13-Last Year Together

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10 months later...

Author's POV

Kayla and Luke have been going strong for 10 months now. They are happy and haven't had any problems.

Over spring break they went back to Hawaii just the two of them to make up for the summer that they lost.

They had a whole lot of fun and a lot of sex. They are deeply in love but their love is about to get tested.

The last semester of their senior year is coming to a close. Meaning college applications and acceptance letters are rolling in.

They had planned to go to college together. So they apply to all the same colleges. They decided that whichever ones they both got accepted in was the ones they will consider.

This seems like the perfect plan. Till Luke got into his dream School. Duke University. Kayla hasn't got an acceptance letter yet and it's got luke on edge.

Luke has been wanting to go to Duke ever since he went to one of their football games when he was 10.

All the other colleges that they apply to together they got accepted. It looks like Duke isn't going to accept Kayla and Luke feel some type of way.

Luke doesn't know whether he should stick with the original plan and go to school with the love of his life or leave her and go to his dream College.

He hasn't even told Kayla that he got accepted into Duke and is hoping and praying that she'll get an acceptance letter and that's when he'll tell her.

What Luke doesn't know is Kayla applied for NC State University. Without telling him.

It's her dream school but Luke made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with NC State.

She got accepted and hasn't told Luke yet. She doesn't know how he's going to take it. She scared that he'll think she went behind his back and is leaving him.

They're both keeping this big secret from each other like it's nothing. They both got accepted into their dream College and doesn't know whether to leave the other and go to their dream college or stay together and go to a college that they don't like.

It was the first of the last semester of their senior year. It was 6:40 in the morning the usual time that they both got up.

Luke goes over to Kayla's house at about 7 so they can drive to school together.

He arrived at 7 on the DOT. He had decided that he would tell Kayla about him getting into Duke.

Coincidentally Kayla had decided that today would be the perfect day to tell him she ain't got into NC State.

They live about 20 minutes away from the school so they had plenty of time to talk everything out.

They got in the car and everything was silent for a couple of minutes. Each of them trying to figure out a way to bring the subject up.

Luke spoke up first.

"Hey did u hear back from Duke yet?" He asked.

"Umm no" she said

"Oh well you know it's my dream school right?" He said

"Yes of course and NC State is mine" she said

"Really?" He said

"yeah" she said

" Its a good school I thought you didn't like it tho" he said confused.

"No I just didn't say anything when u said you didn't like that school." She said.

"What? No I just don't like their football team. Other than that it's great we should apply together." He said.

"Really???" She said

"Yeah.... But speaking of dream schools... I got onto Duke." He said nervously.

"Wow that's great. Wait I haven't gotten a response back from them yet." She said.

"I know but maybe you will."

"What if I don't?" She asked.

"I don't know...ig we can figure it out." He said.

"umm okey."

Before either of them could say anything else they pulled into the school parking lot.

They got out and went their separate ways. Luke felt a relief when she finally told Kayla. She was really understanding and he was willing to try to do long distance if she didn't get in.

Kayla on the other hand felt more worried than ever. She knew Luke wanted to go to that school and she wanted to go to NC State.

What if he applied and didn't get in? What would happen to them?

These questions filled her mind for the rest of the day. She barely spoke to him which made Luke a little concerned.

She completely avoided him at lunch but it was kind of hard to avoid him and all of their classes.

She sat her head down most of the day and didn't speak to anyone not even Jayda.

Luke put two and two together and decided to go to her house after school so they can have a more detailed conversation.

*****After school*****

Kayla rode home with Jayda just so she wouldn't have to be in the same car with Luke.

This hurt his feelings a lot. By the time he got home Kayla should have been home too.

He walked over to her house and knocked on the door. But to his surprise the door was slightly open.

He rushed inside worried that something might be wrong. He found Kayla unconscious on her bathroom floor.

He picked her up Bridal style while calling 911 at the same time. He screamed into the phone for somebody to come and help.

When the ambulance got there he was in complete shock and didn't know what to do. He called her dad before he got in the back of the ambulance with her and told him everything.

The only thing he could think about was if she dies? The last day I had with her was filled with her being hurt and sad.

All the thoughts of how she felt during the day came to him and he couldn't help but cry and he hardly ever cries.

He felt like somehow this was his fault that somehow he should have been there.

If she wasn't ignoring him then he would have drove her home and would have got to her sooner.

But he didn't. When they arrived at the hospital they took Kayla to the back and wouldn't let him pass.

He fought and screamed for the doctors to let him through but they wouldn't then Kenneth showed up and put a hand on his shoulder.

*She's is going to be alright. Let them do their job." Kennith said trying to get me to sit down.

"It's all my fault I should have been there." I cried harder.

"You don't know wats wrong with her. She could have eat something bad and fell out. She wasn't shot or bleeding so it can't be that serious. So just calm down son. Im worried to, but now we just have to wait." He said.

"okey okey." I said trying to compose myself.

They looked around and all eyes were on them. Luke immediately knew why and it took everything in him not to yell at everyone that was staring that it didn't matter what he looked like or what Kayla her father looked like.

Luke had grown tired of people giving him and Kayla looks whenever they went out somewhere he was used to it but it still bothered him. With her being in the hospital right now it was not the time for people to be pressing his buttons.

They sat and waited for an hour and a half before the doctor came out.

Family of Kayla.......

______ouuu kind of a cliffhanger 😁.
Vote & Comment for the next chapter 💛.

(Remember I only update on the weekends bc of school. Come back every Friday-- Sunday for updates💕💚)

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