16-Boy orrr Girl????

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Luke POV

"It's a boy... Wait I'm seeing something..."

"Is there something wrong with my baby?" Luke said

"No but I'm seeing another... Baby. Your having twin boys." He said.

"Twins?? Boys?? Omg they gonna be a mess. " Kayla said trowing her head back.

"Well they are a mix up both of us." Luke said laughing.

"Yeah well I hope guys have a nice day the nurse will be in to give you some more vitamins." He said walking out.


After the doctor appointment me and Kayla went home. Yeah I live with her now, when my mom found out I got Kayla pregnant she kicked me out.


"Hey Mom me and Kayla has some exciting news "

"Sure what is it?" She said sitting down.

"Well Kayla's pregnant." I said smiling.

"By who?" She asked confused

"See I knew this bitch was gonna have sum disrespectful ass comment im out." Kayla said getting up.

"Wait Kayla don't leave. I said

"Please don't tell me u got her pregnant" she said.

"I did who else would have." I questioned.

"I meannn you never know with people like her... It could be half the neighborhoods. " She said.

"Bitch you got one more motherfucking time! ONE MORE MOTHERFUCKING TIME BITCH!" Kayla yelled.

"I hate you man, I came here to tell you your gonna have a grandchild and you disrespect the women I love." I said getting up as well.

"I'm only speaking the truth. Im gonna need a DNA test before I let that thing anywhere near my son" she said.

"This is my baby we don't need a test. I'm the only one she's been with." I shot back.

"How do you know that for sure son?" She asked.

I was so focused on my mother's stupidity that I didn't notice Kayla putting her hair up and taking off all her jewelry.

"Why do you always have to act like a bit--" was all I could say before Kayla jumped on her

"That's it I'm about to fuck yo ass up." She said in between  punches.

I didn't even blink before Kayla jumped on her. I didn't even stop her. I just stepped back and watched Kayla beat her ass.

I lost all respect for her. We used to be so close but she looks at color way more than she should.

Branden rushed in the living room hearing my mom calling out for me to help her stupid ass

He looked at my like I was crazy because I was just standing there watching kayla drag her. He tried to get into it but I quickly pulled him back.

He had the nerve to swing on me. Like does he know what I will do to him?

I dodged his punch and punched him in the nose knocking him out. Then I resumed my front row seat to the  movie.

It was interesting then it clicked.

Damn she pregnant and shouldn't be fighting.

I pulled her off but she wasn't having it. I had to put he over my shoulder just to get her out the house.

Her ass was jumping in my face. She was kicking and screaming. I slapped her ass to remind her who was in charge.

She stopped and let me take her into the house.

I went back after I got her settled in bed. I had to rubb her feet as an apology for my asshole of a mom.

I went back home to pack my shit. I walked in and my brother wanted me to knock his ass out again.

"You let that tramp beat up your own mother???" He yelled as soon as he saw me.

"Well my mother was being a races ass sooo yeah she got wat she deserves." I said not caring anymore.

"You need to get out our MOTHER is bleeding and had TWO black eyes and you could care less?" He asked.

"Well she needs to watch her mouth about my future wife and child." I said.

"Wait wait you got her pregnant??

"Yeah and mom basically called her a hoe  and said she wanted a DNA test." I said packing my stuff.

"Damn that is fucked up.... But still she's hurt really bad." He said.

"What was I supposed to do? She was in the wrong." I said.

"Look I know we don't always agree on things but your still my brother and I'm happy that I have a little nece or nephew coming. I know how mom can be but I'm here for you." He said extending his hand.

"Thanks man but I can't stay here..."

"Your damn right you can't I don't want to see your face ever again." My 'mom' yelled.

"Shittttt fine by mee ion like yo non-fighting ass anyway." I said

"See wat she's done to you? She turned you against your own family." She said crying.

"No you did , so wat if shes black? Who the fuck cares? Your the one with the problem." I yelled no caring about her tears.

With that I walked out.

Flashback over

After that I haven't spoken to or seen my mom. Me and Branden still talk but I don't think I'll ever be good with my mom.

I made sure Kayla was comfortable in bed and I began rubbing her feet. It's something I do on the regular just to make her feel a little better.

Soon she feel asleep. I pulled to covers over her and layed beside her pulling her close.

I kissed her forehead thinking about my new family I was starting. I was worried about becoming a father so soon but with Kayla by my side I know we can get through anything together. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over

_____Hey loves I know this chapter was a bit boring I just had to fill in somethings that happened in the time jump. In the next few chapters there will be a few flashback's.
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