9-The Vacation

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Serena POV

When Kayla invited me to Hawaii for the summer I said no because my cousin was coming over to spend the summer with me. She told me that I could bring her along and it wouldn't be a problem so me and Miya are going on a Hawaiian vacation for the summer with my bestie.

When we got there I noticed Maya was staring at Luke a lot. And I know Kayla will whoop her ass if she tried to do anything with him and honestly I would help her. Maya is kinda shady she lies and she cheats but she's family that's the only reason I put up with her but if she goes after Luke there's nothing I can do.

Me and Maya have never been that close but her dad recently passed away (my uncle) so my mom had this great idea to let her come over for the summer. I hate it this idea of course because I wanted to spend my summer with my best friends and not a stupid freshman.

Me being me I couldn't say that to my mom so I was like Yay. I was hoping my aunt would say no but of course she let that little demon come here. All I know is if she goes after Luke all I'm going to do is laugh when Kayla beats her ass.

"Why do u keep looking at Luke ?" I asked

"Because he cute as hell and I'ma get him."  She said bitting her lip.

"Girl are you trying to get beat up?" I asked

"Kayla ain't gonna do nun to me."

"Girl she will beat the hell out of you. I'ma help her ass to. Don't cross my best friend lil bitch or you gonna catch it from both of us. Family or no family." I snapped.

"Damn it's like that? Well we gonna see. Bc if I do go for Luke Kayla gonna hate yo ass to." She said walking off.

Then she  accidentally-on-purpose bumped into Luke and smiling at him. That little girl is going to get herself into some serious trouble.

I think I need to go ahead and tell Kayla beforehand because I don't want Kayla to think I'm trying to betray her or  I'm not on her side because I honestly don't like that little bitch.

I walked up to Kayla but I didn't know how to say it then Bekah pulled me aside before I can even get a word out.

"Look I heard wat Miya said but don't tell Kayla yet. Because wat if Miya just trying to mess with you like always." Bekah said making a lot of sense.

I thought about this and it could be true the last time she came over to my house she punched herself in the face and gave herself a black eye and told my mom that I had beat her up. Just because it was my turn to watch TV and she didn't want to watch Little Women of LA.

Yeah my cousin shady as hell that's why I hate it when she comes over. I considered what she was saying and I kind of figured that maybe she was playing maybe this is one of her little games just to startle on me up.

"Yeah maybe ur right." I said

"If I'm wrong we gonna all take turns beating her ass for messing with Kayla." Bekah said laughing

"Yeaaaa."I said laughing hysterically

Bekah and me are way closer than we are to Jayda or Kayla but as a group we stand with each other one fight we all fight and we don't let anybody hurt neither one of us.

"Yeah well let's get in packed." I said.

" we should let the younger kids have the back room together. Maybe they will become friends and leave us alone." Bekah said smiling.

" Factsss I'll tell them now." I said walking off.

Kay POV ( Bekahs sister, whos 15)

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