5-Back From The Dead

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Unknown POV

So Luke thinks he can take my baby away from me. I know she thinks I'm dead but still how you going to move on in less than 6 months. That's alright cuz that little white boy  going to get it. I don't care what I got to do I'm going to get to Kayla and make her mine again. No matter what it takes no matter how many people I have to kill I will get to her.

I saw Luke and her snuggled up in the bed after her dad left. Yeah I'll be watching her every move all I know is he better not be fucking whats mine. Because if he is I'm really going to kill him.

By the way I'm Kaden. I'm back from the dead and I'm back for Kayla. She doesn't know I'm back yet but she'll find out soon enough I'm going to get her Jada Kenneth and her little white boy. I already got a plan in motion. First things first I got a break up Kayla and Luke. There's only one way to do that. Find a hoe that's willing to do something strange for a little piece of change.

That shouldn't be hard I had this one person in mind. I could tell that she likes Luke but she was scared to say anything about it because she knew that he was dating Kayla but if I could boost her head up just enough I probably could get her to make a move on Luke and make sure Kayla saw it. She would definitely break up with him then she doesn't tolerate cheaters. Little does she know she cheating on me right now my own wife in the bed with another nigga damn. I guess those promise rings ain't mean nothing to her.

She's not going to know what hit her. I'm making my move tomorrow morning. Her and this guy ain't going to get another day of happiness. Nobody should be in her bed but me. I'm the one that took her virginity I know I left her afterwards but still what's mine is mine.

I should be able to fuck as many hoes as I want and still be with her cuz she belong to me and as soon as she realizes that the less danger she going to be in.

I have to play this thing just right. Tomorrow I'll make a move on Jada then all in one day I'll get Kayla to break up with Luke.

Luke POV

I was snuggled up with Kayla after her dad left and honestly I haven't felt this good in years. Her dad likes me which from what she says is way more important than what her mom thinks. My mom likes her she just has a funny and weird way of showing it.

All in all I think me and Kayla going to make. Yeah we might get a few dirty looks when we go out but shoot the way Kayla fight Im not so worried about it.

I've also noticed that whenever we're out and people try to talk to her there pretend I'm not there. Then when I check them they laugh and think just because I'm white I won't kick they ass. Little do they know I was raised in the hood and I know how to protect myself and the people I love. I may not be black and I may not be a thug but when it comes to what my love and my family I will go to the ends of the Earth to protect them.

As I lay there with Kayla in my arms I can't help but feel like we're being watched. It's this odd feeling in my stomach that stuff is about to go down. Like tomorrow everything will crash down. I've never had such a Feeling.

I'm not going to say anything to Kayla about it because I don't want her to worry she's happy and I want to keep her that way. I'm just going to have to watch out. I pull her closer as she drifts off to sleep. I look down at her she looks so beautiful when she's sleeping when she's awake when she's mad when she sad. Damn now that I think about it she looks beautiful a hundred percent of the time.

I looked down at her messy bun. Her curls were falling out then I noticed that she forgot to put her bonnet on. I carefully slid out of the bed and got her bonnet off her dresser and slipped it on her head. I know she usually twists up her hair and puts her bonnet on but since I can't part her hair and twist it without her waking up I think putting the bonnet on will save it a little bit.

I never thought I would feel this way about anyone in my life. But the more time I spend with Kayla the more I just fall more and more in love with her. I don't know how but I want to make her my wife. I know we're young and we're not even out of high school yet but I see myself doing everything with her. I see her having my kids being my wife growing old with me. The whole nine yards. We just got through a big stage in our relationship it was a bit rough but I think we can make it through anything.

I carefully wrap my arms back around do not wanting to wake her. Once I was in a good position and had her as close as possible I close my eyes. I could get used to her being in my arms every night. As a matter of fact I better get used to it because I plan on doing it a lot more often.

_______short chapter ik but I hope you liked it if so Vote and Comment. New chapters coming very soon.🤘🏾💚______

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