15-Almost Over

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3 Months Later
Author's POV

Kayla expected everyone to be mad about her being pregnant but to her surprise Luke was happy and so was her dad and Jayda.

She is only 3 months pregnant so her baby bump doesn't show that much. Her and Luke settled their college problems.

(Flashback to 3 weeks after they found kayla was pregnant)

Luke. Hey baby I know you been kinda mad at me bc of your college thing but I think I came up wit a solution.

"My chances of going to college are over." She said sadly

"Maybe not. Because your boyfriend is such a genius I found away we both can." He said

"Boy this is not the time to play games with me." She snapped back.

"I'm not , look u got into NC State right?" He asked

"Yes and?

"Well I talked to their admissions office and found out that any student can either take courses online or on campus. Since I got into Duke we could move close and I could live off campus." He said.

"You serious?" She said.

"Yeah I did all my research and I will all work out." He said smiling.

"Omg I'm going to go to my dream school!!!!" She yelled.

"Im glad to see my favorite person happy. "He said kissing her.

"Welllll uk the doctor said I could have sex till my 3rd trimester rightttt." She said bitting her lip.

"Mhmmmnm I'll be gentle I wouldn't want to hit his head." Ge said kissing her neck.

"You mean her head?" She said.

"Nope his head." Luke said

Flashback over

After that kayla and Luke have been going strong. Wat Kayla doesn't know is that Luke is planning something big.. with the help of Kennith.

Its two days till graduation and Luke and kayla couldn't be more happy. They just hope it stays that way.

Kayla POV

I woke up with Luke beside me. It was 10 I'm the morning and I was about to panic because we would be later for school. Then I remembered we took off of school to go to my appointment.

I got up to pee and get dressed. After I was done I walked back into the room to get up Luke.

When I got there he was gone. I walked down stairs which took me a while. When I finally got down there I walked into the kitchen to see a half naked Luke making breakfast.

I walked up and pushed him out the way. He not finna fed me his nasty food again.

I love Luke and all but he can't cook. AT ALL!! I been trying to teach him but he don't seem to be getting it.

I looked at the pan to see him making Bacon and pancakes. The pancakes was done and sitting on a plate.

I tasted them and there wasn't bad... They were good. I turned around to see him smiling.

"You made this?"

"Yes baby I gotta learn for you."

" Awee baby thanks."

" Your welcome but I needa shower so we won't be late. So can you finish?"

"Of course baby." I said kissing him.

Today is the day we find out wat we are having. I'm so excited I want a girl do bad but Luke wants a boy😑 I don't know why tho.

After eating we got in the car. It took about 30 minutes to get there. We went in and checked in. Now we are waiting to be called to the back.

We sat for 10 minutes and still haven't been called I was getting impatient.

"Kayla and Luke?" The Doctor said.

"That's us" Luke said helping me up.

"Right this way." The doctor said and we followed.

We went into the room and I layed down on the cold bed. He started rubbing that cold ass gel on my stomach he was rubbing a little to high if you know what I mean.

"Aye look I'ma need for you to keep yo motherfucking hands were they supposed to be before you get fucked up." Luke said.

"Oh I'm sorry... Are you the father?" He asked nervously.

" Yeah I am, now can you please tell me wat me and MY wife is having." Luke shoot back.

"Ummm Well lets see. It looks like a...."

_____I know how y'all like my cliffhangers 😁.
Thanks for all the Votes and Comments I love hearing from u guys😚. Only a few more chapters left. _____

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