The Beast

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Arthur's POV

I don't exactly know what happened this morning with Merlin, but it was refreshing being woken up by him again. I really, don't like George. I swore to Percival that if he spoke of what happened I'd personally see his head chopped off. You know what he did? He laughed. Prat.

"Arthur, how good of you to join us!" Gwen said as I walked in, with a solemn expression on my face. She looked at me, confused, while Merlin and Percival smirked.

"Yes, wonderful day," I said, sarcastically. I heard a chuckle from Merlin, I glared at him and he immediately tried to stop laughing. I have to admit he does look good in a knights uniform.

"What am I doing here," I say grumpily, looking at my wife. I heard a cough from behind me,

"That would be because of me," I heard Gwaine. I sighed and turned around. Is it everyone's job to annoy me today?! You know what? I'm King. I am not dealing with this crap today.

"You know what?! I don't have to be King all the time, lovely to see you all, but I'm having a day off," I say, I push Gwaine out of the way and head back to my chambers. Enough is enough.

Merlin's POV

We all stared as Arthur left, shocked at his outburst. Is he even allowed not to be King for a day? I laugh to myself, everyone looked at me,

"What, you've got to admit, that was funny to watch," I say, trying not to laugh even more, seeing the looks on everyone's face.

"Oh come on, why are you all so serious?" I added, which earned a snicker from Percival and Gwaine.

"Merlin," Gwen said, I looked up and nodded, "Go and get the King, now," she says, pointing to the door, I sighed,

"Alright, alright, I don't know why you want him so much, he is a pain in the backside," I say leaving the room. I know when my presence isn't wanted.

I got to his chambers, he was pacing up and down the room.

"Arthur," I say and he jumps, sees me and relaxes a little. I sigh as he sits on the bed.

"What's wrong, Sire?" I asked with sympathy. He looks up at me, with a sad look on his face.

"Please, just call me Arthur," he replied and I nodded as I sat down next to him.

"Can I trust you, Merlin?" He asks, looking at me in the eyes.

"Of course you can, Arthur," I say, reassuring him. He sighs,

"We have to go to the crystal cave," he says out of the blue. I look at him, frowning.


"Because, I can find answers, about my magic," he explained.

"We can't go, not now, Arthur, Adam might be out there, and so might the beast. Arthur, we have to take it easy, if it looks like nothing is wrong, we can then one day, say we are going hunting, and go to the cave. But we have to be careful about it," I replied, he looks at me,

"What would I do with out you, Merlin?" He asks and he leans in, kissing me on the lips. This time, the kiss was short, but sweet. I broke the kiss, much to Arthur's dislike. I got up,

"Come on, Arthur, go and be King,"

Arthur's POV

I walk into the hall, with a smile on my face. I saw Merlin stand next to Percival, he was trying not to smile. I, however, just couldn't help but to smile. 

"So, Gwaine, what can we do for you?" I asked him, his mouth was wide open.

"Close your mouth, flies will go in," he coughs, I'm aware most people are looking at me with shocked faces.

"Well, Adam wants you to meet him, he believes he has some unfinished business," Gwaine says, I smile at him,

"Of course, I want Merlin, Percival, Leon and Gwaine to come with, let's go people!"

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