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2 Weeks later
Luke POV

It's been two weeks since Kayla kicked Miya out. And things between us have been kind of Rocky. She thinks that I could have done more. Which she's right but I felt nothing when she kissed me.

We barely even speak anymore and it's really Breaking My Heart. All I want is my baby to be my baby again. It's like I don't even know her anymore. She barely even comes around me and when she does it's just to go to sleep. She doesn't let me cuddle with her anymore and you know sex is off the table.

I just don't know if our relationship is going to last. Which is a shame because I really love her and I wouldn't want to lose her over some kid kissing me.

I know she feel some type of way so I got to think of a way to make it up to her. I got to get her out of the house from her friends so we can have a quiet talk.

I just want us to get back to where we were before. I woke up and Kayla wasn't next to me I heard the shower running so I went into the bathroom.She was in the shower.

"Baby can I join you?" I asked

" Yeah I guess." She said as I got in

"Why have you been acting so different? Why do you keep pushing me away?what have I done?" I asked

"Oh nothing you just let some random ass girl kiss all over you." She said

"How many times do I have to tell you that I couldn't do much about it. I didn't feel anything the only person I've ever felt anything with is you.it's killing me that you're not talking to me." I said tearing up.

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you let her kiss all over you." She spat out

"I'm not going to continue to say sorry for something everyday. I said I was sorry and I meant it so you either take my apology or not." I said getting mad.

" No I don't take your apology you shouldn't have let her do it." She said not looking at me.

*Okay well I guess I'm going." I said getting out of the shower and putting on some clothes.

"Going where??" She asked.

" I'm going home what's the point of being here with you if you can't stand me. Over something that I had no control over. I don't think we should be together anymore I can't handle you tripping over the same thing every single day." I said tears flowing and all.

"You're leaving me?"

"Yes Kayla I can't deal with this everyday is the same you barely talk to me you never want to do anything with me and everytime I try to talk to you you give me the shity attitude so what's the point of being in a relationship with you if your going to act like this everyday. I'm done I've had enough I'll leave by tonight." I said whipping me tears away.

"Luke wait.." she said getting out the shower.

"No Kayla it's just not going to work out." I said walking out the bathroom.

With that I walked away. I wish I could go back and do something else but what's done is done and she doesn't forgive me I can't stay with her if she's going to act this way towards me everyday. I love her with all my heart and it kills me to have to leave but it's not going anywhere.

I caught the next flight back to New York that night at 6. Kayla's been blowing up my phone but I just ignore her. I know that if I look at any of those messages or pick up any of her calls I'm just going to go run right back to her. I just need some time apart from her.

I think I should let her know that it's only temporary so she doesn't think I'm just leaving her for good. Because no matter what she still my baby but she needs to get her shit together.

Text convo

L. Look I need some time to myself and you need to figure out if you're going to forgive me or not. We need to take a break a long break because honestly I don't think you actually want to be with me anymore. I said I was sorry and I'm saying it again because I truly and genuinely am sorry. If there was something else that I could have done and I didn't do it I'm sorry. It's only a break well if you decide to get your stuff together then we can get back together.

I love you mi amor, and that's never going to change but we just got to figure some things out separately. Stay safe I talk to you later.

End of text convo

I didn't bother looking at the message that she texted me cuz I knew if I did I would just burst into tears. How did we get this way how did it all come to this? I don't know but I just hope that after a few weeks or a month that everything's okay.

But now I'm just going to chill I know people are still out to get me but I couldn't stay there with her.

Kayla POV

So me and Luke are done and I'm heartbroken. It's only been a week and I'm on this beautiful island with all the things to do and all I do is sit in my room and cry. I know I have been pushing him away but I never thought that he would leave.

I should have done better I should have just forgiven him and not had such a bad attitude all the time. I shouldn't have argued so much with him I should have just loved him like a good girlfriend.

He was good to me treated me with respect he never once hurt me but I messed it up my attitude and my bad ways got in the way and I messed up a very good relationship.

I want with all my heart to get it back but I don't know if I'll ever get it back he said it was just a break but I don't think we'll get back together.

Part of me just wants to forget about him never talk to him again wish he would just disappear. But I know if anything would happen to him I would feel even worse.

I woke up feeling down as usual. I looked at my phone and I had a text message from an unknown number.

I opened it to see a bunch of pictures and a message It took a second for it to load because of the crappy Wi-Fi here.

When I finally realized what it was my heart completely stopped.

When I finally realized what it was my heart completely stopped

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If u ever want to see him again come back to New York. -Kayden

I felt sick Luke was being beaten up and tortured all because of me. I had to go back and get him.

I wanted everybody to be safe so I told them to stay here while me and my dad went back to New York I got to get him back I got to save him he never did anything wrong.

_____Will Kayla save Luke before it's too late???

Keep reading to find out.
Only a few more chapters left in this short story 💙.

(Will be updating only on weekends)____

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