His Secret Revealed

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Arthur's POV


I stared at Merlin in anger, how could he leave me? When I needed him the most?

"Arthur," Merlin took a deep breath, I looked at him in the eyes. He looked, guilty?

Now, I know that face... That's he's serious face...

"I have magic," I laughed, well, that wasn't the time for a joke.

"Merlin, now's not the time for your foolishness," I said, patting him on the shoulder. I stopped smiling when I saw he was being serious, a tear fell from his eyes. I hated seeing him this upset.

"I'm not joking," he said, trying not to cry. I frowned, not knowing where he was going with this.

"What? Don't be stupid Merlin!"

"No, look," Merlin said and he whispered a spell, I saw a dragon come out of flames.

What... The... Hell?!

"Arthur? Arthur say something?!" Merlin cries, I'm still lost for words. My friend, the most loyal person I've ever known, I've trusted him with my life, and he's a sorcerer?! How could he betray me like this?

"I don't believe you! You've betrayed me?" I said, Merlin looked down.

"No, I use it for you, Arthur! I've saved your life a number of times, using magic! Please, let me save your life one more time!" He looked at me with pleading eyes, how could I say no to him? But is he worth breaking my own rules...

"Ok, ok, do what you have to do," Merlin grinned, my heart jumped with joy seeing him so happy. I know I've done the right thing.

He put both his hands on my heart, he was staring into my eyes, I held one of his hands, I liked how it felt for him to be this close to me. He smiled, and then, Merlin speaks some gibberish, he's eyes went yellow, he sprang from my grasp and landed to the ground, heavily.

"Merlin!" I shouted, but it came out more like a whisper. A strange feeling went through my heart, deep down. I felt something removing the blade from me, I screamed with pain, closing my eyes.

"Arthur, you can make it, believe in yourself!" I heard Merlin's voice. Opening my eyes, I got up. Feeling my stomach, the wound was gone. I stood up and saw Merlin. He was still on the ground, with his eyes closed. I ran over to him,

"Merlin, wake up," I slapped him, he groaned, I grinned, he sat up,

"Arthur, it worked-" I kissed him. I've never kissed someone so passionately before in my life, I felt a tear fall from my eye as we broke the kiss. Our foreheads rested against each other as we sat there for a few minutes, taking in the moment.


"We are a days ride from Camelot," Merlin says as we watered the horses. We didn't talk about the kiss, we just ate dinner and went straight to bed. Something felt different between us, it felt like a good different. I smiled,

"Thanks Merlin, really, for everything," I meant it, he's done so much for me. He grinned,

"It's nothing,"

Suddenly the horses went out of control,

"Woah! Stop!" Merlin tried to calm them down, but it was no use.

"Well, well, well," it was Morgana. I pretend to be dying. If she thinks that she might do easy on me. She said a spell which sent Merlin flying. How dare she?! I hope he's ok.

"Now, my dear brother, I will witness you die, just like the caring sister I am,"

"Morgana, you never cared," I said,

"Oh, but I cared, about that throne of yours, oh and your Queen is sitting in my chair! I will, one day, be the rightful Queen of -" Merlin stood up, I stopped paying attention to her and watched what he was doing. He looked beautiful standing there.

"No, Morgana, this stops, today!" He says, he lets her turn around, and then, he stabs her, right where the heart is. I smiled, that's my man.

"No mortal blade can kill me..."

"No, like yours, mine was forged in a dragons breath," he says, digging the sword deeper into her. She falls, and we both watch her die. I looked at Merlin,

"You did it!" I said and I got up and hugged him.

"Let's get moving," he said as we let go, I didn't want to return, I just wanted to spend all of my time with Merlin, why did I marry Guinevere? I love her, but, I think I love Merlin more...

"What are you thinking about, dollophead," Merlin asks as we started walking. You.

"Nothing," I say, punching him in the arm,

"Arthur- about the kiss-" he says and I grabbed his hand, to make him look at me.

"We can't tell anyone, if they find out I've cheated on my wife, I don't know what will happen, I'm sorry Merlin, truly I am," I kissed him on the lips as I final, goodbye in a way. He nodded, a tear was in his eyes, I didn't want it to be this way, but, nothing else could be done.

We walked in silent, we got to the Camelot border and I let go off his hand, much to my dislike.

"I am sorry," I whisper and he says,

"I know, Arthur," he smiles. I nodded and we saw some of the Camelot patrol heading towards us.

"It's King Arthur, inform the Queen!" Sir Leon shouts to Sir Percival. I've never been so happy to see them both.

"King Arthur, Merlin, how good it is to see you! We thought you were a goner!" Sir Leon says as we walk to the castle. I laughed,

"Nope, you can't get rid of me even if you tried," I heard Merlin snort at that and I tried not to laugh.

"Where's Morgana, my lord!" He asks, I grinned and looked at Merlin,

"Merlin killed her," he stopped riding,

"Wow! Well done Merlin!" He says in shock as he continues. We got to the gates and I saw Guinevere running towards us. I let her get to me and we both hug,

"I thought I'd never see you again!" She whispers, she kisses me. All I can think of is this must be heard for Merlin to watch.

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