The Battle

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A/N - Starts when Emrys walks away after he tells the dragon to basically f off...


Merlin's POV

"I've done it, I've finally defied the prophecy!"

He felt a sharp pain, something he's never felt before. It wasn't magic... Infact, he didn't know what it was, it was as though...

"No, Arthur!" He exclaimed, he started to run to the battle field as fast as he could.

As soon as he was there, he searched and searched for Arthur, never giving up, until eventually, he found Mordred, dead, who was smiling,

That can't be good, Merlin thought, getting worried. He looked up, and in the distance, he saw Arthur.

He didn't know what to think when he ran up to him, his eyes were blurry, expecting the worse.

"Arthur!?" He spoke, his voice cracking. He felt for his pulse, it was faint but just about there. Merlin carried him to the woods, off scene from the Saxons, or Morgana.

Once he found shelter, he called for Kilgharrah. Merlin felt useless, and broken. He refused to believe Arthur is dead. He finally saw Kilgharrah, and sighed in relieve. If anyone knew what to do, it was him.

"I'm sorry, I wouldn't have called you if it wasn't necessary," Merlin apologised, bowing to the dragon.

"No need, young warlock, what do you need?" Kilgharrah asked, bowing to Merlin back. Merlin sighed, tears rolling down his face.

"Arthur's, dying!" He said, even though it hurt saying it out loud. There was so much he wanted to tell Arthur, he never got round to saying.

"Merlin, everyone's time ends eventually, even yours will, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do," Merlin wiped a tear from his eyes. Kilgharrah was giving up on Arthur, but he most certainly wasn't.

"What about the lake of Avalon?" He could see Kilgharrah smile,

"We can take him there, he is the once and future King, after all," Merlin grinned. One step closer to saving Arthur.

A/N- while I was writing this chapter, I realised the song I was listening to was 'Until the day I die'... It seemed kind of fitting...

I do not own Merlin... Just throwing copyright stuff out there, you know the rest... I'll stop in case I'm boring you.

I still can't believe they ended the show 🙄🙄

The Battle • Merthur Where stories live. Discover now