM!"

Answer it!" Miles yelled.

Aiden spoke. "Answer."

A female voice responded. "Call answering."

And a second later, another female voice spoke.

"Aiden? Is that you, beautiful?"

"Hi mom," He said, sweating a bit. "What's wrong this time?"

"Well, my oven is off, and I forgot how to turn it back on," She said. Some static came over the receiver, probably a result of her fumbling.

"Press the On button in the top left corner," He told her.

There was a pause.

"It's on! Ok, now for the real news. I'm getting tired of this house. Someone keeps eating all of my jalapeño chips."

A faint voice in the background yelled,"I said I was sorry!"

"Well sorry doesn't make my chips reappear, now does it," she shot back. "Anyhoo, we are coming to visit soon. Soon as in tomorrow. Now I'm going to hang up before you can protest."


She hung up before Aiden could protest.

Miles cursed from the backseat.

"Haha," Cate teased. "You're gonna get in trouble."

"No," Aiden said, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "I'll only get in trouble if she finds out. But she won't."

"I think she will," I told him.

"Nope," He said. "You say one word and you're dead."

I sighed. "All of this life threatening is really starting to get old."

"Then stop giving me reasons to," Aiden shot back.

"What do you expect? Me to just lie down and obey?"

"That's what any normal person would do when they're kidnapped!"

"I think we've established that I'm not exactly normal!"

"GUYS," Garret interrupted. "Quit it! As if my day weren't bad enough."

"Awwwww," Cate said dryly. "You look like you need a hug."

He looked at her. "I do."

"Then you should ask someone else," she said.

Garret's face fell, and we all became silent as we continued driving back to the prison.

Me, I was still thinking about the whole werewolf thing.

I was never going to get used to that.

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