Shipping Merthur

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Merlin's POV
I managed to magic myself out of Arthur's grasp, but it only landed me outside Gaius's room, I started to run when I heard Arthur shout for me. In all the years I've known him, that's the most angry I have seen him. And that is saying something.

I run around the corner when suddenly I bump into someone, almost crashing to the ground. Lucky I got my balance to look up and see Gwaine.

"Merlin? What are you doing?" He asks, I sighed, looking behind me, making sure Arthur isn't behind me at all.

"I just don't want to be here, can you tell Arthur I've quit? Thanks," I say and try to escape, unfortunately Gwaine grabs my shoulder, I sighed.

"Woah, you are not quitting! Merlin, you've been so distant, what's wrong?" I crack. I've finally had it.

"I don't see the point in being here anymore. Everyone hates me, especially Arthur, and then, with two days of knowing, he tells me that my village was attacked, telling me my Mother, might be dead! So, if I were you, Gwaine, I'd let go of me before I, I don't know just let me go to Ealdor!" I finish and he finally let's go off me and I run down to the stables. It's time for me to go home.

Gwaine's POV
I didn't know what to think. Merlin literally told me all of his problems, his eyes looked red, like he'd been crying, and now he's just run off, before I even got a chance to ask about his love life, I didn't even get to make a joke!

"Gwaine! There you are, have you seen Merlin?" I sighed, seriously what is it with those two today? Something is definitely going on.

"Listen, Arthur, Merlin just said he quit, I don't know if he meant it-" I saw the pain in his eyes, he kicked the wall with anger, he must be hurting. Cheer him up Gwaine,

"Cheer up, you've still got me!"

Arthur glared at me, damn ok. Maybe not.

"Did he say where he was going?" He asks, ignoring my point. I felt quite offended by that, but, you know, he cares for Merlin a lot so I think I'll let him pass this one time.

"Ealdor, he mentioned you didn't tell him about his Mother, why would you keep something like that from him?" I question, Arthur looks to the floor,

"I didn't want him to get hurt," he says  in a whisper that I could only just about hear. I rolled my eyes, prat!

"Well, that worked out brilliantly didn't it," I say with the most sarcastic voice I could muster, with out actually thinking. Arthur looked like he was going to cry, he was about to walk off when I grabbed his arm,

"No, Sire, I'm sorry, why don't we go after Merlin? You need him, and, although he may not admit it, he needs you too," I say, reassuring him. It works, this made Arthur smile, he nods,

"Go tell someone we are going, I'll grab the horses,"

I walked slowly through the castle. It seemed deadly quiet. It gave me time to think, how I missed Lancelot, how I missed being as close to Percival as Arthur is to Merlin. How it all got so complicated. I just really miss the old times.

"Gwaine, you ok there?" I looked up and saw Percival with Leon, I felt a tad jealous. No, I didn't. I just... Need to get back to Arthur. Yes, that's right.

"Fine. Listen, Arthur and I are going after Merlin, he's run off," I say, and not wanting to be there a moment later, I headed in the direction of the stables. As fast as I could.

Ever since I returned, Percival has been really distant. I knew he would take some time to get used to me being back, but, like, it's almost been two months. How much time does he need?!

"Gwaine, there you are, I was about to leave without you, come on," Arthur says, bringing me back to reality. I grin as I get onto the horse. Forget about Percival, Gwaine. You get to annoy the princess for a few days, and ain't that going to be fun!


"What do you get if you cross a chicken, with a turkey," I asked as we were riding through the forest. We were getting close to Ealdor, I'd say we had about half an hour before we reach the village.

"Gwaine, for the last time, could you please, shut up!" I laughed,

"Wow, Arthur! You must be really worried about Merlin, you never say please," I commented, looking at him, from the corner of my eye I could see him blushing, but, he hid his face before I could say any more. I decided to leave him with peace for a few minutes, he definitely didn't deny the fact that he was worried about Merlin, we all know they love each other. I just wish Gaius never said what he said, because, if anything, he split them up before they were even a couple.

Then I decided. I have always shipped them together. Maybe it's time for me to work my magic and get them together. Well, obviously not using magic. But I can get them together, easily.

"Gwaine, let's get off our horses here, we wouldn't want to disturb-" he says but I gasp at the sight. I've never seen anything more so disturbing, in my entire life. The whole village was wrecked. Nothing was left. The clouds above us were showing the darkness, I could only hold my breath when we walked through of what was left of Ealdor.

The houses were burnt to the ground, there was leftover weapons that looked completely useless if they were fighting against magic. There was also that smell-

"What is that stench?" I say, daring to speak at last. I got no reply from Arthur, but when I looked to see what he was staring at, I immediately knew what the smell was. It was the smell, of dead bodies, or dead animals. The smell just reminded me of death. We heard sobbing as we walked through the village and we saw Merlin who was comforting a young girl. I don't think they heard us come into the village.

"But- they're all gone- all of them Merlin! I couldn't do anything!" She complained as she fell to the ground, holding a hand of what looked to be maybe her Mother, or sister. Merlin crouched down next to her, patting her on the back. He looked like he wasn't handling it that well himself.

"Alice, just remembered, they died fighting proud, fighting for their village, fighting to protect you, your sister, Emily, she will always be with you, no matter where you go, she will always be in your heart," I tried not to shed a tear, as Alice replied,



A/N - I didn't mean to make the chapter this deep I swear! Oops...

I don't know why I'm updating at pretty much 1 in the morning. Oh wait, I know why, because I don't have a life 😅

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