6-Making Moves

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Jayda POV

I woke up this morning still a little tired. Me and James were up all night watching movies and eating popcorn. It may sound a little childish but I would take a night in with him over going out any day. Even though James is a thug I really love him.

He sells for Kayla's dad. He's not into the killing part he just deals with the drugs but he doesn't do any of them. When me and him first started dating I had no idea what he did and when he told me I broke up with him but I found myself missing him wanting him so I pushed all of my feelings aside and decided to take a chance and I think I made the right decision.

He was getting ready to leave out so I kissed him goodbye and he left. I went back upstairs and laid in my bed thinking about what I was going to do today. I think I might go over and see Kayla I know she had a very stressful weekend and I want to be there to comfort her if she needs it.

I texted her I would be over in 10 minutes and of course she said it was okay. I got dressed and did all my hygiene and I was ready to go. I walk downstairs and as soon as I open the door a puff of gas filled the room I couldn't breathe and soon I blacked out.

I woke up in a very dark room tied to a chair. I tried to free myself but the ropes were to tight. I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to start screaming because whoever took me with know that I'm awake. I just need to sit here and figure out how to get out of these ropes so when they come in here at least I'll have the element of surprise.

It felt like it had been hours of me just sitting there. Finally somebody open the door I pretended to be sleep. I had already gotten the ropes untied in the time that they left me down there. Now all I have to do was get out.

"Damn she still asleep maybe we should go tell Kayden ." A voice said.

"Nahh let's just wait till she wakes up and next time don't use so much gas." Another voice said.

" Maybe she can't breathe down here maybe she got asthma or something."

"Yeah you're right he didn't really give us any details. I'll leave the door open a little bit with the way we tied her up there's no way she can get out and you know how first reaction is going to be the screen so we'll hear." The first voice said.

" Yeah you right she don't look like she's that smart let's go." The second voice said laughing.

Oh I showed them who's not that smart. And did they say Kayden? They couldn't possibly be talking about Kayden Kayden. Kayla's dad killed Kayden so it had to be someone else. But then again Caden never had a funeral he just disappeared maybe her dad didn't kill him after all maybe he found a way to escape him.

I can't think of any of this right now I gotta think of a way that I can sneak out of here without any of them seeing me I don't know how many people are  upstairs but I know the to the left me down here ain't that bright. I mean asthma really if I had asthma then I would have been choking and coughing up by now but their stupidity is going to be a way out.

I slowly got out the chair and walked up the stairs. I peeked out the door and saw two people. It looked like they were the only ones here. So I snuck out the back door and ran like hell.

I had no idea were I'm at or were I'm going but the farther away I get the better. I was running through the woods then I came to a park. I know this park it not far from Kaylas house.

I ran as fast as I could to her house. I know I won't be long before the figure out I'm gone so I put my track skills to work and got to Kayla's house as fast as I could.

When I finally got there I was got of breath. I banged on the door and she opened it and I ran in.

Kayla POV

I opened the door and Jayda came running in breathing hard.

"What the hell happened to you. You was supposed to be here 7 hours ago." I said helping her to the coach.

"I was kidnapped."she said still catching her breath

"What by who???" I asked worried

"Kayden......" She said looking at me.

"No this can't b----"

Luke POV

It was 10 at night and Kayla was supposed to be here an hour ago. I decided to go over and check on her it's not like her to be late.

I walked over to her house and her door was open this made me immediately worry she never leaves her door unlocked especially not open I knew something was wrong I didn't even have to go inside to know she wasn't in there. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted her dad.

Text convo

Me. Hey umm sorry to bother you but I think Kayla is missing. I came to her house and the door is open and there is the smell of gas. Can u please help me find her.

Kenneth. Of course I'm coming in the mean time check the house and be careful.

End text convo

I was a bit nervous about texting him but I need him to find mi amor. (Mvy love) I walked into the house and checked every room. She was no were to be found. Then I saw her phone on the kitchen counter.

I opened it and read the last text she sent to jayda.

K. We're are u it's been hours in really worried about u . Answer the phone or something.

This made me wonder if she went to Jaydas. I called her phone but then I heard it ringing. Jaydas phone was on the coach. They wouldn't go anywhere without their phones.

When Kenneth got their I shared everything I found. He said that it could only be one person.


_____short chapter I know but I kinda wanted a cliffhanger. Vote and Comment 💙______

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